Another busy week in Dahl Class. This week we have had a French day and a poetry morning .
We started off the week with a cross curricular writing activity and wrote a travel guide about Hungary . We remembered lots of facts for our leaflet including the capital city being Budapest and cuisine such as goulash and strudel . We also listened to a Hungarian folk tale called ‘Stone Soup’ about a soldier who tricks an old women in helping him make and share his soup . Whilst the old women was originally reluctant to share her ingredients , we discussed the moral of the story and that it is better to work together to achieve something .
On Thursday it was National Poetry Day and Dahl class learnt about the poet Michael Rosen before performing the poem ‘ Fastfood’. Prior to the activity we talked about what poetry meant to us and discussed what we knew about Michael Rosen . We really enjoyed performing the poem and noticed that it was very similar to the traditional tale ‘ The Gingerbread Men’ . We produced some Wanted Posters for the Speedy Hamburger and incorporated our writing targets into our work .
This week in Maths we have continued to learn about addition . Some of us have been developing our confidence with Numicon to aid us with addition whilst some of have been using base ten to help us partition numbers when adding . We have all worked really well .
Linking to our work on ‘ Charlottes Web’ we produced some fact files about pigs . We remembered that a female pig is called a sow , a male pig and boar and a baby pig is called a piglet . We also learnt that a sow is pregnant for 3 months and and they can have a litter of 8-12 piglets and sometimes more . We then had they opportunity to do the life cycle of an animal we were interested in using playdoh. Some of us did reptiles , some of us did mammals and some of us did fish . We found out that a new born baby snake is called a hatchling, a baby horse is called a foal and a baby dolphin is called a calf !
French Day
On Wednesday 2nd October we had a French WOW day in school . Firstly we talked about what we knew about France before locating France on the map . We then used different media to represent the French flag with some of us using collage, some of us using playdoh, some of us using pinboards and some of using Lego . We then learnt the French numbers between 0-10 and supported our understanding with the aid of lotto / bingo . In the afternoon we learnt how to greet each other in French and found it quite abusing how the French greet each other with kisses on the cheeks . After role playing out greetings to each other we then went to ‘ Bistro Dahl’ and used the menu to sample some French cuisine including baguette , croissants , brioche , quiche and vin rouge ( black currant in our case ) . We had lots of fun before concluding the day with Disney’s ‘ Ratatouille’ .
Homework on See-Saw
Have a lovely weekend
Dahl Class
Poetry Day - 'Fast Food' by Michael Rosen
Science - Life Cycles
WOW Wednesday - French Day
Autumn 1 Week 4
W/C : 23/9/24
This week we have retold the story of Baba Yaga in our own words , learnt about addition , learnt about the life cycle of a pig made a spider / pig habitat diaroma and found out about the Eastern European county of Hungary .
This week we have have been learning about addition. Some of us have been using Numicon to add totals whilst some of us have been using partitioning to add hundreds , tens and ones .
We started off the week by acting out the story of Baba Yaga using props . This really helped us to retell the story into our own words , were we had the opportunity incorporated out writing target which have included differentiating between capital letters and lower case letters and adding some description.
In phonics we undertook a treasure were we had to find pictures staring with particular sounds and sorting them into our designated groups . We then had a go at applying our phonics and writing the words that were on the pictures.
On Monday we learnt about the life cycle of a pig . We also learnt that a male pig is called a boar and a female pig is called a sow. Linking to ‘Charlottes Web’ we discussed the habitats of pigs and spiders and created a habitat diorama for them , taking into accounts the animals needs. Don’t they look good?
The country of focus this week has been Hungary and we located it on the map . Prior to learning about the country we made some Hungarian goulash in the show cookery . We took turns to chop the peppers . During our role play visit to Hungary we learnt about the capital Budapest , spoke some Hungarian and sampled Hungarian cuisine - goulash and strudel! The goulash went down particularly well ! We also collaged the Hungarian flag .
In other areas of the curriculum :
Mrs Birtwell brought in her pet bearded dragon Bamboo . We really enjoying stroking her and learning some interesting facts . With Mrs Birtwell we have also been improving our fitness levels in PE.
In PSHCE we have discussing bullying with Miss Henderson .
We also learnt about MacMillan and had the opportunity to buy some cakes to support the good cause.
Homework is on See-Saw
Have a lovely weekend
Maths - Addition
English - Drama to retell 'Baba Yaga'
Phonics - Treasure Hunt and Writing
Topic - Eastern Europe - Hungary
Science - Habitats relating to 'Charlotte's Web'
Visit from Bamboo the Bearded Dragon
Autumn 1 Week 3
WC: 16/9/24
This week we have learnt about British Values, learnt about the Eastern Europe Country of Russia, used drama to retell the story of Baba Yaga and compared numbers in Maths .
