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Applebee Wood Community Specialist School

Respect, Belonging, Trust, Resilience, Aspiration

School Council

School Council 2024-2025

Our school council  this year are: 

Louie K, Zayyan P, Lena C, Matthew F, Tony B, Louie L, Freddie C, Leah L, Sam K, Mohammed P, Josh G, Lola M, Curtis S, William D and Ethan C.

The staff that help us are:

Mrs Patten, Mrs Preston, Mrs Alcock, Miss Colpman and Mrs Hamilton


School Council 16.1.25


We welcomed Shayan from Daly class to school council this month. 


In this meeting we discussed what to put in the school time capsule. We each took back to class a topic to find pictures or information on. 


We discussed what to do for Comic Relief and how to raise money. 


We are going to sell badges and key-rings to raise money for school council. 


School Council  10.10.24

We decided on different fundraising activities for Children in Need and we made some posters. 

We allocated a topic for our time capsule to each class. 

School Council Meeting 17.9.24

We meet each other and created our long term plan for the year. 

We looked at the water bottles that we want to sell for this year. 

School Council 2023-2024


Our school councillors this year are: Eden, Bobby, Ellie, Caidi, Joseph, Mohammed, William, Kai, Faith, Thomas, Sonny, Philip, Ethan, Phoebe and Michael with Mrs Patten and Mrs Preston. Our school governor is Mrs Vendy, and she attends all our meetings too. 

The long term plan 2023-24

We raised enough money to have bench made for the field.

School Council Meeting 5th February 2024

Today we chose our kindness certificates and then we went around school selling our badges and keyrings. We made around £20 todayblush

School council are selling badges and keyrings.

School Council Meeting 18th January 2024

In this meeting we made posters for a next fundraising event. On the 9th February will be wearing an item of red for £1. 

School council meeting 4th December 2023


In this meeting we discussed different things we could do make and sell to raise money. We looked at special days and came up with some ideas- ie flowers for Valentine's Day. 

Deputy Head Interviews


School council held interviews for the candidates for the Deputy Head position. We thought of our own questions and we asked them ourselves. We also got to choose our favourite candidate at the end. We had a lovely time- not sure the candidate did wink

School Council Meeting 7th November 2023


We decided for Children in Need, pupils and staff could come in their PJ's for a donation. 

We also thought of questions to ask the interviewees for the Deputy Head position. 

School Council Meeting 9th October 2023

This month we talked about Disney Day and ideas for Children in Need. 


School Council Meeting  14.9.23

We had our first school council meeting today. 

We introduced ourselves, talked about our plans for the year  and made posters for a Disney Day.

School Council 2022-2023

Our School Council meets the first week of each month. 


Our school counsellors are: Thomas, Elijah, Ella, William, Freddie, Riley, Daniel, Gemma,  Ethan, Phoebe, Luke and  Chantelle. 

School Council Dates- Summer Term 

Tuesday 2nd May Lesson 4

Tuesday 6th June Lesson 1

Thursday 6th July Lesson 5


School Council Dates Spring Term  


Thursday 12th January Lesson 5 

Tuesday 7th February Lesson 4 

Tuesday 7th March  Lesson 1 


School Council Dates Autumn Term 


Thursday October 6th Lesson 5 (postponed to 13th due to staffing)

Tuesday 1st November Lesson 4 

Tuesday 6th December Lesson 1  


In our first meeting we will be looking at ideas for the year and making an action plan. 

School Council Meeting  11.7.23


This was our last School Council Meeting. We finished putting up the wall stickers in the toilets. 

We then had a little party to celebrate what we have achieved this year. 

School Council Meeting 6.6.23

We were asked to come up with new house team names for the school from September. We decided on Continents and chose the colour for each house. 

School Council 27.4.22

We did our Kindness Certificates and chose the wall stickers we wanted to buy for the toilets. Mrs Patten will order them for our next meeting. 

School Council 7.3.23

We decided that we would dress up in red for Red Nose Day. 

We also looked at the school rules and came up with some ideas that we passed on to SLT. 

School Council Meeting 7.2.23

We had OFSTEFD in our meeting today. He was very impressed with us :-) 

We looked at creating a Child on Child Abuse Policy. 

We priced up wall stickers to buy for the school toilets. 


School Council Meeting 12.1.23


In our meeting today, we worked on our child on child abuse child friendly policy. We just need to add some pictures. 


We also made a poster for our first fund-raising date- Crazy Hair Day. 



School Council Meeting 6.12.11


We welcomed Mrs Vendy again to our meeting. We discussed how to improve the toilets and have a 'Crazy Hair Day' to raise money for school. 



School Council Meeting 1.11.22


Our school governor, Mrs Vendy, came to visit us today. It was lovely to meet to her. She is hoping to join us on our next meeting too. 


We made a poster for Children in Need day and update the pupil version of the behaviour policy. 



School Council Meeting 13th October 2022


We decided on our action plan for this year. 


It was raised in the meeting by Ethan that some pupils would like to improve the school toilets. After the meeting, we checked with Mrs Padgeon that this was ok and she said yes. This will be our main project for the year. 


We are going to start issuing Kindness Awards for a pupil and member of staff from each Key Stage. 


We are going to find out what pupils would like to buy instead of ice-pops at break times. 


We are also going to look at the school policies and write pupil friendly versions. 




Wow well done everybody, we raised £122 for Children in Need. Thank you to all the people who helped.
