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Applebee Wood Community Specialist School

Respect, Belonging, Trust, Resilience, Aspiration

Dahl Class

Welcome to Dahl Class



Mr G Byrom-Jones


Teaching Assistants

Miss J Geoffroy

Miss E Bell

Mrs N Kwiatek


Summer 2 Week 6

W/C: 8th July 


Another busy week in school. This week has also been different. We have been practicing for the upcoming production and on Wednesday it was Primary Awards day. There were lots of awards presented and we are all very proud of our efforts and achievements.

 Thursday was an exceptional busy day. As part of our topic 'Full Steam Ahead' and 'The Railway Children' in English, we experienced a steam train journey. We really enjoyed the experience and particularly enjoyed the transport museum where we had the opportunity to see real life examples of different vehicles from the past. In the evening it was the Year 6 Sleepover. A lot of us were quite nervous as we had never been away from home before but what a good experience we had! We played with our friends, made friendship bracelets , made and ate our pizzas before settling down for a movie. 

East Lancashire Steam train and Transport Museum

Summer 2 Week 5

W/C: 1st July


This week has been very different in school. On Monday we had our STEM day (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) where we had to consider what an old tree could be recycled into, build a bird's nest and test different toothpastes,. We also had three successful transition days into our new classes. Next week is also busy and a little different with the following taking place:


- Wednesday 10th - Primary Award / Prize Day (AM)

- Thursday 11th - Visit to East Lancs Railway (ALL DAY)

- Thursday 11th - Year 6 Sleepover

- Friday 12th - Australasia House visit to Gulliver's World.


If you have not returned the letter for the steam train and Year 6 Sleepover please could they may returned so we know the numbers.


Have a lovely weekend

Mr Byrom-Jones, Miss Geoffroy, Miss Bell and Mrs Kwiatek



Summer 2 Week 4

W/C: 24th June



Here is what we have been up to this week:



This week we have listened to the story of ‘The Railway Children’ , written a diary entry from the perspective of a character , watched the film and retold the story for display (they were fantastic). We have been really engaged in the story so much in fact that we have started to watch the sequel to the film ‘The Railway Children Return’.

 In phonics we have continued to work on our own individual sounds.



In our Maths lessons we have concluded our work on 3D shapes and have been sorting them, based on their properties, using Venn and Carroll Diagrams.  We sorted the shapes based on curved or flat faces, if they had an apex if they could roll or stack etc. This led to our own work on data handling where we asked questions to our peers and put the information on Venn and Carroll diagrams. We all did really well.



In Science we have continued to work on our individual research on an inventor / invention of our choice. We have been putting the information on a PowerPoint and are looking forward to presenting it.


In other news this week:


  • We have made contributed to Applebeewood’s Float for the Lostock Hall Carnival by making decorations  to decorate it for Saturday
  • We have continued to practice the songs for our upcoming end of year show.


Next Week:  STEM Day – Monday 1st July

Transition Taster Days Tuesday 2nd July, Wednesday 3rd July, Thursday 4th July



Have a lovely weekend


Mr Byrom-Jones , Miss Geoffroy, Miss Bell and Mrs Kwiatek

English - 'The Railway Children'

Maths - Shape Sorting / Data

Summer 2 Week 3

W/C: 17th June 


What a busy week we have had this week. We are certainly gearing up for the summer with all the lovely activities planned. Here is what we have been up to this week.



This week we have started the text ‘The Railway Children’ and we have really engaged with it. This week we have been introduced to the three main characters Bobby, Phyllis and Peter and used think bubbles to consider how they would be feeling when they had to suddenly move from London to the countryside. We also hot seated the character of Peter and watched part of the film to secure our learning.

 As part of our lessons this week we were given some challenges by Mrs Stewart. We had to guess which literacy characters the silhouettes belonged to as well as guessing the story in a shoebox. They were some winners in Dahl class. So well done!



We have continued to learn about shapes and have started to sort both 2D and 3D shapes based on their properties. Examples have included sorting 2D shapes by number of sides, corners, whilst 3D shapes have been based around curved and flat faces. We have also learnt a new mathematical term – apex.



This week we have been given the opportunity to research an inventor and invention of our choice. Examples of inventions include the World Wide Web, the iPhone and PlayStation. We look forward to presenting it to the class next week.


Exhibition Day:

On Tuesday it was ‘Exhibition Day’  relating to ‘Our World’. Thank you for the parents/ carers who were able to attend and join in the learning activities. Dahl class focused on Earhquakes. We learnt about the causes of Earthquakes before roleplaying an Earthquake drill. We then chose different materials to make houses with examples being Lego, building blocks at magnetic shapes . Then it was the fun bit, we had to shake the tables to see if our houses could withstand the force. We found that Lego was the strongest material.


WOW Wednesday

The focus of Wow Wednesday was Eid. We had a lovely afternoon learning about Eid and thank you to Sara who helped us understand the festival . During the course of the afternoon we made Eid cards, wrote our name in Arabic and designed our own henna patterns.


It's a Knockout

On Friday the whole school had lots of fun o the inflatables and participated in Applewood’s own version of it’s a Knockout. It was lots of fun.


Water Safety 

In PE this week we focused on water safety and had an informative yet fun lesson with Mr Banks, reinforcing how to stay safe in the water and what to do in an emergency.


Have a lovely weekend

Mr Byrom-Jones, Miss Geoffroy , Miss Bell and Mrs Kwiatek


Maths - Sorting 3D Shapes

Exhibition Day - Exhibition Day

WOW Wednesday - Eid

Summer 2 Week 2

W/C: 10th June


What a lovely week we have had. We have been exploring 3D shapes in Maths, redrafted and typed up our own poems in English  and in topic we have been engineers by building our own bridges for the model steam engine.



On Monday we redrafted and typed up our railway poems and are now in the pride of place on our classroom display. On Tuesday we listened to R.L Stevenson’s poet ‘From a Railway Carriage’ and had to draw the image from the carriage which the poet created. Later in the week we began to listen to the story of ‘The Railway Children’ and made predictions about what we think the story is about.

 In phonics we have continued to work on our differentiated sounds.



This week we have been focusing on 3D Shapes. We started off the week by recapping on some of the  names of different 3D shapes before using the magnetic shapes to recreate them. We really enjoyed this activity. Other activities which we have participated in related to 3D Shapes have included identifying every day examples of 3D shapes as well as writing our own 3D shape riddles  referring to its’s properties. We will continue to learn about this next week.


Science / Topic:

We have been learning about the inventor Brunel this week and his contribution to railways. We learnt that he was a very clever man who created bridges, viaducts and steam ships. He also contributed to the London Underground which we know today. On Wednesday Mr Byrom-Jones brought his model steam engine in. We became Brunel for the afternoon and made our own bridges for the steam engine to pass through. Materials we used included Lego , magnetic shapes and large building blocks. We really enjoyed this activity.


In other areas of the curriculum:

In PE we have been participating in different athletics with Miss Bell and in music we have been practicing for the end of term production.


Next Week:


18th JUNE - Exhibition Day (2pm -3pm) Parents/ Carers are invited to his

19th June - WOW Wednesday - Eid 

21st June - Family Funday


Have a lovely weekend

Mr Byrom-Jones, Miss Geoffroy, Miss Bell and Mrs Kwiatek 



English - Steam Train Poems

Maths -Identifying and Exploring 3D Shapes

Topic/Science - Brunel's Bridges

Summer 2: Week 1

W/C: 2nd June


We hope you have had a lovely half term. Can you believe we are now in the final half term of the year? There are lots of events taking place this half term with two educational visits, transition days and participating in the end of year show. Here is what we have been up to this first week.



We started off the week with a speaking and listening activity were we talked about our own holiday news. We all listened attentively and asked appropriate questions. Well done Dahl! We have also role played the journey of a steam engine and used our senses to think about what we could hear, see and smell on a train journey. We had a go at writing our own poem in preparation for the upcoming texts ‘From a railway carriage’ by R L Stevenson . There was some impressive writing in Dahl with some of us remembering to use similes in our poem, with a steam train being compared to a ‘hissing snake.  This half term we will also ‘The Railway Children’ by E Nesbit and reading the ‘Highland Falcon Thief’ as a class novel.



This week we have revisited 2D Shape. We have participated in lots of activities to support our learning which have included a shape corners game and using lolly sticks to make 2D shapes with some of us having a go at making and exploring irregular 2D shapes. We have also created our own repeating patterns and have explored different 2D Shapes to see if they would tessellate. Squares, rectangles, triangles and hexagons tessellated really well.

 On Friday we participated in ‘Café Dahl’ to address our IEP targets. As usual we had lots of fun buying and exploring some of the different snacks on offer.


Topic/ Science/ Cooking

Our topic this half term is ‘Full Steam Ahead’ and our Science focus is ‘Scientists and Inventors’ . We have put these two areas together and have been learning about the history of railways and the influence of George Stephen and his steam locomotive the ‘Rocket’. During the course of the week we have sequenced trains from past to present and written some facts about George Stephenson. In cooking we made some train shaped biscuits and decorated them with icing and smarties. They were delicious!


In other areas of the curriculum:

  • We have ben printing in art with Mrs Gallagher
  • We have been practicing our song for the end of year production with Miss K Bell



Please can all pupils complete a project about an inventor/ intention of their choice which can be presented to the class. This does not need to be a daunting task and can take the form of a PowerPoint / poster with facts / drawing or model. There will be 20 house points for the project. Please can this be completed for Friday 28th June


Have a lovely weekend

Mr Byrom-Jones, Miss Geoffroy, Miss Bell and Mrs Kwiatek




2D Shape

Topic / Science/ Cooking - 'Full Steam Ahead'

Summer 1 Week 5

W/C: 13th May 2024



This week we have made some Brazilian chocolates and tried some Brazilian lemonade after roleplaying a visit to Rio. We have also written our own Non Chronological reports identified their features and learnt more about microorganisms.



This week we started off the week by completing our poems using our senses. They look great on display. We have also recapped on the features of Non Chronological reports and created our own about an animal in the rainforest. In phonics we have recapped on previous sounds and focused on our individual sounds based on our previous assessments: They have included the /aw/, /ou/, /oa/ .




