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Applebee Wood Community Specialist School

Respect, Belonging, Trust, Resilience, Aspiration

Morpurgo Class

Class Teacher: 

Miss Mason


Teaching Assistants:

Mrs Holland

Miss Iddon

Mrs Holding

Mr Harrison


Our class has 9 children; 7 boys and 2 girls. We are working on the Pre Key Stage Standards and are a pre formal class. We learn through lots of hands on activities that support our sensory needs. 


Have a look at what we get up too each week!

Our topics

Summer 2 Week 6


We have had a super week in Morpurgo Class. 

We have started our final topic of the year "Under the sea/ Summer holidays"


Our focus story is called "Rainbow fish" 


We have started activities around the story including making our own rainbow fish with shining scales using tin foil. We have made fish 2D shape pictures, a sensory bug picture in outdoor education and with Mrs Birtwell in messy play we celebrated England winning the Semi Finals by making the England badge using our hands. 


Next week: 

- Our class performance (Monday)

- Class trip to Mrs Dawson's Farm (Thursday)

- Continuing our under the sea/ summer holidays topic through cooking and craft activities.


Have a lovely weekend Morpurgo Class! 


Miss Mason, Miss Chadwick, Mrs Holland, Mrs Holding, Miss Iddon & Mr Harrison










Singing Hands - Football Song

Spring 2 - Weeks 1-6


Happy Easter Morpurgo Class, have a look at the Easter learning and activities we have been up to over the last few weeks. 


Have a wonderful break at home ready to come back to school raring to go for the summer term. 


See you all on Monday 15th April. 


Morpurgo Class Team


Makaton Topic - Easter - Singing Hands

5 Little Easter Eggs - Singing Hands makaton

Spring 1 week 5 


What a super finish to the half term! 


We have started our new topic 'Field to fork' and we have learnt lots about where food comes from and what we eat. 


In literacy we have been reading the story 'The Enormous Turnip' and we have done lots of work around the story. We started off with a hook to the book by having a ginormous turnip, rope and soil. We learnt about how all the characters struggled to pull the turnip out of the soil. We then did some activities around the story including our colourful semantics work by making sentences and using language around the story including 'turnip, man, pull, ready steady go'. In phonics this week the phase 2 group have been focusing on the sounds 'g' and 'o' and have played the alphabet soup game with the tins and phase 3 group have focused on 'ch and sh' making words like, chop, chin, chip, ship, shop. 


In maths this week and last week we focused on 'Capacity' and we learnt about 'full, half full and empty'. We used different containers to represent capacity and filled these up with pasta. We enjoyed exploring, pouring and tipping the contents to practice modelling the key language. 


In topic this week we have learnt about where our food comes from. On Monday we did an activity about making our own vegetables patches and learnt about which vegetables grow in the ground. On Tuesday in cooking we practiced our chopping, scooping and peeling skills using different fruits like strawberry, kiwi and oranges. We then had these as toppings on our pancakes. On Wednesday in PSHE we learnt about healthy and unhealthy foods and we explored what these look like and also which foods are our favourites. On Thursday in outdoor learning we met a very special reptile called Bamboo the Bearded dragon, we learnt about the food she eats such as critters and vegetables, some of us even stroked her! On Friday we enjoyed celebrating Chinese New Year by having a feast and trying different foods such as noodles, spring rolls, prawn crackers and fortune cookies. 


smileyOur pupil of the week is Maddisonsmiley


Have a lovely half term break Morpurgo Class and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday 19th February. 


Miss Mason & the team. 

Mr Tumble - The Enormous Turnip

Spring 1 week 3


What another lovely week we have had in Morpurgo Class. We have started our new topic 'Superheroes'. 


In literacy this week we have been reading - "How to be a superhero" - Little Golden Books. We enjoyed finding out about the different powers a superhero has and we have done lots of activities around the story. Miss Mason did a hook to the story on Monday, she got some magic power dust and sprinkled this on the superheroes to help them fly. Then we did a colourful semantics activity focusing on the page when the superhero flew to the sky, we used communication boards and made our own sentences. In phonics this week phase 2 have focused on 'i, n' initial sound bags and phase 3 have focused on building CVC words with y, z sounds. 


In maths this week we have working on numicon patterns to 5, 10 and some of us in our teen numbers to 20. We looked at patterns within a number including 10 and 1 more is 11 and looking at the pattern, whilst some of us used coloured pompoms to represent the quantity up to 5. 


