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Applebee Wood Community Specialist School

Respect, Belonging, Trust, Resilience, Aspiration

Park Class

Welcome to Park Class!


Miss Best


Teaching Assistants

Mrs Simpson

Miss Robinson

Miss Denton

Ms Bak



Park class is made up of 8 amazing children. 


We focus on the key areas: 

Literacy/ Phonics 


Understanding the World/ Science

 Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Physical Development

Communication and Language



We will also be focusing on areas such as Independent Living Skills, Forest Schools, Swimming and regular Attention Autism sessions. 


Useful information

Our PE lessons are on a Tuesday afternoon. Please can all children come to school in their PE kit. We are not going swimming this half term, but next half term we will be going on a Wednesday.  All children will need a swimming costume and a towel. If appropriate, they will also need a swim nappy. 


We love going outside. As the weather is getting colder please can all children have a named hat in school. Please ensure any uniform, lunchboxes, water bottles are named named. 


If you have any questions, please do email or leave a note in their home school diary or message on seesaw. 


Thanks for all the support, 

Park Team. 

Our Visual Timetable.

Our class topics - 2022-23

Spring 2 - Ready Steady Cook

What a busy 2 weeks we have had and what a fun topic! Our story has been Handa’s surprise. The children loved seeing all the different animals and fruits. 

We have been busy with our IEP targets in maths. The children are doing really well with these and becoming more independent. We have also been listening to lots of counting songs and practising using our choose boards and taking turns to pick.


We made salt dough fruits the children used a choose board to pick their fruit and rolled out the dough. We then coloured them in using paint sticks. 

We also have been thinking about different kitchen equipment, and trying to find it. The children have done a support job at matching the symbols and finding the equipment when asked. 

We are looking forward to our next topic - Let’s Grow! 


Park class team 😊


Spring 1 Week 5


We have had an amazing last week of term in Park class! These 5 weeks have flown by and we can’t believe it is time for the holidays. This week we have been thinking about houses. The children have loved this topic and it has been lovely to see them interact so well with the theme. 

In topic we had a look at our houses on google maps ! The children loved seeing their houses on the big screen and some even found their way home from school! We then had a go at painting our houses and trying to use the correct colours. The children loved this activity and enjoyed seeing where all their friends lived!

The children became builders later on in the week and used the bricks and shaving foam to lay bricks. They did a super job with this and really enjoyed it. They even helped us wipe clean all the bricks afterwards. 

Our book this week has been Who lives here? By Julia Donaldson. The children really enjoyed this book and listened all together, they sound and matched symbols for parts in the story. They enjoyed the pop up parts of the book. 

We have also celebrated pancake day as we will be on holiday when it happens. The children loved choosing different toppings for their pancakes. The chocolate sauce and strawberry sauce was the favourite by far! The children even tried rolling them up to eat, this made our hands quite sticky! 


We hope everyone has a brilliant week off and we look forward to seeing the children again after the break. Our topic for after half term will be - ready, steady, cook! 


Park Class Team. 😊


Spring 1 Weeks 3 and 4.


We have had an amazing 2 weeks learning all about Space! The children have really enjoyed this topic and we have completed lots of fun activities.


We have been very busy working towards our new IEP targets in both maths and phonics. The children are building their confidence with these and are well on their way to achieving them. we have been using our numicon to make number sentences. We have also been thinking about the days of the week and what activities happen on each day. 


We have made shaving foam planets, rocket ships and even made some foam rockets shoot into the sky.  Mrs Gallagher kindly lent us her rocket kits and we had so much fun watching them shoot into the sky. The children loved this activity and took turns brilliantly. 

We celebrated WOW Wednesday and had a look at Chinese new year! We made Chinese lanterns and traced some Chinese symbols. We even had a Chinese food tasting session, the children tried spring rolls, egg friend rice and even seaweed! Some children loved the food and some children had a good try but told us the food was yuck! 

This term has flown by and we cannot believe that next week is the last week of term! We will be looking at the topic street detective. Please could all families send a picture of their house in through email or on Seasaw. 


