Welcome to Attenborough Class!
Attenborough Autumn 2024
This term our literacy work will be based on Michael Morpurgo’s War horse - about the bond between Albert and his horse.
In numeracy we will be looking at Time- reading digital and analogue clocks, being able to tell the time, reading time tables and time analysis.
In science with Miss Hodgeson, they will be doing a unit called waves and how they travel. In our Topic work we will be doing History on Trans Atlantic slave trade with Miss Hall.
In computing with Mr Mahmood, they will be learning how to make and use databases.
For PE, with Mrs Birtwell, they will be doing Kickboxing. PE will be on Wednesday . The children can come to school in their PE kits on Wednesdays.
For Art we will be working on photography and working on creating Andy Warhol pictures. The pupils will be learning different camera skills. In RE we will be looking at Bhuddism.
Finally, in cooking we will be doing food hygiene and safety, which will count towards our AQA qualification.
Judges Lodgings
During Humanities this term, the children have been learning about Victorians. We went to Judges Lodgings where the pupils got to experience Victorian schooling with the matron and tried servant life in the great house. The pupils got to dress up and try real Victorian games.
In Photography, Attenborough have been learning how to take pictures and the different settings on the camera. They have looked at different famous photographers and have been taking pictures inspired by them.
During music lessons, this term, Attenborough have been learning how to play the glockenspiels. They have learnt how to play London Bridge is falling, We don't talk about Bruno, Count on me. They sound absolutely fantastic.
Bonfire Night cooking
For exhibition afternoon, Attenborough have done some bonfire night cooking. They have made some delicious toffee apples, bread stick sparklers and chocolate marshmallows. They all had a lot of fun and had sweet treats to enjoy!
Maasai Tribe Necklaces
Attenborough have been learning about the Maasai Tribe during history this term. They have created these fantastic necklaces inspired by the Maasai tribe. The pupils have worn the necklaces and tried the shuka cloth. Attenborough all looked fabulous!
Sports Day
Attenborough took part in Sports day. The children participated in many different activities such as egg +spoon race, sack race, splat the teacher and the obstacle course. They did amazing and won lots of team points. Well done Attenborough!
In P.E. the pupils are learning how to kickbox. In their first week they have learned the basic stances and stretches. Attenborough class have really enjoyed themselves.