In topic this week, we have done some fantastic learning. On Monday we made ourselves into superheroes and some of us chose what superpowers we'd have. On Tuesday in cooking, we decorated our own gingerbread superheroes, we used different ingredients such as laces for the belt and stars for the costume and in PE, we focused on more throwing skills in a variety of ways including using bean bags to a target, coloured hoops and foam rockets. On Wednesday in PSHE we focused on good and not good choices, we could all look at the pictures to help us visually understand which choices they are, some of us read these to our teachers. On Thursday for forest school with Mrs Birtwell we made kites and took them outside, we enjoyed watching them fly in the wind. On Friday, in RE we have carried on with our Chinese New Year topic and made lanterns using red, orange and yellow colours to collage.


smileyOur pupil of the week is Levismiley


Please find attached the homework map for our new topic, which has also been posted on Seesaw. 


Have a super weekend Morpurgo Class. 


Miss Mason & the team. 

Homework map - Spring 1 week 3&4


Spring 1 week 2 


We've had a super week in Morpurgo Class. We have finished our topic about colour and we have really enjoyed this! 


In literacy this week we finished off reading 'Elmer' and did some more activities around the story. In colourful semantics we focused on the scene where the rain drops on Elmer and the berry juice comes off and reveals it is him. Miss Mason did an attention autism activity with an elephant, paints and water. We all enjoyed watching the paint go on Elmer and then Miss Mason washing him with water. We then did our colourful semantics activity using communication boards and building sentences about this scene from the story. Later in the week we did our phonics work, the phase 2 group focused on 't, p' initial sounds sensory bag and pictures and phase 3 built CVC words with the sounds 'w' and 'x'. We did really well with our phonics and enjoyed watching the Yakka Dee sounds episode. In communication we recapped on our singing hands - makaton signs for colours. 


In maths this week we have focused on colour patterns within 2D shapes, we all worked super hard on this and some of us could use the shape visuals and real-life shapes to build a repeated pattern between up to 2 and 3 shapes. On Tuesday, some of us did a 2D pattern worksheet and the rest of us built pattern towers using two different coloured cubes. We have also worked on our individual maths targets this week, including taking away from 9, number bonds to 5 and one less from 5. 


In topic this week, we have had lots of fun! We did an experiment mixing coloured paints and learning about key knowledge such as 'mixing, primary colours'. One of us even asked what a secondary colour is! On Tuesday we made pattern kebabs using strawberry, bananas and mini pancakes. We also enjoyed our snow day and spent short bursts outside, we were all very sensible and wore our wellies and coats. On Wednesday in topic, we finished off our Colour monster activity in PSHE, we used pipe cleaners to make coloured feeling jars, linking to each monsters' feelings. On Thursday, we enjoyed forest school in class and our sensory engines activities going to the sensory, and light and sound room. On Friday, in messy play with Mrs Birtwell we enjoyed making colours of the rainbow with fruit skewers and fruit pastel lollies. In Friday topic we have started looking at the celebration for 'Chinese New Year' we all made marks and wrote our own names in Chinese. 


smileyOur pupil of the week is John.smiley


Have a lovely Morpurgo Class. 


Miss Mason and the team.

Sing it Sign it 'Colours all around' Makaton

Learning about Primary colour mixing - Sesame Studios

Spring 1 week 1 


Happy New Year Morpurgo Class. 

A very warm welcome back to school and raring to go with our learning. Our new topic for the next two weeks is “Colour". 


In Literacy this week we have been reading the story "Elmer" by David McKee. We loved the part when Elmer shouted BOO and made all the other elephants jump! We have done some activities around the story including our colourful semantics, making sentences about parts of the story and some of us used communication boards to name specific parts of the story I.e, elephant, jungle, colours. In phonics this week, the phase 2 group are recapping 's and a' initial sounds using exploration bags to match the items and the phase 3 group have looked at 'j and v' making CVC words and writing them. We have also been learning about how to be independent with our routines, such as putting our own belongings in the places, i.e. bottle in the box, our visual board has helped us with this.


In maths this week we have started to look at patterns within numbers. We have used our numicon to order in a sequence and recognise a pattern, we used the peg boards to help us with this. Then some of used visual cards with this concept to add an additional challenge. 