Park Class Team 



Autumn 2 week 6

We have had another lovely week in Park class, we have been very busy! We have finished off our topic, Winter Wonderland. The children have really enjoyed this topic but we have a feeling they will enjoy our next one even more. Our next topic is Christmas!


The children have been working towards their IEP goals and have made brilliant of progress with these! The children have been very busy making decorations for the classroom, gift tags for the Christmas fair and have even been up to forest school! 

Thr children have explored ice this week and observed it melting, we have made melting snowman and painted on slabs of ice! We have also been outside spotting different signs of winter such as leaves on the floor. The children have becoming more independently with getting dressed for the cold, many have been putting their  hat, gloves and scarf on independently! 

We have a busy last 2 weeks coming up with the Christmas party, Christmas dinner and the Nativity. 

Thank you, 

Park Class Team 😊


Autumn 1 Week 5


We have had a lovely week once again in Park Class. We have been very busy learning all about our new topic - Winter Wonderland. The weather this week has been perfect for our topic and we have had lots of fun exploring the frost and ice!


In maths this week we have been looking at heigh. We have been using a vocabulary board to explore tall, short when building with our blocks. The children have had lots of fun using the blocks and have build some very tall towers! We been practiced our pattern skills and tried to copy AB patterns with coloured blocks! 

We used chocolate in cooking class! We had lots of fun melting the chocolate and making the chocolate shapes! We even had a taste of chocolate, it was very yummy! We are going to be making chocolate shapes for the enterprise, so this was very good practice. We also made gift labels to go on our yummy treats! 

While it has been very cold we haven’t had any snow but Miss Best made some snow for our sensory exploration! The children loved forming snow balls and watching them crumble, it was just like snow but without the cold! 

Have a lovely weekend, 


Park Class Team 

Autumn 1 Week 4

Another busy week has passed in Park. The children have had a lovely week finishing our topic on dragons . The children have been busy learning all about the different colours of dragons, hot and cold and the body parts of a dragon.


We have had a very busy week this week focusing on our Numicom in maths. We have been matching the shapes of Numicon, it was a little tricky but we worked hard to fit all the pieces of the castle together! Next week we are going to be learning about length! 

We have used symbols to choose what colour we would like our dragons to be, lots of the children chose green. We then coloured in the dragons. We have also watched Zog by Julia Donaldson on BBC, we had some yummy snacks and enjoyed watching the film. 

We have been swimming again this week and the children are getting more and more confident in the water, we even had lots of buckets and toys to play with and had lots of fun splashing. We have enjoyed building with Lego this week, the children built some tall towers and enjoyed watching them crash. 

Next week we will be starting our new topic - Winter Wonderland. We are also going to be making chocolates ot sell at the Christmas fair! 

Have a lovely weekend,


Park Class Team





Autumn 2 Week 3


It is the end of another busy week in Park. This week have started our topic all about dragons! It is safe to say the children have loved this topic and can’t wait to carry in with it next week. We have also celebrated Children in Need this week and completed lots of Pudsy Crafts. 

We have enjoyed music this week and the children have been listening to the music playing to the beat and starting and stopping to the music. We have also been practising our Nativity song - We Three Kings. The children and us have been learning the signs and we are trying really hard to sign the key bits in Makaton, 


The children have all made a dragon out of shapes this week, it was quite tricky but all the children kept preserving. They have also made a dragon using the bingo dotters and placed their eyes and mouth in the correct places.

On Friday we celebrated Children In Need. We all wore our PJs and had a comfy day. We have made Pudsy headbands and coloured in a Pudsy. In the afternoon we watched Zog (our story this week) and had some yummy treats.


We look forward to carrying on with our topic next week! 


Park Class Team 😊

Autumn 1 Week 2


We have had a brilliant week in Park once again! This week we have finished our topic on muck, mess and mixtures, been swimming and had a birthday! We have also been to the cinema this week and the children were AMAZING! All the grown ups where very proud of them and we will have to go again as the children loved it so much.


In maths we have been carrying on with our IEP targets and we are making lovely progress towards these. We have been using our choose board in maths to pick what song we would like and practicing our turn taking skills. The children’s favourite song is ten in a bed and we have listened to this lots of times! 

