This week we have made our own chocolate bars and participated in Number Day 2025.
Mrs Hamilton has also been sent to support the current KS4 pupils.
This week we looked at some persuasive advert and produced our own advert for a chocolate. We took into account such as adjectives, facts, alliteration and catchy slogans. After making our chocolate bars we then produced our own adverts through drama, they were really good.
In phonics some of us have been building words on Phase 2, some of us have been working on the ‘x’ sound, some of us have been working on the ‘mp’ sound whilst another group have been on the ‘ie’ sound.
We have continued to participate in lots of practical activities to support our understand of measure. We started off the week by measuring each other heights, with some of us having the opportunity to estimate. Some of us then had to order our heights from smallest to tallest as well as converting units in metres and centimetres. Other activities have included measuring each other’s jumps as well as estimating and measuring equipment around school. We all did really well.
At the beginning of the week we conducted a friction experiment. We had to see if the surface affected the speed in which a toy car rolled down a ramp. The surface materials we investigated included carpet, vinyl, bubble wrap and sandpaper. We found that the shiny smooth surfaced produced less friction than the rough surfaces meaning that the cars went faster, whilst the rough surfaces produced more friction between the car and surface resulting in the car going slower.
On Thursday we were introduced to another force called air resistance with air resistance being the force between the air and a moving object. To support our understanding of air resistance we made, tested and raced paper airplanes. We had lots of fun.
This week me made flapjacks and our own chocolate bars. When making our chocolate bars we all thought about what we would like to go in them. Some of were adventurous and opted for marshmallows , popping candy and strawberries. The chocolate bears went down a real treat.
Number Day
For Number Day we were given Number 12. We went outside to show different representations of Number 12 , such as 6 + 6, 5 + 7 and 2 x 6. We have also used Numicon to make our own superhero cityscapes.
Homework on See-Saw
Have a lovely weekend
Mr Byrom-Jones , Miss Clare and Mrs Hall
English - Chocolate Bars
Science - Investigating Friction
Science - Paper Airplanes / Air Resistance
Number Day 2025
Spring 1 Week 4
WC: 27/1/25
Another busy week in Dahl. This week we have learnt about UK exports and Fair Trade.
We started the week by planning our own chapter in ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' were a child ventures into chocolate room like the characters in the story. We chose names similar to the names like Dahl used and thought about what type of chocolate room it was and what happened in them, similar to the events in the story. We were quite creative in our plans with names such as Billy Bumburp and events being a Banoffe Room and monkeys taking the child away. We tried really hard to incorporate our writing targets which included capital letters and description . We really enjoyed listening and sharing each others stories.
In phonics some of us have been working on phase 2 , whilst some of us have been working on the /v’/ and /w/ sound , some of us having been working on the ‘nd’ sound and some of us have been working on the ‘ou’ sound’.
In Maths we have continued to learn about measure . Some of us have been exploring height and used a ruler to measure the height of different objects using a ruler, some of us have been using a meter rule to measure the height and width of different object, whilst some of us have used our estimation skills and estimated the lengths of different heights and lengths using the measuring devices / meter we created . Some of us have also been converting meters into centimeters.
On Wednesday we linked Chinese New Year to our measuring. After discovering that it was the year of the snake we worked collaboratively to draw and decorate a snake. We then used our estimating and measuring skills to estimate the length of the snake. Well done Harvey for being the most accurate.
This week we have been learning about UK exports. After learning that the UK export cars, cereals, oil and gold we then created a poster to showcase this. We have also created a poster about Fairtrade to highlight how Fairtrade helps farmers get a fair wage and work in fair conditions.
Continuing with our chocolate theme we have made chocolate brownies. We worked collaboratively to weigh and make it and they were absolutely delicious.
In other areas of the curriculum:
In PSHCE some of us have been learning about stereotypes and some of us have been learning about relationships.
Homework is on See-Saw and relates to Fairtrade and phonics
Have a good weekend
Mr Byrom-Jones, Mrs Hamilton, Mrs Hall and Miss Clare
Maths - Measuring
Topic - Export and Fairtrade
Chinese New Year and Measure
Cooking - Chocolate Brownies
Spring 1 Week 3
W/C: 20/1/24
Another busy week in Dahl. This week we have had the opportunity to learn some French as part of WOW Wednesday. Here is what we have been learning.