We have continued to learn about time. Some of us have developed our confidence when reading the time at quarterly intervals whilst some of us have developed our confidence when reading the 24 hour clock. An example of our favourite time game can be seen below.



We have continued to learn about microorganisms and have conducted two experiments in class. The first experiment consisted of putting bread in a zip bag and putting them in different conditions to see the growth of mould which is a fungus. The conditions we have chosen are bread in a sealed bag in a dark cupboard, bread in a sealed bag under the window and bread in a sealed bag in a drawer. We have also conducted a second experiment with bread. One piece of bread was handled by all pupils whilst another piece of bread was handled with gloves, both being put in a sealed bag. We are awaiting the results….



This week we have made some Brazilian chocolates called brigaderio. We really enjoyed making them! To  support our learning of Brazil we have roleplayed a visit to the country, spoke Portuguese, 'visited’ landmarks., sampled the cuisine , (brigaderios and lemonade!) and used our masks to participate n the Rio Carnival. We had lots of fun.


In other areas of the curriculum:

On Wednesday we were very fortunate to have a visit from Scott Class (Year 8/9) who had designed and made their own board games and invited us to play with them. We really enjoying turn taking and playing with them, so thank you Scott Class.


In RE we have been learning about Shabbat and  made Challah  bread with Mr Allday.


We have been undertaking our 'Motional' activities. Pupil have been assessed d against the software Motional based on their emotions and feelings, with the software producing appropriate activities for the whole class to participate in. On Wednesday we thought of compliments for each other and wrote them on each others hand template to promote self esteem. On Friday we explored bubbles as a self regulation tool. 


Mr Byrom-Jones is unfortunately absent from school next week , however Miss Taylor will be in class. Mrs McCleave is supporting pupils in Wilson class so we have welcomed back Miss Geoffroy.

Have a lovely weekend


Mr Byrom-Jones, Miss Geoffroy, Miss Bell and Mrs Kwiatek







RE - Challah Bread


Summer 1 Week 4

W/C: 6/5/2024


We hope you enjoyed the Bank Holiday as well as the additional day off. This is what we have been up to in  this short week.

English / Phonics:


This week we have used our work from the previous week to write our senses poem about the Amazon Rainforest. They were really good and we thought about the different animals we could see with some of us even using similes in the poems. We remembered that the rainforests were very hot and rainy!

 In phonics we have continued to work on our individual sounds. Some of us have been working on the /ir/ sound , some of us have been working on the /oi/ sound and some of us have been working on the /igh/ sound.



We have continued to learn about a time.  Some of us have extended our learning and have started to read the time at quarter past the hour, whilst some of us have been reading time on the 24 hour clock and solving time problems.

 On Friday we once again participated in ‘Dahl Café’ relating to our IEP targets on money and communication.



In Science we have been introduced to the world of microorganisms. We have found out that microorganisms are microscopic living things and are all around us. Some of them can be good for us and some of us can be bad. We supported our understanding with an episode  from the ‘Magic School Bus’ entitled ‘In a pickle’.



We learnt about the Rio Carnival and designed and made our own carnival masks. They look great! We will be using them next week when we roleplay a visit to Brazil.


In other areas of the curriculum:

In PE we played Boccia and spent some of the lesson watching a performance of ‘The  Wizard of Oz’ by some members of KS4.

In RE we have been learning about Shabbat and made some food and artefacts out of playdoh.


Have a lovely weekend

Mr Byrom-Jones, Miss Bell, Mrs McCleave and Mrs Kwiatek .


Brazilian Carnival Masks

Holding baby chicks

Summer 1 Week 3

W/C: 29/4/2024


We have been very creative in class this week . We have painted our Christ the Redeemer Statues , created Christ the redeemer sunset pictures , coloured animal masks and made  mini-beasts out of paper plates . What a busy week !



In English this week we have been creating our animal poems linked to our work on the Amazon Rainforests. On Monday we created our own animal shape poem which included a simile and on Tuesday we created our own animal acrostic poems . We concluded the week by preparing to write a senses poem relating to the rainforest and watched a calming video were we had to identify what we could see, hear and  possible feel in the rainforest. In phonics we have continued to work on our differentiated sounds .


The focus this week has been on time . Some of us have been learning to read the time when it is o’clock and half past the hour on an analogue and digital clock,whilst some of us have been  reading the time at 5 minute intervals and another group have been developing their understanding of the 24 hour clock. To support our learning we have participated in a number of practical activities as well as using computer software to support our learning.

 On Friday it was time for ' Cafe Dahl' with learners developing their money and communication skills relating to our individual targets. This week we had the opportunity to 'buy' and taste pancakes and croissants. 




We have consolidated our understanding of  animal classification and at the start of the week we were given animal masks to decorate and used this to sort ourselves into the different categories of mammals , reptiles , birds , fish and amphibians based on their characteristics. The masks also look great on our Science display . We have also designed our own animals and used their descriptions to show which animal group they belong too . To support our learning  had lots of fun on the computer game 'Zoo animal mix up' were we had the opportunity to create a new animal by mixing different animals up!



We started the week by painting our Christ the Redeemer Statues and made sunset pictures with Christ the Redeemer silhouettes . They look great . We have also made our own junk model favelas.  



In other areas of the curriculum:


It was lovely to have parents / carers on  Tuesday for our exhibition day . Linking to the theme of mini beasts , we got crafty and made insects and spiders  out of paper plates and pegs. ( Did you know that insects are classified as insects because they have three body parts and six body parts and a spider us classed as arachnids because they have eight legs and two body parts. 

 We also got competitive when we played a beetle drive.


Have a lovely extended weekend 


Mr Byrom-Jones, Miss Bell, Mrs McCleave  and Mrs Kwiatek





Maths: Time

Maths: Money and IEP Targets

Science: Designing our own animals

Topic: Christ the Redeemer Sunset Pictures and Favelas

Summer 1 Week 3

W/ C: 22nd April 


Here is what we have been learning this week :



This week we have continued to link our work to Brazil , particular to the Brazilian animals . On Monday we wrote a letter from the perspective of animal in ‘ Great Kapok Tree’ begging the axe man not to cut down the tree , with examples  being that they would loose their homes and their source of food . On Tuesday we extended our learning by writing a day in the life of our chosen animal . We used sequence adverbials in  our work with examples being ‘ first ‘, ‘then ‘ , ‘next’ and ‘later ‘. 

Towards the end of week we planned our own non chronological report relating to the Amazon Rainforest / Amazon River. 

 In phonics we have been working on our individual sounds based on our assessments . Sounds of focus have included ‘ ai’ , ‘oi’ and ‘ou’.




We have been consolidating our learning on money and have applied it to a practical context . During the course of the week we have had various opportunities to purchase  snacks and drinks from Cafe Dahl  with pupils  having opportunity to pay using different coins and with some of us having the opportunity to work out and give change . 


Science :

To further our knowledge on animal classification we started the weak off my playing ‘ headband’ with each other . We were each given an animal and we had to ask questions to find out what we were relating to classification eg do I have fur? do I have feathers ? do I lay eggs etc ? To support our learning further Mr Byrom-Jones brought in his tortoise Oliver . He told us all about the reptile , the food he ate and how he had a lamp to energise him as he is cold blooded . We took turns to bath him and cleaned his shell with a toothbrush . It was really fun . 

 We also wrote our own animal riddles relating to what we have been learning . 

Can you guess what it is ?


I am a mammal 

I eat meat 

I can have a mane 

Who am I ? 




In topic we have recapped on Brazil and in cooking we made some Brazillian biscuits called  Sequilhos. The biscuits consisted of corn flour, butter and condensed milk. Most of us liked them.

We also  made our own  Christ the Redeemer statues out of salt dough and look forward to painting  them and finishing them next week.



In other areas of the curriculum:


In PE we played Boccia with Miss Bell

We have been learning about bodily changes in PSHCE. 


Have a lovely weekend

Mr Byrom-Jones, Miss Bell, Mrs McCleave and Mrs Kwiatek




Maths: Money


Topic: Brazillian Biscuits and Salt dough Statues

Summer 1 Week 2

W/C: 15th April



What a lovely first week back. We really hope that you enjoyed the Easter holidays. This is what we have been learning this week:



We started off the week by sharing our holiday news and incorporated new targets into our writing. The book that we have started reading is ‘The Great Kapok Tree’ linking to our topic ‘Brilliant Brazil’. We all listened attentively to the story and were hopeful that the tree wouldn’t be cut down as the animals would lose their home. After reading the story we wrote think bubbles and sentences about the animals’ thoughts and feelings as well as writing some animal fact files linking to the animals in the story.

 In Phonics we have completed our phonic assessments and participated in the interactive game ‘Phonics Play’ to support our learning.



Our focus this week has been on money. We have completed lots of practical work to support our learning with examples being playing shop and the use of the website ‘Topmarks’. We started off the week by familiarising ourselves with different coins, with some of us working with monies up to 10p, some of us working with monies up to 50p and some of us working with monies up to  £10. Some of us even challenged ourselves by giving change.



This week we have been sorting and classifying animals into different groups. We started off the week by  looking at pictures of different animals and deciding on common attributes on the animals before sorting them. Examples of how the animals were sorted included fly / not fly, swim/ not swim  and carnivore/omnivores. On Thursday we learnt about how to sort the animal into the named classifications before making our own playdoh animals and placing them in the appropriate group.



Our topic this half term is ‘Brilliant Brazil’. In our food technology lesson Mr Byrom-Jones gave us different fruits from Brazil to try which included: mango, pineapple, passion fruit, avocado, banana and dragon fruit. The favourites were pineapple and banana and dragon fruit with avocado being the least favourite. In topic we also discussed our prior knowledge about Brazil, coloured in a map and used an atlas to label the capital Brasilia , Rio de Janeiro and the Christ the Redeemer statue. We concluded the lesson by making our own Christ the Redeemer statutes out of playdoh.


In other areas of the curriculum:

We have been learning about the Ten Commandments in RE and wrote our own rules which we live by.


In PE we are learning about cricket.


