Primary (Donaldson and Rosen)
Rosen Class - Weather Pictures

Rosen Class have been learning all about weather and each week a different weather is a focus. Prior to completing a weather activity we recap on the different Makaton signs for the weather and apply our learning to a song. Lots of sensory activities are used to support Rosen in their learning. During the activity on rain , Rosen class used cotton wool to emulate the clouds and used a pipette and blue paint for the rain. We really enjoyed watching the paint run!!
Rosen - Exploring Ice

Rosen Class have been exploring ice . We recapped on the Makaton signs for weather and learnt the sign for ice. Mr Byrom-Jones had coloured the ice with food colouring and we had lots of fun painting with it! Our next activity was to help to get the toy cars out of the ice cubes. We had lots of fun trying to rescue the cars and used salt and hot water. However one pupil used his problem solving skills by dropping the ice on the floor to break the ice , thus releasing them.