This week we have written a diary entry from the perspective of Charlie Bucket. Over the course of the week and using time connectives we wrote from Charlie’s perspective , the discovery of the golden ticket, waiting and meeting Willy Wonka as well as going inside the chocolate factory and seeing the chocolate river. We incorporated some of our writing targets successfully into our work , with some of us working on capital letters and some of us adding description independently to our writing.
At the start of the week we completed our shoebox bedrooms incorporating our measuring skills. We were all very proud of our achievements.
As the week progressed some of used our measuring skills to measure some pictures of the Eiffel Tower (Linking to WOW Wednesday / French day) , whilst some of us researched the height of different French landmarks including the Eiffel Tower, Mount Blanc and the Arc de Triomphe . One group have also made and measured their own playdoh worms , whilst another group have been exploring metres and another group have been considering the different apparatus used to measure different things such as a paper clip or a school corridor.
On Monday we recapped on gravity . We produced some fantastic art work in Science by choosing different coloured paint and letting in drip down a canvas. We were able to identify that the dripping down of the paint was because of gravity.
Later in the week we learnt about the force of friction. After finding out that the force involved the rubbing / sliding of two surfaces , we firstly explored gravity by rubbing chocolate between our hands. We then explored gravity further by rubbing balloons against our clothes / hair and creating static electricity. We all found it funny how the balloon stuck to the walls and ceiling , as wel as making our hair stand up! Finally we had the opportunity to explore friction further by pushing cars through paint. Not only did it make some beautiful art work we also had lots of fun!
In cooking we have made a delicious chocolate cake. We all worked together to weigh and mix the ingredients. We were all proud of the final product.
WOW Wednesday
For our WOW Wednesday's we have continued to focus on France, the language and the culture. In class we listened to some songs about the weather and then made our own French weather wheels. In the afternoon we played lotto and had the opportunity to watch the animated film 'A Monster in Paris' which we all enjoyed.
Have a lovely weekend
Mr Byrom-Jones, Mrs Hamilton, Mrs Hall and Miss Clare
Maths - Measuring and Making Shoebox Bedrooms
Science - Gravity / Friction
Cooking - Chocolate Cake
French - Weather Wheels
Spring 1 Week 2
WC: 13/1/24
Here is what we have been learning this week.
We have continued to read 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory'. On Monday we read to the point were Charlie discovered the golden ticket. . We mimed Charlie's emotions and thought of adjectives to describe them. We then used our understanding to produce some art work , with Charlie's emotions being shown in a thought bubble outside the factory gates. We also used recycled sweet wrappers for our work.
During the course of the week we have written character descriptions and after listening to the story had the opportunity to watch clips from the original film to support our learning.
In phonics some of us have been working on the /ay/ sound, some of us have been working on the /st/ sound, some of us have been revisiting the /j/ sound whilst some of us have been building words using sounds from Phase 2.
This week we have continued to learn about measure and have moved on to creating our shoebox bedrooms. We started off the week with some of using cubes to measure height before practicing our measuring skills with a ruler . Another group have been estimating and measuring , whilst another group have consolidated their understanding of centinetres and millimetres , converting them , before moving on to measuring in metres . Towards the end of the week we started making our shoebox bedrooms. Using our measuring skills we measured the height and length of the shoebox before measuring our chosen wallpaper to it's size. We have also measured material to make curtains and bedding. The activity was enjoyed by all.
We recapped on forces and talked about gravity. To support our understanding of gravity we learnt about Isacc Newton and his believed discovery of gravity with the aid of falling apple. After writing about Newton's discovery we explored gravity through art! We went outside with a roll of wallpaper, paint and pom poms and explored gravity by dropping the pom poms in paint and splatting them. We had lots of fun and even explored dropping the pom poms at different heights to see if it impacted the splat.
After recapping on the previous lesson we used atlases to mark on a blank map of the UK's imports after finding out were different foods / goods come from. We discovered the UK import fruits, coffee, cars and gold. Next week we are going to see what the UK export to other countries.
Homework on See-Saw
Have a lovely weekend
Mr Byrom-Jones, Mrs Hamiton, Mrs Hall and Miss Clare