Have a lovely weekend

Mr Byrom-Jones, Miss Bell,Mrs Kwiatek and Mrs McCleave


Maths - Money

Science - Animal Classification

Topic - Brazil

W/C: 18th March 




This week we have recapped on non-fiction with Mr Byrom-Jones before creating our own non-fiction text on the Vikings. We were able to identify and highlight the key features of Non Fiction with in our own work, with examples being headings, subheadings, bullet points and captions. We have been working on our differentiated phonic sounds with Miss Taylor and have completed activities such as phonics snakes and ladders.





In Mathematics we have been learning division with Mr Byrom-Jones and have been using grouping to solve division problems whilst Miss Taylor has been recapping on Place Value and been working on some of our IEP targets.




We have been learning about light and on Monday we learnt about  the terms transparent , translucent and opaque.  We tested different materials to see if they were transparent (allows light to pass through it), translucent (allows light to pass through, but not transparent) and opaque (not transmitting light) . We found a lot if examples in the classroom were opaque.


In Topic we have been learning about the Viking diet. We compared a Viking diet to modern day and we found out that they ate a variety of animals include fish, bear, hare , fox and beaver! They also used the fat from seals , called blubber in their cooking.


Pupil of the week: Zachary Bradshaw.


Next Week: A lot of our activities will center around Easter.

Mr Byrom-Jones will return his full time teaching position next week and we thank Miss Taylor for teaching us.


Have a lovely weekend 

Dahl Staff 







Spring Term 2


We will be learning all about the Vikings. 



We will be reading Viking Sagas

We will also be making our own Horrible Histories video after writing our own script. 



We will be looking at Fractions and decimals



Our topic is Light 


We will also be covering the Easter story and looking at Money matters. 

Spring Term 1

We have been learning about all things Water

We have been finding out about The Water Cycle and learning some large words 


We created our own water cycle using a bowl by the window. 




We have completed some excellent work using the book Bog Baby as our starting point. 


In Maths we have been working hard to understand lengths and measurements. 

We took advantage of the snow to see who made the largest snow ball.



Please have a go at some of the activities below


Autumn 2

4 / 5 - W/C: 27th November


What a busy couple of weeks we have had. We have been learning about Division in Numeracy and continued to learn about the Anglo-Saxons. We have also been practicing our Christmas play. Here is what we have been up to:



We have completed our work on Beowulf and have really enjoyed it. We have retold the story as a storyboard and have incorporated our targets in our written work, with most of us achieving our writing targets. We have also used drama to  retell the story of Beowulf. We showed some great acting skills in Dahl. 

 In phonics some of us have been developing our confidence with the phonemes 's a t p i n m' and blending and segmenting phonemes to build VC and CVC words. We have been using phonics play to help with this. Another group have been developing their confidence with the 'igh' sound and blending and segmenting words with this sound, as well as being introduced to the 'oa' sound.




For the past couple of weeks we have been learning about Division and have undertaken lots of different and practical activities to develop our understanding. Some of us have been sharing physical items up to 10 between two and three groups, with examples sharing cubes, biscuits and acorns on a tree. Another group have been developing their understanding of sharing quantities up to 20 and beyond , whilst another group have been using arrays to help them represent and solve division problems.




In Science we have been continuing to learn about electricity. We have talked about the importance of being safe around electricity as well as investigating different materials to see if they are conductors of electricity.  We found out that the metals are good conductors






During the past couple of weeks we have looked at and made our own jewelry in the style of the Anglo-Saxons, as well as learning about the different Anglo-Saxon Gods. To support our learning we designed our own and they were very impressive.



In other areas of the curriculum:


- We have been learning badminton with Miss Bell

- We have been practicing our nativity



Pupil of the week: Tyler 


Writing Award: E'Lara 


Communication Award:  Leah 


Homework is available on See-Saw (Phonics)


Have a lovely weekend 


Mr Byrom-Jones,  Miss Geoffroy, Miss Bell and Miss Kwiatek



Literacy - Beowulf : Retelling the story through drama

Numeracy - Division

Science - Electricity

Topic - Anglo Saxon Jewelry and Gods

Autumn 2 Week 3

W/C: 13th November


This week we have learnt about Anglo-Saxon runes, continued with multiplication and written our own scene for Beowulf.



This week we have continued to learn about the epic poem ‘Beowulf’. Activities this week have included writing a newspaper article about Beowulf defeating Grendel, making a playdoh model of Grendel's mother and using adjectives to describe her. We have also written another scene in the story.

In phonics some of us recapped on the /igh/ sound whilst some of us have continued to develop our confidence by building words using the phonemes ‘ s a t p i n m’.



We have continued to develop our understanding of multiplication and on Thursday we attempted to solve word problems using the strategies taught.  Some of us have been using Numicon to solve problems, some of us have been making arrays to solve problems, whilst some of us have been using the grid method and a multiplication grid to help us solve problems.



Thank you to those who have completed the home work task and identified electrical items in the home using battery or mains.  We recapped on electrical items in the home / school before making our own Lego model which we lit up using a simple series circuit.  We had lots of fun.



Our work on Anglo-Saxons this week has focused on the Anglo-Saxon alphabet – runes. We had lots of fun tracing and writing our name in runes, as well as writing secret words and messages to each other which we had to crack.


We have also learnt about Children in Need, Pudsey as well as decorating our own bears.


Pupil of the week: Rosie.


Homework : Numeracy homework this week has been put on See-Saw. Any problems accessing this or you would like a hard copy, please let me know.



Have a lovely weekend

Mr Byrom-Jones , Miss Geoffroy, Miss Bell and Miss Kwiatek.


Literacy - Beowulf

Science - Electricity

Topic - Anglo Saxons

Autumn 2 Week 2

WC: 6/11/23


This week we have been to the cinema and learnt about Anglo Saxon homes. Here is what we have been up too.


Literacy / Phonics:


We have continued to read the story ‘Beowulf’ and are continuing to enjoy. This week have written letters from the perspective of King Hrothgar asking for Beowulf’s help and we used lots of emotive language in letters and exclamation marks. We have also written character profiles and descriptions about Beowulf . In phonics some of us have used software to recap on s a t p i n whilst some of us have been learning , reading and writing words with the ‘igh’ sound.



This week we have continued to learn about multiplication. Some of us have been doubling eyes on monsters and smarties on biscuits, some of us have been using Numicon and arrays to solve  multiplication problems to 20, whilst another group have been multiplying 2 digit and 1 digit numbers using the grid method.



We have continued to learn about electricity and identified items which use mains electricity , batteries or both. For homework please can you send a photo of an electric item in your home which uses mains / battery or both. This can be put on see-saw. Please can this be done by 15th November.



Our focus on the Anglo Saxons this week has been their homes. We looked at examples of Anglo Saxon homes and made our own out of lolly sticks and straw. To support our learning further we made an estate agent’s advert for an Anglo Saxon home.


In other areas of the curriculum:

In Art we have made clay poppies with Mrs Gallagher

In PE we are continuing with Badminton with Miss Bell

In RE we are learning about the Christmas Story with Miss Hall.


Pupil of the week:  E’Lara


Please check See-Saw for homework .


Have a lovely weekend


Mr Byrom-Jones, Miss Geoffroy, Miss Bell and Miss Kwiatek





Anglo-Saxon Houses

Autumn 2 Week 1

WC: 30/10/23


Welcome back after the half term break. What a busy term this half term this is! We've already celebrated Halloween and thought about Bonfire Night and now we are looking forward to our annual cinema trip and practicing for our Christmas Production. Here is what we have been learning this week:



Literacy/ Phonics:

This week we talked about what we got up to during the break  before designing (and later playing) a Halloween themed board which included 'bossy' verbs.  We had lots of fun playing the games dressed in our Halloween costumes.

 We have also started our new class text 'Beowulf ', linking to our topic 'Smashing Saxons' which is an old epic poem in Denmark. So far we have learnt about the  monster Grendel and how he takes and eats people from the King's Hall. To support our learning we made our own playdoh Grendel monsters before using adjectives to describe him.

 In phonics some of us have recapped on the 'ng' and 'ai' sound before being introduced to the 'ee' sound, whilst some of us have continued  to build words with the phonomes ' s a t p i n'  as well as being introduced to the 'm' sound.



This week we have started to learn about multiplication. Some of us have been introduced to doubling and had to double spots on ladybirds as well as doubling Numicon shapes (up to 5). Another group have been using Numicon to solve multiplication problems  (to 20) whilst another group have been creating arrays to solve multiplication problems up to 100. 



This half term we are learning about electricity. We talked about the discovery of electricity and completed a sorting activity, identifying different electrical equipment in our homes.



Topic this half term is the 'Smashing Saxons (Anglo Saxons). When the topic was introduced , nobody had heard of them. We learnt that they came to England after the Roman's had left an from Germany and Scandinavian countries such as Denmark. We discovered that they arrived in England because of floods in their country and made it difficult to farm their land and that they arrived on big ships. To support our learning and for our classroom display, we drew  and coloured Anglo-Saxon ships.


In other areas of the Curriculum:


We have been learning to play Badminton in PE

We have been listening to our Christmas song in Music (more to follow)

We have learnt about the history of Bonfire Night and made chocolate apples.



Pupil of the week - William  S

Thursday 9th November - Annual Cinema Visit (We are watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles at Southport Cinema


Have a lovely weekend

Mr Byrom-Jones, Miss Geoffroy, Miss Bell and Mrs Kwiatek







Literacy -Beowulf

Autumn 2 Week 7

W/C:  16/10/23


What a busy half term! This week we have had a Disney day , linked Numeracy to Halloween, learnt about Switzerland (and tried Swiss food) and completed and read our sequels to ‘The Witches’.



In Numeracy this week we have done a mixed bag of 2D Shapes and Co-ordinates.  We started off the week by recapping on 2D Shapes before linking it to Halloween . On Tuesday we completed a 2D Halloween picture and used a key to help us identify the 2D shapes and colour them. In our next lesson we had to make our own Halloween pictures using 2D Shapes. We had pumpkins, witches and Frankenstein monsters.  On Thursday we learnt  about co-ordinates and used the co-ordinates to reveal a Halloween picture. We had lots of fun.



This week in Literacy we have completed our  sequels to ‘The Witches’. We incorporated our writing targets into our work and included some illustrations. On Friday we were fortunate to share our stories with Carroll staff, who really enjoyed them.

In phonics some of us have continued to build words using ‘s a t p i n’ , whilst some of us have been introduced to the ‘ai’ sound and have spelt words containing the sound.



