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Applebee Wood Community Specialist School

Respect, Belonging, Trust, Resilience, Aspiration

Wilson class

Welcome to WILSON!

Wilson has 10 children mixed years 2 and 3, the curriculum and timetable are adapted to the children’s individual needs.


In Wilson class, we will encourage the children to be a part of all activities involved in school and build your child’s confidence and independence throughout their school year. Support is available to all children in Wilson class.


The teaching staff in Wilson

Teacher – Miss G Smyth-Renshaw

Teaching assistants – Mrs S Colpman & Mr A Aindow

Key information:

On Monday your child will be doing PE, please can they come into school, in their PE kits.

On Wednesday, your child will be going swimming, please can you pack a swimming bag for your child and swimming nappies if needed. 


If you have any questions, please contact me on my email or on Seesaw.


Thank you 

Wilson staff

Wilson timetable 2024-2025

Autumn term 2 subject focuses 

focus for this term - Castles, Knights and Dragons 

Traditional fairy tales and Fables 

Rapunzel & Sleeping Beauty 

Tales about knights and Dragons 

Zog by Julia Donaldson


focus for this term - Addition and Subtraction  

Addition and Subtraction within 20 


focus for this term - Living things and their habitats 

Book focus - Little Red Riding Hood 

Woodland animals and their habitats. 

Food chains 


focus for this term - Christmas 

Looking at: 

Giving and saying thank you 

The Christmas story and why people celebrate Christmas? 


focus for this term - Significant historical events, people & places. 

Looking at: 

Guy Fawkes

Remembrance Day 

WWII - the evacuation of children


Weeks commencing 28/10/24 - 04/11/24

Literacy - introducing the story Rapunzel, looking at the character description and sequencing of the story. Completing writing activities about the characters and scenes in the story.

Maths – completing part whole models, number bonds using numicon and the addition number sentences using a number line.

Science – learning about woodland animals and their habitats and learning key vocabulary.

Topic – learning about the gun powder plot and Guy Fawkes and understanding about bonfire night and why it is celebrated. Learning about Remembrance day and why it is celebrate and the significance of wearing a poppy.  

Autumn term 1 subject focuses 

focus for this term - Lovely Lostock Hall 

Looking at book with familiar settings such as: 

Peace at Last & On my way home by Jill Murphy 

Going shopping by Sarah Garland 

Percy the park keeper by Nick Butterworth 


focus for this term - Place Value 

Counting and place value. 


focus for this term - Animals including humans

Book focus - Once there were Giants

Life cycle of humans and animals 


focus for this term - Special People 

Looking at: 

Family and friends 

Role models 

Important figures from the Bible - Jesus & Moses. 