Linking to British Values, we read ‘Burglar Bill’ By Janet and Allan Ahlberg. Mr Byrom-Jones dressed up as Burglar Bill and Mrs Hall dressed up as Burglar Betty. Although we had lots of fun when they put our items in their swag bag, linking to the British Value of ‘Rule of Law’ , we actually thought about that taking other peoples’ belongings made us quite sad , angry as well as being unfair.
As part of our work on Eastern Europe we have started to retell the story of ‘Baba Yaga’ through drama to help us write a retelling of the story next week.
In phonics some of us have been revisiting the initial sounds from phase 2 and some of us have been revisiting the sounds from phase 3 with a focus on /j/ and /v/.
In Mathematics we have consolidated our work on the place value of numbers using base ten and now moved on to comparing numbers. Some of us have been comparing numbers with the aid of Numicon and have been finding one more and one less with numbers up to 12. Another group have been familiarising themselves with the symbols greater than , less than and equals to and have even compared numbers up to 100. We remember the crocodile always eats the bigger number.
This week we have continued with our link to Charlotte’s Web and have written some scientific facts about spiders. We have learnt that spiders are arachnids and have a gestation period of three weeks.
This week we have been learning about the Eastern European Country of Russia. We found Russia on a map and learnt about the capital city Moscow, Russian landmarks , food and customs. We even attempted some Russian and learnt to say hello to each other. We extended our understanding of Russia by roleplaying a journey to Russia (with our passports) were we tried some child friendly stroganoff and watched some Russian dancing. The stroganoff went down well.
In topic we have also collaged some Russian flags, drew Saint Basil’s Cathedral using and coloured and then started to create our own Russian dolls. We have also produced our own Russian travel guides.
After evaluating our fairy cakes last week we adapted the recipe and adding chocolate chip cookies and iced them. We really enjoyed baking them and especially eating them.
In other areas of the curriculum:
In PE we have been working on different fitness tests with Mrs Birtwell
In PSHCE we have been learning about peer pressure with Miss Henderson
In Computing we have been exploring the software of Purple Mash with Mr Mahmood.
Please See-Saw for homework.
Have a lovely Weekend
Dahl Class
Maths - One More / One Less and Greater Than, Less Than and Equals Too
British Values - Burglar Bill
Cooking - Fairy Cakes
Topic - Russia
Autumn 1 Week 2
W/C: 9th September
This week we have been learning about place value in maths , listened to the story of the Eastern European fairy tale Baba Yaga, developed our knowledge of Eastern Europe and learnt about the life cycle of a spider .
During our place value lessons some of us have been ordering numbers and matching numbers to quantities, whilst some of us have been using base ten to show the value of 2 digit numbers . To support out learning we have participated in lots of activities which have included the use of software , Numicon and games such as bingo . We have all developed our confidence throughout the duration of the week .
We started the week off by thinking about some traditional fairytales we are familiar with and used Disney’s Silly Symphonies to support our understanding . We all found the clips really funny . We were were then introduced to the Eastern European fairy tale ‘Baba Yaga’ and made some predictions about the story . Predictions included the witch wanting to eat the little girl , giving her a potion and turning the girl into the dog . We all listened attentively to the story and then wrote character profiles about Baba Yaga using examples from the text. In phonics we have familiarised with sounds from phase 2 and phase 3 and played a phonics corners game to support our learning . We had lots of fun .
With the aid of ‘ Charlotte’s Web’ we have been learning about the life cycle of a spider . We crafted a model spider out of paper plates ( remembering that a spider has 2 body parts , 8 legs and 8 eyes ) before illustrating the life cycle . We learnt that a spider wraps her eggs in a silky egg sac and when the eggs hatch the baby spiders are called spiderlings.
This week we revisited the countries of Eastern Europe and found them on the map . Using holiday brochures we then produced collages with examples. Of Eastern European cities , landmarks , food and places of interest .
On Friday the primary classes celebrated Roald Dahl Day . Dahl class have listened to the ‘ Enormous Crocodile ‘ and paid psd Ruby her attention to ‘ George’s Marvellous Medicine’ . After listening to the story we thought about what would go in our own marvellous medicines and what it do . As well as making our own frothy potion in class we also enjoyed making our own medicines by mixing and tasting different juices .
In other areas of the curriculum :
In Cooking we made some fairy cakes . We have evaluated them and decided that we could improve them by adding chocolate chips and decorating them with icing .
In Music we have been learning songs associated with Harvest .