We have concluded our topic on ‘Eurovision’ with our final country of focus being Switzerland. We located Switzerland on the map, coloured in a flag , tried some Swiss food before creating our information leaflet. We tasted some Swiss cheese and cholate with Toblerone being very popular amongst us.


Disney Day:

To celebrate 100 years of Disney we had a Disney day in school. We learnt about the history of Disney and learnt that Mickey mouse was originally going to be called Mortimer! We also participated in some Disney ‘Just Dance’ and watched one of the early Disney animations with Mickey Mouse ‘Steamboat Willie’.


Next Half term:


Anglo Saxons

Multiplication and Division



Have a lovely half term.

Mr Byrom-Jones, Miss Geoffroy, Miss Bell and Mrs Kwiatek





Numeracy - 2D Shape

Topic - Switzerland

Autumn 1 Week 6

WC: 9/10/23


This week we have been learning about Poland in topic , subtraction in Maths and learnt about a balanced diet in Science.


Literacy / Phonics:

This week we have continued with the ‘Witches’ and we will be completing our stories with illustrations next week. In Phonics some of us have continued to build words with the phonemes  s a t p i n whilst some of us have been working on the ‘ng’ sound’.



Our focus this week has been on Subtraction. Some of us have been using Numicon to subtract from 10, whilst another group were subtracting from 20. One group have been subtracting two digit and three digit numbers using the split strategy.



We recapped on the importance of exercise in Science and the staff were very impressed when we remembered that exercise makes our heart, muscles and bones stronger as well as making us feel good and helping us sleep. To support our understanding we made posters. We have also talked about the importance of healthy eating and a healthy diet and after Mr Byrom-Jones showed us a healthy eating plate we designed our own balanced meal out of playdoh. We learnt that a majority of our meal should have vegetables / fruit as it helps us with our digestion. We learnt that a third of our plate should have protein (such as fish, eggs, meat etc) to help repair cells in our body, whilst a third should be carbohydrates (grains, potatoes , rice , etc) to give us energy.



The country of focus this week has been Poland and we have been very fortunate to learn about the country with the help of Mrs Kwiatek who used to live there. Mrs Kwiatek brought in some polish food to try which included some polish bread, pretzels and pickles.  The pickles were not very popular but the Pretzels were! Mrs Kwiatek told us how to say hello in Poland ‘Cześć’ and told us about the climate. We also learnt about some Polish landmarks including the Salt Mines and Auschwitz , which was a terrible place during WW2. To support our understanding we made a leaflet about the country.


In other news:

Well Done Rosie for being our pupil of the week.

Disney Day on Monday 16th October – pupils may come in dressed in Disney character costume if they wish.



Have a lovely weekend


Mr Byrom-Jones , Miss Geoffroy, Miss Bell and Mrs Kwiatek




Numeracy - Subtraction

Science - Healthy Living

Topic - Poland

Autumn 1 Week 5

WC: 2/10/23


This week we have visited Greece in topic and planned and started to write our own sequel to Roald Dahl’s The Witches.




This week we have planned and started to  write our sequel of ‘The Witches ‘. We looked at how the story ended with Mr Byrom- Jones helping us devise a plot for our stories . The chosen plot was Grandma and the mouse going to America with the mouse making potion and encountering the witches in another hotel ! This time Grandma and the mouse put the potion into some American foods ( pancakes / cola )  before the American witches transformed into mice . We also tried really well to incorporate our targets into our work , with some of us creating story sentences with the aid of colourful semantics . Next week we hope to read our stories to Carroll class. 

 In phonics some of us have been building cvc words with the phonemes / s a t p i n / whilst some of us have revisited the ‘th’ sound and written and read words with the sound .




Our focus this week has been on addition . Some of us have been using Numicon to help us solve addition problems , with some of us working on calculations to 10 and some of us working with numbers up to 20 . Another group have been working on numbers to 100 and partitioning numbers to solve addition calculations. We concluded the week by having a go at word problems at differentiated levels . 




We have been learning about exercise this week and the benefits of it. We started off the week by producing a class survey on exercise with swimming being the class favorite! On Thursday we conducted an experiment to show that our heart rate increases after exercise and learnt that this is because our heart pumps faster to carry oxygen around our body and to deliver it to our muscles. We also found out that exercise helps our bones, produces chemicals to help our mood and  helps us to sleep.



This week we have visited ‘ Greece ‘ as part of our topic . We located Greece on a map of Europe and found it was the furthest county away from England so far . We then role-played the journey  and learnt about some of the sights in the capital city of Athens such as Mount Olympus and the Acropolis before trying some Greek food. Olives and Feta Cheese were not very popular but Mousakka was, with some of us wanting seconds! We concluded the session by watching and copying some Greek dancing called the Zorba. On Thursday we created our own information leaflets about Greece based on what we had found out.


In other areas of the curriculum:


We have been learning to play Boccia in PE with Miss Bell

We have been continuing to learn about the Creation Story with Miss Hall


In other news:

See-Saw is up and running with this week's homework. Some learners are working on /s a t p i n/ and some learners are working on the 'th' sound.


I would also like you to produce a poster on the importance of exercise and how it helps our hearts, lungs , bones and muscles and how it helps us feel good and helps us sleep.


Have a good weekend

Mr Byrom-Jones, Miss Geoffroy , Miss Bell and Mrs Kwiatek




Literacy - Writing and Phonics

Numeracy - Addition

Science - Exercise

Topic -Greece

Autumn 1 Week 4

WC: 25/9/23


This week we have made blood in Science, 'visited' Spain as part of topic , whilst some of us have been learning to count in 2s.




This week we consolidated our understanding of place value and partitioning numbers into Hundreds , Tens and Ones  / Tens and ones before moving on to counting in twos whilst some of us have completed number patterns which have included negative numbers. Some of us enjoyed matching pairs of socks to support our understanding of counting in 2s whilst some of us used Numicon to help us count in 2s.



In Literacy we have completed two leaflets as part of our ‘Eurovision’  Topic work. One leaflet was about France and one was about Spain(see below). The staff were all very impressed with our knowledge to help us complete our leaflets. We have also continued with our work on ‘The Witches’ and after exploring some wind up mice we thought about the different verbs to illustrate the movement and activities of mice, with examples being ‘hiding’, ‘running’, ‘climbing’ and squeaking. At the end of the week we wrote a news report about the infestation of mice in the story which incorporated some of our literacy targets.

 In phonics some of found pictures of words from phase 2 sounds in the tuff tray, whilst some of us when on a scavenger hunt outside before writing the word from phase 3 which the picture represented..



Our focus this week has been on blood. After watching an animation about the human body we learnt about red blood and white blood cells and how the white blood cells are like ‘police’ in our body. To support our understanding further we made a blood sensory bottle after recapping on the parts of the blood and their purposes (e.g red blood cells carry oxygen, white blood cells fight infection / disease and platelets , which help our blood to clot when we are  bleeding ) we used different ingredients to represent them. We had lots of . We also enjoyed the sensory tray which represented blood as well as watching an episode of the Magic School bus ‘Inside Ralphie’ to link with our learning



Our country of focus this week has been Spain. We identified Spain on a map, learnt about it’s culture as well as tasting some Spanish food which included chorizo, Spanish omlette and sangria (child friendly of course),


In other areas in the Curriculum:


In RE we have continued to learn about the Creation Story

In PE we did Curling with Miss Bell 

Maths Homework is on See-Saw , any problems let Mr Byrom-Jones now

Have a lovely weekend 


Mr Byrom-Jones, Miss Geoffroy and Miss Bell 






Numeracy - Pairs and Counting in 2s

Phonics - Finding sounds

Science - Blood

Topic - Spain

Computing - Making laptops after following instructions

What a busy week we have had this week. This week we have been learning about France in topic and learnt about British Values. Here is what we have been learning this week:


Autumn 1 Week 3

W/C: 18/9/23



This week we have continuing to learn about Number and Place Value. Group 1 have been comparing quantities and saying which is more and less.

Group 2 have continued to work with numbers up to 20 / 50 and compare the value of numbers using the less than and greater than , before partitioning numbers into tens and units with aid of Numicon and Base Ten.

Group 3 have continued to work with numbers to 100 and beyond , which have decimals to 1 decimal place and negative numbers! We have also used the symbols of  less than and greater than to compare numbers as well as using Base Ten to partition numbers into hundreds, tens and ones.



We are continued with Roald Dahl’s ‘The Witches’. This week we have made sugar mice  and  written a diary entry from the perspective of Bruno Jenkins .



We have continuing to learn about the circulatory system. To support our learning further we roleplayed a model of the circulatory system using play tunnels and a pump. We started off by being the oxygenated blood crawling through the artery (red tunnel) before crawling back as the waste gas / deoxygenated blood through the vein (blue tunnel). We had lots of fun.



The European country of focus this week has been France. We firstly discussed some French landmarks and discussed different foods , before making different French foods out of playdoh. We have also been fortunate to taste French food and on Thursday we made cheese and ham croissants with Miss Geoffroy. They were delicious! On Friday morning we roleplayed the journey to France. We roleplayed the Eurostar, explored the French landmarks before ordering brioche and baguettes in French!  We concluded our learning by creating a travel leaflet about France.


British Values Morning:

As part of our British Values morning we recapped on the British Values. We discussed the different British Values (democracy 2. the rule of law 3. individual liberty 4. mutual respect 5. tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs) and gave examples  in school and in the community. We supported our understanding by designing our own island  which promoted British Values with the island having a police station (to keep people safe ' rule of the law'), town hall (democracy)  and different places of worship (tolerance of different faiths and beliefs).



Next Week:

We are learning about Spain in topic


Have a lovely weekend

Mr Byrom-Jones, Miss Geoffroy, Miss Bell and Miss Dimmock


Place Value

Science - Circulatory System

Topic - France

British Values Island

Autumn 1 Week 2: 11th - 15th September



This week we have continued to learn about Roald Dahl’s ‘The Witches’ and roleplayed a visit to ‘Italy’ after making pizza as part of our topic Eurovision. Here is what we have been learning this week: 



In Numeracy we have been continuing to learn about Number and Place Value. Some of us have been ordering Numicon Shapes, matching to numerals to 10 and ordering numerals to 10, whilst some of us have been ordering numbers to 30 and other group have been ordering numbers to 100 which have included some decimals and negative numbers. 



