Pupil Premium (plus catch up funding)
Background and Strategy
Pupil Premium funding is additional funding to enable schools to provide greater support for children eligible for free school meals (FSM).
Here at Applebee Wood, the barriers to learning for our pupils are developmental rather than as a result of social background. As the majority of our pupils in receipt of Pupil Premium funding have additional communication and social interaction learning needs, these areas form the basis of targeted interventions.
Pupil Premium funding has been utilised also to employ a Family Support Officer, whose role is to engage families in improving social and educational outcomes for their child. This is a designated role for providing early intervention for families in relation to accessing appropriate support and services to ensure a consistent, child centred approach to learning. Families are given opportunities to engage in informal and structured learning opportunities through a programme of coffee mornings.
Our Home Learning Co-ordinator offers activities for all families to continue pupils learning at home. For parents of children in receipt of Pupil Premium funding, additional support is provided.
The remainder of the grant is spent on priorities identified by teaching teams for individual pupils. Evidence is gathered through data and termly pupil progress meetings.
Reporting to governors is undertaken termly, with governors challenging spend and outcomes.