In topic this week we have been very crafty and colourful. On Monday, we made our own colour wheels, learning about a colour in each segment before mixing them. We all worked really hard on our creations. On Tuesday in cooking, we made Elmer crispy cakes and we used a different technique of rolling the rice krispies and chocolate and then cutting our elephants with a cutter and adding smarties for colour. In PE we started our new MATP focus for the half term; ball skills. We started this by rolling a ball in a direction towards a target, like skittles. On Wednesday, we worked on our individual targets and in PSHE we listened to the colour monster story linking to different emotions and feelings through colour and decorated our own colour monsters. In forest schools with Mrs Birtwell, we began to look at the next season to follow which is spring, listening to songs. On Friday in communication, we used Singing hands to learn new makaton signs for colours and in topic we decorated our own Elmer collages. 


The homework mindmap and learning links for the next two weeks have been posted on Seesaw and are below.


smileyOur star of the week is: Maddisonsmiley


Have a lovely weekend Morpurgo Class. 


Miss Mason & the team

Spring 1 week 1 and 2 homework map

Autumn 2 week 7 and 8


The last two weeks we have been super busy, we have enjoyed all the festivities in school. 


In literacy we have finished our story "The perfect Christmas tree". We have completed lots of activities around the story including, decorating trees and putting the characters on from the story. In phonics we have matched the j, v, x, y CVC word baubles to the Christmas trees and the rest of us have looked at object sound bags and mark made in the snowy sand. 


In maths we explored money by introducing coins to the Christmas piggy bank. Some of us looked at 1p and 2p and the rest of us looked at 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p. In numicon we have made Santa's sleighs using the different numicon pieces. 


In topic we have been very crafty and have done lots of activities. We have made hot chocolate cones using cocoa, chocolate buttons and chocolate raisins. We had our very special Christmas lunch in the hall, we all did amazingly well sitting together and wearing our party hats. In cooking we have made melted snowman biscuits and chocolate shreddie Christmas Trees. In PSHE we have made our own snowman Christmas cards and in topic we explored sensory snow. 

On Thursday, we did our class Nativity and we were sheep. Miss Mason was very proud of how well we did walking on and off the stage and seeing some of our families. 


In your child's bag there is a Christmas craft wallet with all their craft creations and a Christmas gift from Miss Mason and the team. 


I look forward to seeing you all on Monday 8th January.


Have a lovely Christmas break and a Happy New Year Morpurgo Class. 


Miss Mason, Mrs Holland, Mrs Holding, Miss Iddon and Mr Harrison

Autumn 2 week 6 


This week we have finished off our topic for 'Follow the star'. We enjoyed finishing off our story 'The star in the jar'. We did some activities around the story including our colourful semantics building sentences such as 'The boy looked in the sky.' We could identify the character, what they were doing and where. In phonics this week some of us have worked on the sound 'e' and the rest of us 'w and x'. We have used the 'e' sound bag to explore different items beginning with the sound 'e' and practiced mark making the letters. We used the 'w and x' Christmas trees to find baubles containing those letters and we also wrote CVC words on stars containing those sounds. In maths this week we have looked at quantities within a number through matching a quantity of cubes to the numeral number. We have also enjoyed looking at Christmas counting songs. 


In topic this week we prepared our wooden baubles to sell on our Christmas Fair stall. We were very careful and took care when using different coloured paints, we sold 9 baubles and the rest we are going to bring home to put on our trees. On Tuesday in class cafe, we made our stained glass star window biscuits. Our focus skill this week was rolling the dough, we rolled the biscuit dough and then used two different shape cutters, circle and a star in the middle, we then added a sweet to melt in the middle to make the coloured window effect. They turned out beautifully and tasted yummy. On Wednesday, we made our headbands for our nativity show, we are being sheep. On Thursday, in forest school with Mrs Birtwell, we learnt about keeping safe around a bonfire/ fire pit and in topic we elf'd ourselves and practiced using our cutting skills to cut different items of clothing to make our elf picture with our faces! On Friday with Mrs Birtwell we did messy play using paint sticks and ink stampers to make our own Christmas wreaths.


Next week we are going to start our Christmas craft afternoons linking to our final Christmas topic. 


smileyOur star of the week is Levismiley


Have a lovely weekend Morpurgo Class. 


Miss Mason & the team. 

Autumn 2 week 5 


What another lovely week we have had in Morpurgo Class! 