This week we have continued to listen to ‘The Witches’ and watched some clips from the recent film to support our learning. We started off the week by learning about the wacky , strange and revolting items that went into a witches’ position before designing our own and considering what the potion would actually do. Examples included turning a child into a frog, bug and even a car! We then wrote our own character descriptions of the different characters we had been introduced to in the story. The class staff were very impressed with our listening skills. We concluded the week by roleplaying the witches , using props. We had lots of fun.



As part of our work on Italy we made pizzas ready for our Italian restaurant roleplay the following day. Prior to our roleplay activity, we recapped on our map skills and identified Italy on a map (we remembered that it was shaped like a boot). We then roleplayed a journey to Italy with our passports and learnt some Italian words, learnt about some Italian landmarks (the Colosseum, the Trevi Fountain, Vatican City and Pompeii) before eating pizza and ice cream (gelato). We found out that the Italian word Ciao means hello as well as goodbye! We consolidated our understanding of Italy by creating a simple informative leaflet. 


In other areas of the Curriculum: 

-We have been looking at  European buildings in Art with Mrs Gallagher

-We have been learning about the Christian Creation Story with Miss Hall

- We are learning to play Bocha with Miss Bell.


Have a lovely weekend 


Mr Byrom-Jones, Miss Geoffroy, Miss Bell and Mrs Kwiatek


'The Witches'

Nunber and Place Value

Topic Italy

RE - Creation Story

Welcome back! We hope you had a lovely summer. We are settling into our new classroom and our new class routines. Here is what we have been up to this week:



We started off this week by sharing our holiday news with each other by writing postcards to each other. It was lovely to hear about different holidays and days out that we had been on.

 This half term we are reading 'The Witches' by Roald Dahl. After reading part of the story we completed a Venn Diagram comparing traditional fairy tale Witches and the witches from the novel. We noted lots of differences such as witches in fairy tales have a pointy black hat and a broomstick, whilst Dahl's witches are bald, wear gloves to hide their claws and have blue split! Later on in the week we made a wanted poster and wrote a news report about events in the story so far.



This week we have been participating in lots of mathematical games whilst adults have been completing assessments. Games have included bingo and a particular class favourite funky mummy.



In Science we have started to learn about the circulatory system. We watched an episode from the 'Magic School Bus' to support our learning before learning that a heart is a pump and a muscle and that the arteries carry oxygen in our blood all around are bodies and the veins carry blood and waste back through our body which we breath out as carbon dioxide. To support our understanding we illustrated the circulatory system with the aid of icing pens on a gingerbread person. We particularly enjoyed eating them!




Our topic this half term is 'Eurovision' were we shall be learning about the continent of Europe. We have started off the week by familiarising ourselves with the countries in Europe and using an atlas to colour and label a map.



Next Week:


The Witches

Place Value

Making pizza

Exploring Italy

A model of the circulatory system. 


Have a lovely weekend

Welcome to Dahl Class (2022 - 2023)



Mr G Byrom-Jones


Teaching Assistants:

Mrs A Murray

Miss A Clare 

Miss E Bell 


Dahl Class Timetable Version 2


Spring 2 – Week 1 , Week 2 and Week 3

20th February – 10th March


What a busy couple of weeks we have had in Dahl. Over the past few weeks we have been learning about 2D Shape and 3D Shape,  listening to the story ‘There is a Pharaoh in the bath’ by Jeremy Strong , learnt about plants and their life cycle in Science and in our topic work we have been learning about the Ancient Egyptians. Please see below:



This half term linking to our ‘Ancient Egyptian’ work we have been reading Jeremy Strong’s ‘There’s a Pharaoh in our bath’. Mr Byrom-Jones has been very impressed with our comprehension skills and have remembered important parts of the story such as how the Pharaoh escaped from his tomb in modern times, encountered an ice cream van, had a bath and played on a computer game. Written activities around the text have included predictions, news reports, diary writing and character profiles. We have also had the opportunity to hot seat Sennapod himself to help with our diary entries.




In Numeracy we have been learning about 2D shape and 3D Shape.  During the past couple of weeks some of have been learning and identifying the names of some 2D and 3D Shape,  some of us have been learning about their properties and some of us have been exploring 2D Shape through tessellation and using geometric material to build 3D shapes .



This term we have been learning about animals and plants including the life cycle of a plant. We started off by exploring seeds and explored the different seeds we find it fruit.  We really enjoyed using our senses to explore fruit and made fruit kebabs with them. We have also learned about the life cycles of different plants / fruits and have used playdoh and real fruit and seeds to illustrate them.


Topic :

We are currently learning about the Ancient Egyptians and we are really enjoying it. We started by learning about the River Nile and how important the river was to civilization , as the river enabled the growth of crops , travel etc. We then looked at Egyptian dress of the time (particularly the Pharaoh’s) and created our own head dressers and collars. Don’t they look great? We have also been learning about mummification and the mummification process and not only have we made mummy sausage rolls with Mr Banks but we have also had the opportunity to mummify each other and the staff! We have had lots of fun.




Have a lovely weekend

Mr Byrom-Jones , Mrs Murray, Miss Clare and Miss Bell


W/C: 30th January


Here is what we have been learning this week:



On Monday we concluded our work on 'The Pied Piper' and used drama and props to retell the story. Later on in the week we moved on to information texts. We discussed some different types of information and their features. We then had to complete a task were some of us were given a cut up example of an information text (linking to our topic work on mountains) and we had to put it back together before labelling the features e.g heading, subheading , photo, caption etc. We also did something similar on Friday and created an information text on the River Nile after watching a video.  This week's homework relates to researching and creating our own information text on a topic of our choice, which we will look forward to sharing.

  In phonics some of us have been continue to build and read words using / s a t p i n /, whilst one group have been working on the /sh/ sound and another group have been working on the 'lt' word ending. 




This week we have been learning about money with Miss Hindley . We all particularly enjoyed roleplaying in the shop with some of us counting pennies, some of using different coins up to 20p and some of us using different coins to pay to £1.00 and beyond



In Science we have continued to to learn about forces and on Monday we revisited the force of upthrust and talked about water resistance after making model boats from our designs. We enjoyed racing them and had lots of fun.  Miss Hindley taught as about the force of friction on different surfaces and we explored this with toy cars on different materials.



In topic we had a go at making our own river using tinfoil after recapping the features of the source , tributaries, meander and mouth. However unfortunately tin foil was as effective as we thought, so we have decided to emulate our river using guttering next week were we also hope to float our boats.

  We have also been introduced to Pointilism this week, which is artwork using dots. We had a go at creating our own river scene in the Pointilism style and used cotton buds to create the dots. They were very effective.



Have a lovely weekend

Mr Byrom-Jones, Miss Hindley, Mrs Murray , Miss Clare and Miss Bell



Literacy - Information Text

Numeracy - Money

Science - Upthrust / Water Resistance

Topic - Pointilism

W/C: 23rd January 
This week we have been collecting data with Miss Hindley  and made rock cookies , listened to the narrative poem ‘The Pied Piper’ and produced work around it , learnt about the journey of a river and learnt about the forces of gravity and upthrust in science . Please see below for more information:



We started off the week by listening to narrative poem ‘The Pied Piper’ and identifying  some rhyming words in the poem . We then thought about how we would feel if we were one of the townsfolk  and were dealing with an infestation of rats !using examples from the text we wrote to the Mayor of Hamelin , with some of us using punctuation to emphasise our concerns . Continuing with the letter theme we then wrote a persuasive letter to the Pied Piper from the perspective of the Mayor with  the promise of a reward … . Other activities during the course of the week have included writing a wanted poster , retelling the narrative poem in our own words and considering what might be in the mountain were the children are taken too.

 In phonics we have continued to learn about sounds in our designated groups . Some of us having been working on the /sk/ sound , some of us working on the /ch/ and some of us developing our confidence when building words using s a t p i n. 



Miss Hindley has been teaching us numeracy this week and we been organising given data into graphs , collected our own data on animals and pets before turning that into a pictogram. Some of us were challenged in our learning , especially when one picture represented two people . However some of  us recognised that for one we would have to half the  picture . We have also been learning to talk about our data and our findings .



On Monday we undertook an experiment on gravity when we made our own rockers with film canisters, fizzy tablets and water ! We all carefully watched as the chemical reaction from the water and fizzy water  pushed and shot the lids off before landing back on the ground . We had lots of fun. On Thursday we were introduced to the force of 

Upthrust and learnt about why objects float and sink . We took part in a class investigation and explored items around the  classroom to see if they floated or sunk , with some of us making predictions beforehand .



On Monday we were all very excited to erupt our volcanoes ! Firstly after recapping on the names of different mountains / volcanoes and how they are formed , Mr Byrom-Jones put food colouring , bicarbonate soda and vinegar into our models and we watched them erupt . It is far to say all the volcanoes were active .

 Miss Hindley introduced rivers and made river sensory bottles , while Mr Byrom -Jones showed us a video about the journey of a river and introduced us to the vocabulary of source , tributary , meander and mouth . To support our understand we drew our own portraits to illustrate the journey of a river before labelling them . They were very impressive . 


In other areas of the curriculum :


In PSHCE we continued to talk about discrimination and prejudice and how we can wrongly judge someone by their appearance . Miss Hindley linked this to the Hulk , as although he looks scary he is actually a hero .


Cooking - linking to our topic work  on mountains we made rock cookies .


Next Week we will  learning about money , identifying the features of information texts as well as making out own model boats and testing them on our home made river . 


Have a lovely weekend 



Literacy - 'The Pied Piper'

Topic - Volcanoes

Topic - Rivers

Science - Upthrust

Cooking - Rock Cookies

This week Miss Hindley has been teaching some of our lessons . We have continued to listen to Roald Dahl’s rhymes ,  revisited subtraction in mathematics , continued to learn about gravity in science and mountains in topic .


