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Applebee Wood Community Specialist School

Respect, Belonging, Trust, Resilience, Aspiration

Park Class

Welcome to Park Class!


Miss Best


Teaching Assistants

Mrs Clegg

Miss Robinson

Miss Clare



Park class is made up of 9 amazing children. 


We focus on the key areas: 

Literacy/ Phonics 


Understanding the World/ Science

 Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Physical Development

Communication and Language

Expressive Art and Design


We will also be focusing on areas such as Independent Living Skills, Forest Schools, Swimming and regular Attention Autism sessions. 


Useful information

Our PE lessons are on a Thursday afternoon. Please can all children come to school in their PE kit. We are not going swimming this half term, but next half term we will be going on a Wednesday.  All children will need a swimming costume and a towel. If appropriate, they will also need a swim nappy/ swimming incontinence aid.


We love going outside. As the weather is getting colder please can all children have a named hat and coat in school. Please ensure any uniform, lunchboxes, water bottles are named named. 


If you have any questions, please do email or leave a note in their home school diary or message on seesaw. 


Thanks for all the support, 

Park Team. 

Autumn 1 - My Friends

Autumn 1 Week 2 and 3


We have had a lovely first few weeks back in Park Class, we have spent lots of time getting to know our new friends and our class routines. 


We have been learning all about ourselves what we like and how to be a good friend. The children have listened to the stories Meesha Makes a Friend and a Snail and a Whale. We have made lots of friendship chains and thought about how we can be kind to others. 


The children have been using communication boards to support them with asking for their needs and wants. We have had a big focus on turn taking and the children are using and enjoying waiting their turn for various activities. 


We celebrated British Values Day, we made our own Island. the children chose what they would like, we had lots of islands with toy shops and Aldi! We also made short bread and painted the UK flag in the afternoon. 


We have also been up to forest school and tired to hunt for some Autumn Items, we then made a Acorn in our topic class. 


We are looking forward to next week, we will be continuing to look at the story - The Snail and the Whale. 



Park Class 