This week we have started our new topic 'Follow the star' and our focus story for the next two weeks is 'A star in the jar'. We have done some activities around the story including looking at shooting star pictures and using communication boards to describe the pictures and the rest of us made short sentences and captions about the picture. Later in the week we did our colourful semantics work, building sentences like 'the boy found a star outside'. We all worked really hard on this activity. In phonics this week we have worked on the 'k' sound and the rest of us wrote CVC words on the stars.


In maths this week, we have continued working on the concept with 'one more' in numicon. We have used playdough to place the amount in the holes of the numicon to show true representation of the concept. We also did this but using coloured bears to make sure we really consolidated this skill. Next week, we are going to start looking at one less with lots of real life resources to help us. 


In topic this week we have had lots of fun. On Monday, in science we looked at shadows of the stars and could use a light source to do that, we enjoyed looking at shadows using our bodies such as our arms and hands. On Tuesday, we designed our coloured window star pictures in preparation to make our stained-glass window biscuits next week. On Wednesday we enjoyed our weekly swimming lesson and on Thursday in outdoor learning we looked at the frost and learnt about what it feels like and what we need to wear to keep ourselves warm in the winter months. In the afternoon in PSHE we made our dream jars and chose what dreams we want such as to feel safe, have friends and to play. On Friday we have had a very special visitor come to join us - the class elf who will be with us throughout December. In topic we used different art media to create our own yellow stars. 


In the next few weeks we have lots of exciting things going on around school involving Christmas, including our Christmas fair, our class stall is going to be bauble decorations which we are going to decorate ourselves. 


smileyOur star of week goes to Johnsmiley


Have a super weekend Morpurgo Class. 


Miss Mason & the team. 

Autumn 2 week 4


What another busy week we have had in Morpurgo Class. 

This week we have been finishing off our topic 'Zoom, Zoom, Zoom', we have loved this topic, we have learnt lots of new things about planets and astronauts! 


In literacy we continued with our story 'Whatever next!'. We did some more activities around the story, including dressing the baby bear to go to space. We learnt about different things he might wear for example, moon boots, spacesuit and helmet. We all could name the items of clothes and some of us wrote captions to match the items. Later in the week, we did our colour semantics work, making our own sentence about the story 'Baby bear found a space helmet in the kitchen', some of us recognised that this sentence was in the story! In phonics this week, some of us have been looking at the sound 'c' and the rest of us have been doing CVC word building and writing. On Friday, we did space writing in the sand and some of us wrote on the rocket to go to the moon! 


In maths this week, we have continued looking at our numicon and the concept of one more of a given number, this is quite a tricky concept, but we all tried hard. Some activities we have done are using numicon, pegs and a number line to find out one more. We also used numicon visual cards on another activity to help us consolidate this skill. We will continue looking at the concept 'one more' next week. 


In topic this week, we have made our own astronauts using tin foil and recognising our own faces. On Tuesday in class cafe we made rocket pizzas using wraps and we put cheese slices stars on for the rocket windows. On Wednesday we enjoyed our swimming lesson and on Thursday in forest school, we did a welly walk to collect some leaves and we drew round them to look at the different shapes. On Friday, we used symbols to communicate what we would take to space and some us talked about how we would need oxygen to go up to space. Look at our space display outside our classroom, Miss Mason is very proud of it!


smileyOur star of the week is John and our cooking award goes to Ibrahimsmiley


Have a fantastic weekend Morpurgo Class 


Miss Mason & the team

Autumn 2 week 3


We've had another lovely week in Morpurgo Class. 


We've loved the first week of our new topic 'Zoom, Zoom Zoom'. In literacy this week we have been reading the story 'Whatever next' by Jill Murphy. We have done lots of activities around the story including looking at a space scene and making sentences and giving descriptions about the scene. Some of us said 'the rocket landed on the moon', 'the astronaut floated in space', 'There are planets in space'. Some of us pointed to key points on the space picture such as 'rocket, planet and astronaut'. Miss Mason was very impressed with our hard work. On Tuesday we enjoyed Attention Autism with Mrs Holland, we sat for up to 10 minutes and could wait for lots of exciting items to come out of the bucket! On Wednesday we made our colourful semantics sentences with 'who, what and where'. On Thursday in phonics some of us did CVC word building and the rest of us explored 'g' objects in the sensory phonics bag. On Friday, some of us wrote cvc words on the moon and the rest of practiced writing 'g' in the sand. 