W/C: 16th January 



We started off the week by sharing  and writing our weekend news with Miss Hindley so she could get more familiar with us . On Tuesday we moved on to rhyme stew with the traditional tale  being Hansel and Gretel  and  we found Dahl’s version to be very similar to the traditional tale . Activities around the text included writing a witch’s menu ,  and an estate agent advert for the witch’s house . On Friday Mr Byrom-Jones' read us Rapunzel before turning the story into a 'Revolting Rhyme' like Roald Dahl's. Some of read the verse with an adult and had to choose the correct rhyming word from a choice of two, whilst some of us had to choose the rhyming word from a given choice and finally another group had to independently select an appropriate rhyming word to go in the poem. 

 In phonics some of us have have continuing to build words with the aid of the phonemes s a t p i n , some of us have been learning the /qu/ sound and some of us have been learning the /ft/ sound .



This week in Numeracy we have been learning about subtraction. Some of us having been using Numicon to help us with calculations up to 10, some of us have been using a number line and some of us have been using the column method and have taken away decimals!



We have continued to learn about forces being pushes and pulls and to support our learning we explored different playground equipment , participated in blow football and completed a  sorting activity relating to pushes / pulls . 

 On Thursday we explored the force of gravity being a pull and demonstrated our understanding by dropping pom poms in paint at different heights .We had lots of fun 



On Monday we made salt volcanoes before learning how volcanoes are made and on Thursday we painted them . We look forward to erupting them next week . We have also looked at different mountains in the world and put them in order of size , with some of us using the actual measurements . 



This week we made biscuits in the shape of the witch's house in 'Hansel and Gretel'. We all took turns to weigh out the ingredients, mix, roll and cut. We particularly enjoyed decorating them and they were delcious!


In other areas of the curriculum:


-Miss Hindley talked about fair and unfair rules linking to our previous work on discrimination.


Have a lovely weekend

Mr Byrom-Jones, Miss Hindley, Mrs Murray, Miss Clare and Miss Bell 



Literacy / Cooking - Hansel and Gretel Witch Houses

Science - Gravity

Topic - Mountains / Volcanoes

W/C: 9th January 


Here is what we have been up to this week.


Literacy :

We started off the week by recapping on Roald Dahl’s Revolting Rhyme ‘ Little Red Riding Hood’ and writing a wanted poster about the character . We then compared the traditional tale to the Dahl’s version on a Venn Diagram . Later in the week we read Dahl’s ‘Three little pigs’and compared it to the traditional tale. We were surprised when Red Riding Hood also appeared in Dahl’s version , but even more surprised when we discovered that Red Riding Hood shot the wolf and turned the pig into a bag ! We then discussed if Dahl’s Red Riding Hood was good or bad and put her on trial. The evidence from the text found her to be guilty!

 In phonics we recapped  on the sounds in our different groups after playing the change places sound game .


Numeracy :

We started off the week with Place Value . Some of us continued to learn about odd and even numbers , whilst some of us have been counting and ordering numbers to 10 , whilst another group have been introduced to numbers with one decimal place before ordering them from smallest to biggest .

 We then revisited addition with some of us participating in practical addition activities with the aid of Numicon , with some of us developing their confidence with a number line and some of us adding three digit numbers using the column method , which included decimals . The fishing game to generate sums has been a particular favourite with all groups.


Science :

Our focus this half term is forces. On Monday we discussed the names of the different forces we have heard of before identifying that all forces were pushes / pulls . To support our understanding further we participated in lots of activities which  involved pushing and pulling with activities including painting with cars ( pushing and pulling them through paint ) , making bread ( kneading the dough ), blow football and a sorting activity .  Next week we are going to look at  gravity in more detail  and identify if it is a push / pull .



We are continuing with our topic ‘Misty Mountains and Raging Rivers ‘ . We recapped on our previous learning and on Monday Mr Byrom-Jones demonstrated how some mountains are formed with the aid of biscuits and cream , with mountains forming with the collision of tectonic plates which push the rocks up , thus forming mountains. We then created our own mountain art with the aid of torn paper . 



In PSD we have been learning about discrimination and how people are treated and judged from the way they look . We used ‘Hans Christian Andersen’ ‘The Ugly Duckling ‘ to introduce this and how he was treated differently in the story . 


In other areas of the curriculum :


-We were fortunate to be visited by the OT this week . She helped us develop some fine motor / regulation exercises with the aid of theraputty as well as guiding us through sensory circuits to help us with our regulation . 


Have a lovely weekend

Mr Byrom-Jones, Miss Hindley,  Mrs Murray, Miss Clare and Miss Bell

Literacy - Roald Dahl's Revolting Rhyme

Numeracy - Place Value /Addition

Forces - Push / Pulls

Topic - Mountains


Welcome back and Happy New Year! We hope you all had a lovely Christmas break. It has been lovely to hear what everyone got up to during the holidays.

 Last half term was particularly busy as we were busy with the Christmas production and our enterprise project (reindeer food and wreaths). We also found time to make snowman slime which we particularly enjoyed.

 This half term is also a busy one. We have Miss Hindley (A student teacher) teaching us in Dahl class for some lessons and we now have Miss Bell supporting us in class and she is already familiar with some pupils.

 This half term we will be learning about Roald Dahl’s ‘Revolting Rhymes’ / ‘Rhyme Stew’ and comparing them with other traditional tales and fairy tales. We will also have a go at writing our own! We shall also be creating texts on mountains and rivers linking to our topic ‘Misty Mountains and Raging Rivers’.

 Below is what we have been up to during our first week back.


W.C: 3rd January



We started off the week by sharing and writing our holiday news. It was lovely to hear about the different gifts, food and activities that we had taken part in. We also have new  writing targets and have been trying really hard to incorporate these into our writing. We have also introduced ‘Revolting Rhymes’ before writing our own version of Little Red Riding Hood based on our own understanding, with some of us being creative by writing their own version! After listening to Mr Byrom-Jones read Dahl’s Little Red Riding Hood we discussed rhyming words before we went outside for a rhyming word scavenger hunt. We had lots of fun.

 In phonics some of us have been building CVC words, whilst one group have been learning and identifying words with the /z/ and /zz/ sound and another group focusing on the /nk/ sound.



This week we have been learning and revisiting Place Value. Some of us have been working with numbers up to 10 and have used Numicon shapes to match with numerals, quantities and to aid with ordering. One  group have been learning about odd and even numbers and have participated in activities to support their understanding using Numicon to sort, the characters of Odd Todd and Even Steven as well as participating in a fishing and sorting activity.  Finally another group have been recognizing the value of different digits to one thousand and beyond and have participated in activities including ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire’.


Topic :

Our topic this half term is ‘Misty Mountains and Raging Rivers’. We started off the week by finding out if anyone knew anything about rivers and mountain, with some of mentioning world rivers and mountains such as Mount Everest, the River Thames and the Nile. We then split of into groups with some of using atlases to place UK mountains and rivers on a blank map, with examples including Ben Nevis, Scarfell Pike and the Thames, whilst another group used playdoh to make a model river and mountain.


PSHCE/ Cooking:


This week we have discussed New Year’s Resolution and thought about things we could learn, change or get better at. After the discussion we wrote our ideas on a leaf before Mrs Murray made a new year’s tree with our resolutions.

We have also discussed about safety in the kitchen and identified procedures we need to follow to keep safe.


Have a lovely weekend

Mr Byrom-Jones, Mrs Murray, Miss Clare and Miss Bell




Literacy - Holiday News / Red Riding Hood

Numeracy - Place Value

Topic - Misty Mountains and Raging Rivers

WC:21st November 


What a fun week we have had in school. We have been to the ‘Snow White and Seven Dwarfs’ pantomime, watched ‘Sonic 2’ at the cinema and begun to practice our Christmas play. We have also made Stone Age soup, bread and used fruits and flowers to make natural dyes.


Literacy :

This week we have finished reading and watching ‘Stig of the Dump’ and the majority of us all really enjoyed the story. On Tuesday we read the chapters were Barney and his sister went to a fancy dress party and Stig caught an escaped Leopard from the circus. We created missing / wanted posters for the leopard using examples from the text.

 In phonics some of us have continued to build words using s a t p i n, some of us have been learning and identifying words with the /w/ sound and some of us have been reading and identifying words with the /mp/ sound.



We have continued to learn about time. One group has focused on o’clock and have matched the times to the clock faces and iced clock face biscuits to show the time at o’clock. Another group have been reading o’clock and half past and have participated in matching activities and played time bingo, whilst another group have been measuring time in seconds and have been working out the time (when at o’clock and half hours) when asked to change the time to two hour and one hour before and after.



This week we have made Stone Age soup and bread using vegetables of the time. We used nettles, chickpeas, beans and carrots. Most of us liked it. We also explored natural dyes of the time and we used rocks to crush raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, beetroots and flowers before applying to paper. We thought blackberries made the best natural dye .


In other areas of the curriculum:

We had a mental health and wellbeing afternoon with Mr Mahmood and the Christmas story in RE.


Have a lovely weekend


Mr Byrom-Jones, Mrs Murray, Miss Geoffroy and Miss Clare.


Literacy - Escaped Leopard (Stig of the Dump)

Numeracy - O'Clock Biscuits

Stone Age Bread and Soup

Stone Age - Natural Dyes

W/C: 14th November 


This week we have made fraction flags, learnt about time,made stone age jewellery and made stone age stewed fruit. We have also continued to read  'Stig of the Dump', written planet riddles and role played the solar system. 



We started off the week by becoming estate agents and wrote estate agent adverts for Stig's den. We tried really hard to use lots of adjectives and persuasive devices to make a caveman want to live in Stig's den and used evidence from the text to support the advert e.g windows made from glass jars and a chimney made from tin cans. We have also written character profiles and wrote newspaper articles about Barney and Stig catching the thieves in the story. In phonics some of us have continued to build words using /s/a/t/p/i/n whilst some of us have revisited the /v/ sound/ and some of us working on the consonant blend /ng/.



This week we have been learning about fractions and time. We started off the week by designing our own flags, with some of us collaging the other half of a flag and some of us designing flags using halves and some of us designing flags using quarters and three quarters. Some of us also identified the fractions of world flags and later designed our own using peg boards. 

In time some of us have been ordering our day and ordering days of the week and months of the year (which some of us found tricky) . We have also used biscuits to show the time in our differentiated groups, with some of  us reading time  at 0'clock and half past on an analogue clock and some of us reading the time on a digital clock and applying our understand to a biscuit clock face.