We loved art this week and we have enjoyed making texture collages. The children used a topic board to describe a variety of textures and then stuck them down. They all did a very good job at their collages and we have them on display in class! 

In cooking class we made smoothies! The children picked their fruit, put it in a cup and then passed it to Miss Best to blend. All the children tried their smoothies, some loved them some not too much. 

Next week we will be starting out topic on dragons, with our book being Zog! Next week we have children in need and all children are welcome to come in their PJs. 

Thank you, 

Park class team 😊

Autumn 2 Week 1


What a brilliant first week back we have had! The children have come back very settled from their week off and it was lovely to see each other again on the Monday morning. We have loved our new topic of Muck, Mess and Mixtures and look forward to carrying on with it next week! 

We have been very busy this week, we have made glitter bottles which we took home. We had to be very careful when pouring the water! We enjoyed shaking them and watching all the glitter move. We practiced our cutting skills and cut some spaghetti up! The children enjoyed this activity, especially eating some of the spaghetti! On Tuesday we celebrated halloween! We decorated halloween t shirts, we did a spooky Playdough  gym and listened to some halloween songs! We also made chocolate apples, the children enjoyed this and we had them as snack in the afternoon. 

On Wednesday we went swimming again! This was the children’s highlight of the week, it was lovely to see their big smiles and see them play in the water! All the children did amazingly and we are very proud of them.  

We have been working on copying patterns and looking at different colours. The children drew fireworks using chalk in art this week and loved looking at all the different colours. We have also done some water play, making potions. We explored the different colours, mixing them and using pipettes. It was a lot of fun. 


Home work had been sent in bags and is on seesaw. Any questions please do email or send a message, we can’t wait to see all the children’s work. 

Thank you! 
Park Class Team. 😊




Autumn 1 Week 7 



Park class have had a brilliant last week of the half term, these past 7 weeks have flown by! We have had a very busy last week and have been using our PECs books more and more throughout the day! 

On Monday we had a Disney Day, celebrating 100 years of Disney! We looked at the Jungle book and made ran catchers. These looked amazing and the children asked for everything they needed using their PECs book! In the afternoon we went outside and mark made with chalk and then had a treat, a film afternoon! We watched a a few songs from the jungle book and then put on a Disney classic, Mickey Mouse!


In maths and phonics we finished off our packs for this week and became confident with the activities in them. Our topic this week was Halloween and we have enjoyed exploring and painting pumpkins! It did gets. Little messy but the children have a fab time exploring the pumpkins, painting them and feeling pumpkin guts in a bag! Our favourites were the mini pumpkins as they are so cute! 

In cooking we made ghost pizzas! Once again we used our PECs books to ask for the ingredients and we followed a recipe on how to make them. We made them on wraps and we enjoyed eating every last bit! We have a new piece of equipment in our yard, a bouncing tyre! It has become a class favourite, all the children love it!

Please can all parents make sure they have signed up to Seesaw, if you need a new letter showing how to sign up please send me an email.


We hope all the children have a fantastic half term, please add any fun activities they do onto seesaw for us to see! We look forward to welcoming the children back in a week, our new topic will be muck, mess and mixtures!


Thank you, 

Park Class Team 😊



Autumn 1 Week 6


In Park this week we have had a lovely week. We have finished out topic of Wheels, Wings and 
Other Things. We have also been very busy working on our IEP targets and using our PECS. 


In phonics we have enjoyed mark making using a variety of different medias. This has included wheels on cars, chalk and puffy paint! The children have also been working on their one to one targets and they are making amazing progress with this. In maths we have been using Numicon to support us, some of us have been  the recognising different Numicon shapes and others solving sums. In cooking class we made some sandwiches again, the children completed this mostly independently just with a few prompts. All the sandwiches looked yummy!  


We have been really working on using our PECs book this week and travelling to them when we would like something. We have done lots of choosing across the school day. This could be at snack time, choosing a toy or choosing somewhere we would like to go. From next week we are going to be using them more in our lessons and ask for things we need to complete our tasks such as glue or scissors.  The children are doing so well with their PECs book and we are so so so proud of them! 