In numicon maths this week, we have had lots of fun. We have looked at the numicon shapes in more detail and could match the number of coloured dots to each numicon piece, some of us did this to 5 and up to 10. On Tuesday, we made our own numicon rockets and used certain numicon pieces to make each part of the rocket, all of them were very unique. We've also enjoyed various space counting songs this week, including 5 little men in a flying saucer and space rocket ship blast off song. 


In topic this week, we have been very busy. On Monday we decorated our planets and could communicate using a choice board to which planet we wanted to paint. On Tuesday we enjoyed PE in the hall, climbing over a variety of equipment such as benches, monkey bars and coloured spots. On Wednesday, we enjoyed our weekly swimming lesson, we are fantastic and confident in the water. On Thursday and Friday we celebrated two birthday's, Maddison's on Thursday and Mrs Holland's on Friday and in communication we practiced makaton songs with singing hands linking to space and decorated our own Pudsey's for Children In Need. 


smileyOur star of the week is Fread for fantastic engagement in his reading, our PE award goes to Aiza for being confident at following instructions when using the PE equipment. smiley


Please find below the homework mindmap for our new topic, this will also be posted on Seesaw, I look forward to seeing what you get up to at home. 


Have a super weekend Morpurgo Class. 


Miss Mason & the team. 

Autumn 2 week 3 Homework

Autumn 2 week 2


What another fantastic week we've had in Morpurgo Class! 


In literacy this week we have finished looking at our focus story 'Don't put your finger in the Jelly Nelly' and we have also been looking at bonfire night and fireworks. In literacy we completed activities including our colourful semantics on bonfire night. Some of us built some lovely sentences about bonfire night saying 'The girl is holding a sparkler', 'people watch the bonfire', 'fireworks and moon' and 'I watch bang'. The rest of us pointed to items from the picture on the communication board including 'moon' and 'bonfire'. Later in the week we completed our second colourful semantics linking to our story with 'who, what and where'. In phonics we did some CVC firework themed word building and the rest of us did firework mark making in the sand. 


In maths this week we have been carrying on with the activity cards in our numicon curriculum. We completed activities focusing on repeated patterns using numicon. We completed a cut and stick activity matching which numicon pattern came next linking to colour and number. The rest of us did numicon pattern making up to 5. We also started to look at numcion patterns by adding a repeated number, i.e. numcion 1+1 = 2. The rest of us did bigger numbers up to 15-20 looking at 10 + 1 = 11, 10 + 2 = 12 and  beginning to recognise the pattern of each numicon piece getting bigger. 


In topic this week we have had lots of fun getting creative. On Monday we made our own firework pictures using straws to blow the paint across the page, we enjoyed watching the paint go across the page to make our own design, we had to follow the instruction of when to blow through the straw! On Tuesday, in class cafe we made our own chocolate sparklers by using breadsticks, melted chocolate and sprinkles. We enjoyed dipping and eating them! On Wednesday we had a super time swimming, some of us went in the deep end with the swimming teacher. On Thursday, we went to the cinema as part of community visits and watched the Paw Patrol movie, we all did so well and showed good listening skills when walking to and from the coach. On Friday, we watched a video about Remembrance day, some of us talked about how the rabbit 'felt scared' and then he felt 'happy when the sun and Poppies came out. We then decorated our own poppies using tissue paper. 


smileyOur pupil of the week goes to Maddison & our topic award goes to Sami.smiley


Have a lovely weekend Morpurgo Class, next week we'll be starting our new topic 'Zoom, Zoom, Zoom.'


Miss Mason & the team. 

Beautiful animation sees war as experienced by animals | Poppies - BBC

Autumn 2 week 1 


Welcome back Morpurgo Class, it's been lovely to welcome you all back and what a super first week back we've had!


We've dived straight into our first new topic "Scrumdiddlyumptious"


In literacy this week we have been reading the story 'Don't put your finger in the jelly Nelly' and we have enjoyed learning about the different foods in the story. We have done different activities around the story, including making our own fruit collages, naming and matching fruits and some of us wrote captions of the fruit names. We have also done our colourful semantics activity looking at who, what and where. In phonics, some of us have been continuing our phonics by beginning with initial sounds to match pictures and forming the letters, the rest of us did mark making letters in the sand. We also looked the 'j' sound using jelly on the plate from our story. 