Using our knowledge of the solar system we wrote our own planet riddles and after colouring in a paper plate to support our planets we displayed them. They look really good. Later on in the week we role played how the planets move in the solar system.



This week we have made and modelled stone age jewellery out of clay to emulate animal bones. We have also investigated Stone Age diets by examing poo (chocolate playdoh) and discovered lots of interesting things in their diets including seeds, nettles and caterpillars! On Wednesday we prepared and made Stone Age stewed fruit using fruit from the time. Most of us really enjoyed it.


In other areas of the curriculum:

This week we has been anti bullying week and we have been promoting kindness in the classroom. We also used an apple to emulate that although someone may seem ok from the outside they may feel bruised and hurt on the outside and that it is always important to speak to an adult if we have any worries and concerns. 



Next Week:

Pantomime - Monday 21st November

Cinema - Thursday 24th November 


Have a lovely weekend

Mr Byrom-Jones, Mrs Murray, Miss Geoffroy and Miss Clare 




Literacy - 'Stig of the Dump'

Numeracy - Fraction Flags

Numeracy - Time

Science - Solar System

Topic - Stone Age Jewellery

Topic - Stone Age Poo!

Topic - Stone Age Stewed Fruit

W/C: 7th November 


What a lovely week we have had. We have been fortunate to have been on two cinema trips and have had three birthdays in class! We have also designed and made our own pizzas as part of fractions. Please see below:


Literacy :


This week we have continued to read 'Stig of the Dump' and wrote diary entries from Barney’s perspective and how he felt when he first met Stig. We have also thought about appropriate gifts we would give Stig if we met him with some of us elaborating using the conjunction ‘and’. We have also recapped on the sounds we have been learning in our differentiated groups with examples being ‘ s a  t p i n ‘, /j/ and /st/. 




We have been learning about fractions this week and the fractions of shapes. After establishing that fractions were about dividing into equal parts, some of us started the week by learning about halves my making playdoh biscuits and halving them whilst some of us practiced halving and quartering circles and using the segments to turn into fish! We have also designed and made our own pizzas using our knowledge of fractions, with some of us choosing 2 different toppings to for each half of a pizza and some of choosing 4 toppings for our understanding of quarters. Some of us also learnt about 3/4 . The pizzas were delicious!




We have continued to learn about the solar system and to support our understanding of the ordering or planets, we learnt songs / poems. Examples have included My Very Easy Method Just Speeds Up Naming as well as My Very Elegant Mother Just Served Uncooked Nachos!  Some of used this to compete am ordering activity whilst those of us who are more secure had a go at writing their own to order the planets! Well Done! As well as continuing with our solar system dioramas some of us decorated biscuits to emulate the planets and their colours. 




We have continued to learn about life in the Stone Age and have started to make our own Stone Age jewellery using clay to emulate the bones of animals. 


In other areas if the curriculum. 


We learnt about Remembrance Day and participated in the 2-minute silence to remember the soldiers. To support our learning, we also made our own poppy biscuits.



Have a lovely weekend 


Mr Byron-Jones , Mrs Murray , Miss Geoffroy and Miss Clare 

Numeracy - Fractions

Science - The Solar System

British Values/ Remembrance Day: Poppies

W/C: 31st October 
Welcome back after the half term break. We have welcomed a new pupil in our class and Miss Clare.  This is an exciting half term with the build up to Christmas as well as other exciting events including cinema visits and a pantomime. This week we have started to learn about the Stone Age in topic , 'Stig of the Dump' in Literacy and Division in Numeracy. 
On Monday we wrote and shared our holiday news. It was lovely to see what we had been up to. We then started our new class novel 'Stig of the Dump' linking to our topic 'Cavemen' (see below). We made predictions about the story using the blurb will lots of us predicting that Barney and Stig would form a friendship and go on an adventure. After reading up to Barney and Stig's meeting , we then produced some art work using chalks to illustrate the chalk pit / dump and Stig's cave before some of us built a sentence using colourful semantics to accompany our work whilst some of wrote some descriptive sentences. 
in phonics some of us have been learning the /st/ sound , with one group revisiting the 'j/ sound and one group working on the phase 2 sounds.
Our focus this week has been on division. Some of us have participated in practical activities to support our understanding of 'sharing  (up to 10)' equally with examples including sharing the smarties between biscuits, bees in the hive and sharing spots on the ladybirds. Another group have been working with numbers up to 20 and dividing by 2, 3, 5. For those who are not secure with their times tables they have been using unifix cubes to support their understanding . Finally another group have been introduced to  'bus stop'  division method to solve division problems and have been using their multiplication knowledge to solve calculations. 
This half term we will be learning about 'Earth and Space'. Mr Byrom Jones introduced the lesson by asking the class what we already know about Earth and Space with examples including the names of the planets. Our learning objective was to consider why planets were round / spheres and with the aid of a video we found out that planets are spheres because of gravity .  After demonstrating what gravity is we then made our own playdoh planets to support our understanding.
 We have also started to make our own solar system dioramas . 
Topic :
Our topic this half term is’ Cavemen ‘ linking to to Stone Age . When asked not many of us knew much about the Stone Age but with the aids of books and an animation we soon discovered life was different in the Stone Age . For example there were different animals around , people hunted animals, ate them  and used animal skin as clothing and their bones for  jewelry   We also found out that people lived in caves and used stones for weaponry and tools . To support our learning further we dressed in historical costume and made Stone Age tool replicas , including shaping stone like flint ( soap knapping) . On Wednesday we learnt about the discovery of cave drawings / paintings which indicated life at the time . We had a go at doing out own cave drawings with drawings being of hands , horses and the woolly mammoth ! We had lots of fun . 
We celebrated bonfire early in Dahl class and made chocolate apples . They were delicious ! 
We are continuing to learn about relationships and this week we have been discussing qualities in a friend and healthy and unhealthy relationships..
In other areas of the curriculum :
RE - what would you get Jesus for his birthday
Computing - Learning to use a keyboard 
Have a lovely weekend
Mr Byrom-Jones, Mrs Murray, Miss Geoffroy and Miss Clare 


Literacy - 'Stig of the Dump'

Numeracy - Division

Science - Playdoh Planets

Topic (Cavemen) Stone Age - Cave Drawings

Cooking - Bonfire Chocolate Apples

W/C: 17th October


We are looking forward to the break after a fun and busy half term. Here is what we have been learning this week:



We started the week off by writing a pumpkin shape poem linking to our work on autumn poetry. We all looked and felt the pumpkin before thinking of adjectives and facts about a poem. Some of us used similes in our pumpkin poem and some of wrote an acrostic poem. Impressive! We carried on the poetry theme by writing Halloween riddles.

 On Tuesday we were fortunate to be visited by Caroline from Library Services . As we are Dahl class she read some extracts from Roald Dahl's 'The Twit's' and we took turns to put the food on the beard!

  We have also taken the time this week to talk to the current Year 11s about their Isle of Man experience in the Spring Term and used their answers and photos to help write a leaflet about the Isle of Man (see topic)



This week we have continued to learn about patterns as well as sorting. On Monday we made repeating patterns with 2D Shapes, with some of us using 2 and some of using 3 with different colours. We all did really well with this activity. Later on in the week we completed some sorting activities with some of us sorting  leaves by colour and sorting pairs of socks, some of us sorting odd and even numbers and some of us sorting multiples of different numbers.




We have concluded our unit on Animals including Humans and on Monday and Thursday we learnt about the gestation period of different animals with some of us making playdough animals to support our learning. We found out that a mouse’s gestation period is 20 days and an elephant’s is nearly 2 years!




On Monday we learnt about the British Isle of Ireland (including Northern Ireland) and learnt lots of facts about the country and identified some of their landmarks. We also tasted some Irish stew and potato cakes which most of us enjoyed, before writing our informative leaflet and recreating the Irish flag with autumn leaves and pegboards. We then moved on to our final British Isle the Isle of Man. We used our question and answer session with Year 11to help us learnt about the country before colouring a flag and creating a leaflet. We concluded our learning by choosing and drawing a landmark from the British Isles.



We have finished our unit on relationships, and we discussed how people show commitment to each other e.g through marriage. We identified who can get married and read two stories ‘King and King’ and ‘Donovan’s Big Day’ before roleplaying a wedding. When reading the stories we were all respectful and listened maturely.


In other areas of the curriculum:

In Music we have been singing Mamma Mia with Mr Mahmood and exploring Google in our Computing lessons.


Have a lovely half term and if you would like to email photographs through from the half term please email


Kind Regards

Mr Byrom-Jones, Mrs Murray, and Miss Geoffroy




Literacy - Poems / Riddles

Literacy - Library Services reading 'The Twits'

Topic - Irish Flag

Maths - Sorting

Topic - Irish Stew

Topic - Landmarks from the British Isles

PSHCE Stories

PSHCE - Relationships

WC: 10th October 

This week we have been incorporating Autumn into our learning. We have been on a sensory walk at our forest schools area and have used items found to aid with our literacy work and numeracy work:



On Monday we went to forest schools and had to think about things we would see / hear / feel/ smell and taste on an Autumn walk and collected items such as leaves and feathers and photographed different items including mushrooms. We then used this information to write a senses poem. Some of us had to choose words and symbols to complete our poem whilst some of us incorporated similes! Impressive. Later on in the week we wrote a hedgehog poem. Firstly Mr Byrom-Jones showed us a video about a hedgehog and we learnt lots of facts and thought of lots of adjectives to describe the hedgehog and used this information to write the poem. The poems were very impressive and some of us even used similes more confidently.

 We concluded the week in our differentiated phonic groups.



This week we have been learning about patterns and sorting. Earlier on the week we made patterns using the natural materials collected and later on in the week some of us created some repeated patterns by printing shapes whilst some of us made repeating patterns using pictures related to something we were interested in.


Science :

On Monday we were presented with some life cycle toys and had to work in pairs to order the life cycles and on Thursday we learnt about the animals and sorted them in to groups dependent on if they laid eggs or gave birth to live young.


Topic :

We have been learning about Wales and we started off the week by working in the cooking room to make Welsh rarebit ! We all worked really hard together to grate the cheese and tidy up . The end result was delicious!  We also roleplayed a visit to Wales and identified the landmarks before completing our leaflets on Wales.