We went up to Forest School on Thursday and we had so much fun, even if it is a little muddy! Thank you to all the parents that sent in waterproofs! The children had lots of fun exploring forest school, had some warm Vimto and a biscuit. 


We cannot believe next week is the last week of the half term, it is flying by! We are going to finishing off a few tasks we stilol have to do for Wheels, Wings and Other Things and then we are going to have some Halloween fun! 



Autumn 1 Week 5


We have another amazing week in Park Class. We have been doing the topic - Wheels, Wings and Other Things! 

The children have loved this topic and we cannot wait to carry on with it next week. 


We have been looking at different modes of transport. We have been Colourful Semantics to describe a picture of a girl travelling on a bike and a car. We have also been looking at a picture and spotting and finding different ways to travel. The children have been naming these both verbally and using symbols. 


In our maths we have been looking at Numicon and Tens Frames. The children have been finding, ordering and doing sums! We are getting more and more confident with our Numicon. We have also been looking at patterns and copying and creating AB patterns. 


We have been very creative this week. We have made cars for our topic display and painted using puffy paint. We collected leaves at forest school, dried them out and then made forest animals! We have been carrying on looking at mixing colours and we even painted on ice! The children love this activity and we will be doing it again! 


We hope the children have a lovely weekend and are ready to carry on with our topic next week!



Park Class Team

Autumn 1 Week 4


We have had another fantastic week! We have enjoyed our topic - Can penguins live in hot places? And we are looking forward to our next topic - Wheels, wings and other things! 

As always we have been working really hard on our IEP targets and we are making lovely progress with them. We have enjoyed making an igloo and ice lollies. We chose which flavour ice lolly we would like, poured it into the mould and then waited till the afternoon for it to freeze. The children enjoyed watching us struggle to get them out of the mould and even tired to help us by patting them on the table. It was worth the effort as they tasted so yummy! 

We have also been thinking about our different emotions and what these look like. We worked on matching faces to different symbols. We have enjoyed lots is time outside, making marks with chalks and on the bikes. We have begun choosing what songs we would like using a choose board and are working on taking turns. 

It has been a lovely week in Park and we cannot wait for next week, we are going to be looking at cars as part of our new topic. 

Please check seesaw for any messages or updates. If you have any questions feel free to send a message in seesaw or email. 


Park Class Team 😁


Autumn 1 Week 2 and 3. 

What a brilliant 2 weeks we have had in school. We have finished off our topic on kings and queens and have now moved onto our new topic. We have been thinking about if Penguins can live in hot places! We have enjoyed exploring ice, learning about penguins and even making some yummy frozen snacks. 

We have been working really hard on our new IEP targets and we are making brilliant progress with these. It is lovely to see the children becoming more confident with their work tasks. We have been matching colours, building numbers with Numicon and using our PECs books. The children have been working really hard to build their confidence with their PECs books and it is lovely to see them ask for their needs and wants.


On Wednesday we celebrated Day of Democracy. As a school we looked at The British Vaules. We choose different fruit and shared this evenly. We also had a look at the police and who keeps us safe. We created a class kindness tree and practiced saying please and thank you using our communication boards and PECs. It was a lovely morning. 

As the weather is getting colder please can all children have a names coat in school. We have forest school on a Thursday, if you would like your child to wear waterproof clothing please send it in with their name on. 

Thank you,

Park Class Team. 😊

Autumn 1 Week 1 


We have had a fabulous first week back at school. It has been lovely to see all the children again and how much they have grown! It has been super to see all the children settle back into the school routines. This week we have been focusing on settling back into school life and learning our new daily routines.


We have been looking at our first topic of the half term, Kings and Queens. We have made crowns, decorated a castle, and made a castle using blocks. We made our play dough on Tuesday morning and have enjoyed making different shapes and completing play dough gyms. I cooking class we made apple tarts, we enjoyed eating these in the afternoon! We have also been doing lots of little tasks such as matching skills, patterns, and threading. We have also visited the school library and we enjoyed looking at different books.


We are looking forward to next week, we are carrying on with our topic of kings and queens. Our smell of the week is going to be mango.


We hope all the children have a good weekend and we can’t wait to see them again on Monday!


Park Class Team smiley