In maths this week, we have continued with our numicon curriculum and looked at numicon number lines by ordering the numicon and Miss Mason took some numicon pieces away and we had to find out which ones they were. On Tuesday for our halloween themed maths we used the numicon pieces to dip into the white paint and made numicon ghosts, some of us thought about how the number one numicon was small enough for the ghosts' head. 


In topic this week, we started off with some halloween activities, we made tissue and glitter ghosts. On Tuesday in class cafe we made chocolate apples with sprinkles and we explored a pumpkin and used the tweezers to try and retrieve the slippery seeds as part of our MATP skills. On Wednesday we went swimming as a class for the first time, we all followed instructions, listened to our adults, stayed safe and had lots of fun! Miss Mason was very proud of us. On Thursday in topic, we made our own autumn pictures using leaves, we learnt about the colour of leaves and how they change across the different seasons. Some of us described the leaves as 'crunchy'. On Friday, in our science topic, we chose foods to go in our lunchboxes, communicated about what we like and dislike and learnt about 'healthy' and 'unhealthy' foods. 


smileyOur star of the week is to all of Morpurgo Class for having a fantastic first week swimming!smiley 


Homework will be uploaded onto Seesaw and will be attached below too.


Have a lovely weekend Morpurgo Class.


Miss Mason & the team. 

Homework Autumn 2 week 1

Autumn 1 week 7


Morpurgo Class have had a super last week of the half term, where has 7 weeks gone already? 


This week we have been looking at Halloween and on Monday we enjoyed Disney Day. 


In literacy this week, we have been reading 'The Hungry Caterpillar's Creepy Crawly Halloween'. We have enjoyed looking at the pictures and learning about different Halloween themed creatures such as spider and moth. We have completed some activities around the story and Halloween including making our pumpkin dot to dot pictures using cotton buds and paint - this supported our fine motor skills. Later in the week we completed our colourful semantics and in phonics we have done Halloween real and nonsense word spells matching and mark making in the green sand practicing forming letters of our names and the focus letter 'm'. 


In maths this week we have finished off the half term with looking at 2D shapes, some of us could explore, match and name up to 3 2D shapes. We did some super halloween shape activities including making our own 2D witch - I love how every witch is unique and different. We also matched 2D shapes to make the pumpkin jigsaw complete, we used our thinking skills to make sure the shape was matching the correct way. We have enjoyed lots of shape songs, please find them below to listen to. 


In topic this week, we have enjoyed lots of halloween crafts. On Monday it was Disney Day and we focused on Toy Story, we made our own Mr Potato heads with Mrs Towers and we also made our own Forkie characters and enjoyed eating popcorn whilst watching the film. On Tuesday, in class cafe we made our spider web cakes, we used an oreo biscuit for the body and strawberry laces for the legs, we loved eating them! On Wednesday in life skills we did a playdough activity and we focused on working alongside peers and making requests for items we needed like cutters and rolling pin using the communication board. On Thursday in forest school Mrs Birtwell brought some of the forest to our classroom and we did leaf threading and we made dens for the creatures using the leaves and in the afternoon, we listened to the funny bones song and made our own skelton pictures. On Friday, we made our own spiderweb pictures using glue and glitter and we enjoyed our last rewards of the half term. 


smileyOur pupil of the week is Aiza and our forest school star is Josephsmiley 


Have a lovely week off Morpurgo Class, we are so proud of the progress you have all made already. See you soon. 


Miss Mason & the team. 

Makaton - THEM BONES - Singing Hands

Makaton Topic - HALLOWEEN - Singing Hands

Autumn 1 week 6:


What another super week we've had in Morpurgo Class!

We have been finishing off our topic, 'Are eggs alive?' We have really enjoyed learning about this topic in lots of different ways. 


In literacy this week we have been reading "The good egg" by Jory John. We have enjoyed learning about how the egg felt scrambled and he did lots of things to make himself feel better. We completed activities around the story including our colourful semantics activities linking to who, what and where. The rest of us looked at the song Humpty Dumpty and used symbols to put the song in order. We have done our phonics learning, some of us have done individual sounds focusing on 'i' and 'n' and practising mark making them in the sand. The rest of us have been making and writing CVC words using our phase 2 phonics mat to help us blend and segment words. In communication we listened to the Mr Tumble song 'chick chick chicken' and practiced makaton the sign for 'egg'. 


