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Applebee Wood Community Specialist School

Respect, Belonging, Trust, Resilience, Aspiration



At Applebee Wood we seek to:

  • Stimulate pupils’ interests in their surroundings and in a variety of physical and human conditions of the earth’s surface.
  • Foster pupils’ sense of wonder at the beauty of the world around them.
  • Enhance pupils’ sense of responsibility to the world and its people around them



We aim to make Geography an enjoyable learning experience by

  • Studying a range of people, places and environments.
  • Researching the location of places and environments.
  • Studying Human and Physical geography processes.
  • Appreciating different scales – from personal and local to national and global.
  • Studying how economic, social and environmental factors affect issues.
  • Carrying out geographical inquiry- skills to plan the investigation, to collect, record, display and analyse the information.
  • Using a range of resources, including maps, atlases, photographs, satellite images, text and ICT.
  • In EYFS, Key Stages 1 and 2, Geography is taught alongside History in a topic based format. Pupils will complete a Geography topic in one half term and then a History topic the next half term.
  • In Key Stage 3, year 7 and 8 pupils have one  50 minute session a week which alternates between Geography / History each half term. Year 9 follow an accredited curriculum (AQA awards) and are taught History twice a week.
  • In KS4, Geography ASDAN Award for the formal class ( and finished by the end of year 10) whilst the semi-formal class follow the AQA Unit Awards.



To ensure that pupils have a wide knowledge of the world around them, and to have skills that will support them in the future lives.