In other areas of the curriculum:


We created some lovely hedgehog pictures using the leaves collected from our Autumn walk

On Wednesday we had a whole school Africa day. Pupils in Dahl Class worked with the senior pupils and participated in a carousel of activities to learn about the continent, with examples including making African jewellery animal masks , collages , African cooking and languages. A good day was had by all.

Have a good weekend

Mr Byrom-Jones , Mrs Murray and Miss Geoffroy 


Literacy - Poetry (Hedgehog Poem)

Numeracy - Repeating Patterns with Natural Materials

Science - Life Cycles

Topic - Welsh Rarebit

WC: 3rd October:

Here is what we have been learning in Dahl Class this week.



This week we have concluded our work on ‘Robin Hood’ and we have really enjoyed it! On Monday we enjoyed roleplaying the character of Robin Hood by taking the bow and arrows (not real of course) to Forest Schools and practicing our archery skills. We all did really well working independently and within teams. Later in the week we acted out the story of Robin Hood with props. William made a plausible Robin Hood, Rosie Maid Marian and Callum the Sheriff of Nottingham and Kai our camera man. After watching it back we peer assessed and self assessed our performance . We then used the performance to help us retell the story in our own words and incorporating our literacy targets. Well Done Dahl Class!



Our focus this week has been on multiplication. Some of us have been participating in lots of practical work to help us double numbers to 10, with examples being doubling spots on a ladybird. Doubling the eyes on a monster and doubling with the aid of cubes. One group have been learning that multiplication is repeated addition and have used Numicon to help them solve calculations, whilst another group have been using the grid method to multiply 2 digit by 1 digit numbers and even multiplying 2 digits by 2 digits.



We recapped on previous learning and learnt about the Human life cycle. We made our own life cycle wheels to support our learning and some of even used our own baby photos in the life cycle. We also thought about what changes a human goes through as they get older and what an elderly person may need, with examples being care, exercise, healthy diet and medicine.


We have been learning about England this week as well as being introduced to Wales. We started of the week by exploring and identifying some English landmarks (London Bridge, Buckingham Palace, the Angel of the North , Stonehenge and Blackpool Tower) and ate chips in Blackpool when we ‘watched’ the illuminations. We then used the information to create a leaflet about England. On Wednesday we started learning about Wales and coloured the Welsh flag for our display.



IN PSHCE (linking to our Science) we have been learning about relationships and a focus on physical attraction. We talked about feelings we may potentially feel for others as we get older.


In other areas of the curriculum:


Computing – Mr Mahmood introduced us to a robot in computing and in  RE we have been learning about kindness and the creation story.


Pupil of the week – Joshua


Have a lovely weekend

Mr Byrom-Jones, Mrs Murray and Miss Geoffroy



Literacy - Robin Hood (Archery)

Literacy - Robin Hood (Drama and Writing)

Numeracy - Multiplication

Science - Life Cycles

Topic - England

Computing - Mr Mahmood's Robot / programming

WC:  26th September:

Last week Mr Byrom-Jones was unfortunately poorly but he left us lots of fun work to do! Examples included making our own Loch Ness Monsters as part of our topic on the British Isles and we even tasted some which comes from Scotland including shortbread and Turnock’s tea cakes. We also continued to learn about babies and human life cycles and we were given a baby doll to look after! We then had to think about the needs of baby. In Numeracy  we consolidated our understanding of subtraction, in Literacy we continued to learn about Robin Hood and compared the Disney version to the text we had been reading, whilst in PSHCE we did some activities around friendships linking to our work on relationships.

W/C: 19th September.


A shorter week in school. We hope you enjoyed the extra Bank Holiday despite the sombre occasion. Here is what we have been learning this week in Dahl Class :


This week we have started our second text in  Myths and Legends unit , with the text being Robin Hood. We are enjoying the story so far .Activities this week have been making wanted posters for Robin Hood and deciding if he was good or bad. The majority of the class thought he was good because he helped the poor, despite stealing from the rich. Other activities this week have included deciding and drawing / choosing items that Robin might have given to the poor as well writing a letter of complaint to the Sheriff of Nottingham after he visited our class demanding more money and taxes! We all agreed he was very mean and selfish. 


Our focus this week has been on subtraction. Most of us have completed lots of practical activities with the aid of Numicon to solve subtraction problems, whilst some of us have been using the split strategy method, which has involved partitioning numbers to solve problems! Well done everybody.




We have continued to learn about the British Isle of Scotland and roleplayed a visit there. On the visit there we identified some Scottish landmarks such as Edinburgh Castle, Skara Brae and the Loch Ness , as well as receiving a visit from Nessie himself ( Mrs Murray ). Next week we are going to make some models of that Loch Ness monster and write a fact file about Scotland using our knowledge. 




We are continuing to learn about reproduction. We recapped on puberty and the changes that happen to our bodies as we develop. We then recapped on the cells which make a baby and learnt about foetus development and how the unborn baby develops in the womb. Again we were all very mature.




We are continuing to learn about relationships and this week we have focused on love and the different people we can love and why. Examples included our friends, family and even animals. 


In other areas of the curriculum

We have been learning question words with Miss Hodgeson in Communication

 In Computing we have been using Purple Mash and Mash Cams with Mr Mahmood.


Have a good weekend


Mr Byrom-Jones, Mrs Murray and Miss Geoffroy

Literacy - Robin Hood

Maths - Subtraction

Topic - Scotland

W/C:  12th September 


A busy week this week which has involved some cooking.  Please see below this week's learning:




This week we have finished reading 'King Arthur' and retold the story in our own words. , incorporating our writing targets.  We have also watched the Disney version of the film and compared it to the book. We recorded our understanding on a Venn Diagram.




We have been learning about addition . Some of us have been using Numicon to solve addition problems whilst some of us have been partitioning three digit numbers to solve problems, with some of us regrouping.





In Science we have maturely recapped on puberty and labelled a diagram of the male and female anatomy, highlighting the bodily changes that take place during puberty. 




The country of focus this week for our "Brilliant British Isles" topic is Scotland. We looked at Scotland on Google Earth and discussed the flag of Scotland before recreating the Scottish flag on a peg board whilst some of us did a collage. In our cooking lesson we made shortbread and they were delicious! Even better than the shortbread than the shop bought shortbread Mr Byrom-Jones gave us to try.


Dahl Day 


On Thursday 15th September Primary and KS3 had 'Dahl Day'. Classes undertook lots of activities related to the author and his texts. In Dahl class itself we focused on Matilda. We firstly watched a video about the life of Roald Dahl and found out lots of facts. For example he was a fighter pilot in WWII , he was a spy,  wrote the screen play for 'Chitty, Chitty Bang Bang' and wrote his stories in his shed! The text we focused on was 'Matilda' and after creating character portraits and describing them using examples from the text, we made our very own Bruce Bogtrotter chocolate cake! A good day was had by all.



Pupil of the Week


Our pupil of the week is Joshua who made a delicious 'Toad in the Hole' as part of his homework  on "The Brilliant British Isles""


Despite it being a somber occasion, have a good Bank Holiday weekend 


Mr Byrom-Jones, Mrs Murray and Miss Geoffroy 


Literacy - Our King Arthur Display

Numeracy - Addition

Topic - Flags and Shortbread

Dahl Day - Matilda

Topic Homework

W/C: 5th September 2022


Welcome back ! We hope you had a lovely summer . It was lovely to welcome all the pupils and all pupils look smart , especially those who are wearing the new Apple Bee Wood uniform . We have had a lovely first week and have settled into our new class which has a new carpet. Here is what we have been learning this week :


Literacy / English 


We started the week off by sharing our holiday news and photographs . We then used this information to write postcards to our peers about our summer holidays after recapping on the features of postcards . For the rest of the week we have been learning about the legend of King Arthur. On Tuesday we created a poster advertising the event of the Sword in the Stone . For our poster we  thought about the characteristics needed for a king as well as considering information such as time and place . After reading extracts from the story and watching clips from Disney’s ‘Sword in the Stone ‘ we hot seated King Arthur !! We asked lots of questions such as ‘ What did the sword look like ?’, ‘How did you feel when pulled  the sword from the stone?’ and ‘do you like being king?’ . We used this information to write think bubbles and diary entries  and concluded the week by writhing some character profiles .

  We even linked our first cooking lesson to to story and made our own sword in the scone I! We all took turns to mix the ingredients and roll the dough. They were delicious.


Numeracy / Numeracy 


This week we have been focusing on ordering numbers , counting and place value . Some of us have been working with numbers up to 10 and have completed lots of activities which have also  incorporated our fine motor skills . Examples have included:  ordering numbered beads and threading them , matching and placing pegs on a plate showing the given number , aw well as matching numerals to numicon shapes . 

Another group have been ordering numbers to 20 as well as using Numicon and chocolate to show the place value of numbers to 20!  Finally  a group have ordered numbers to 100 (as well as being introduced to some negative numbers) as well as developing their understanding of the place value of 3 and 4 digit numbers !




In Science we are learning about reproduction and life cycles .  Mr Byrom-Jones asked us where babies come from with lots of ideas ranging from seeds , mum’s tummy and the stork . However we learnt that for a baby to be born it involves a female providing an egg and a mane providing the sperm. We also discussed the bodily charges as we get older called puberty and how this aids with reproduction. Well done Dahl Class for being mature !


Topic ( Geography/ Art)


Our topic this half term is ‘The Brilliant British Isles’. We started off the week by identifying the different countries in the British Isles using a colouring them in with a key , with some of using an atlas to identify the capital cities. We have also made collages of the British Isles , with some of us identifying landmarks such Blackpool Tower and Big Ben . 




In PSHCE are focus will be on relationships and this week we have been encouraged to develop friendships and relationships by playing games with our peers.



Additional Notes:

Swimming resumes on Tuesday 13th September

On Wednesday could pupils come in their PE kits, if possible.

Attached is a homework activity you may chose to undertake with your child as well as the homework which will be sent out relating to Literacy/ Numeracy.


Have a lovely weekend 

Mr Byrom-Jones, Mrs Murray and Miss Geoffroy



Literacy - King Arthur

Numeracy - Place Value

Fine Motor Skills