In maths, we have carried on using numicon. Some of us have done activities like using numicon to make addition sentences to 10 and looking at our number bonds to 10. The rest of us have explored matching numicon to 3, 5 and 10 by cutting and finding the shapes of the numicon. Our activities have also supported us to meet our individual maths targets. 


In topic this week, we have had lots of fun doing activities linking to our topic and class story. On Monday in topic we decorated our own egg cartons as we learnt that this is where the eggs live in the supermarket. On Tuesday in class cafe we made our own Humpty Dumpty biscuits with icing sugar, edible eyes, sprinkles and strawberry laces for hair, they were very yummy! On Wednesday, in topic we made our own bird feeders, we mixed the seeds and coconut oil in a bowl, we used cutters to make different shapes and then we put them in the fridge to set. Miss Mason is sending them home so we can put them out in the garden for the birds to eat. On Thursday we enjoyed focusing on our life skills doing activities such as threading, pulling up zips and using scissors safely and in the afternoon for road safety we began to look at stop and go signs and the different colours of these. On Friday, we enjoyed decorating our own Humpty Dumpty pictures and our rewards in the afternoon to finish off the week. 


Next week is our last week before the half term and on Monday it is Disney day, our class Disney focus is Toy Story. You have the option to come dressed up if you wish. We are also going to start looking at Halloween.


 smileyOur star of the week is Johnsmiley


Have a lovely weekend Morpurgo Class. 


Miss Mason & the team. 

Humpty Dumpty | Super Simple Songs

Autumn 1 week 5


We've had another super week of learning this week. We have started our new topic 'Are eggs alive?' 


In literacy we have been reading the text 'Who is in the egg?' and we have learnt about different animals that hatch out of an egg. We have done two colourful semantics activities, one activity was looking at the environments of where the different eggs hatched, such as a baby alligator was in a sticky, muddy swamp and a baby bird was up a tree. We built sentences such as 'the bird, is in a nest, up a tree.' We all worked very hard. 

In phonics this week, some of us have done mark making in sand practicing writing 'i' and the rest of us did CVC word building and sounding out each sound in a word. On Friday, in communication we listened to guess the egg song. 


In maths this week, we have enjoyed using numicon linking to our story. We had numicon pieces on the eggs and we had to match and order up to 10. Later in the week some of us did numicon in the sand and the rest of us did addition sentences focusing on different ways to make 10. We have also worked on our individual numeracy targets. 


In topic this week, we have been very engaged in all our learning. On Monday in topic, we decorated our own animal eggs using paint and shape sponges. On Tuesday in class cafe, we made animal nest cakes, and we loved eating these and in the afternoon for MATP we went outside and explored the gym equipment and used the trikes; we loved riding through the puddles on the big playground. On Wednesday in topic, we explored the different habitats of the animal eggs in a sensory tuff tray. We explored ice and sand and some of us knew that the penguin would live in the ice and the giraffe would live in the sand. On Thursday, we enjoyed getting muddy at forest school and in the afternoon, we looked at road safety and how we wear a seatbelt when travelling in a vehicle, we all put our pictures on the bus and put a seatbelt on us. On Friday, we did a squiggle whilst you wiggle decorating our class egg and enjoyed rewards groups and our afternoon snack which was cakes for Macmillan charity morning at school. 


smileyOur pupil of the week is Fread and our homework star is Tony.smiley


Your new homework map and resources are on Seesaw. It has been lovely to see children completing the activities at home. Have a lovely weekend Morpurgo Class. 


Miss Mason & the team.

Autumn 1 week 5 homework

Autumn 1 week 4: 
We've had another lovely week in Morpurgo Class. 


This week we have been carrying on learning about our topic 'Memory box' and have been looking at the story 'The Paper Dolls.' We looked at different places where the Paper Dolls might have gone, such as to the park, swimming or to the zoo. We used our colourful semantics skills to make sentences linking to the story. In phonics this week we have working on our Individual targets, making cvc words and practicing the letter formation for 'p'. In communication this week, we looked at the musical story telling for The Paper Dolls.


In maths this week we have carried on with our numicon unit, we have looked at biggest, smallest and in the middle. We used this with real life objects to look at the physical size alongside the symbols. We have also worked on our personal targets throughout the week. 


In topic this week we have enjoyed several activities including, making our own paper dolls using card, stickers and colours. In Class cafe we decorated and made icing sugar for our own gingerbread people. We learnt about the icing sugar going from dry to wet when adding water and mixing it. On Wednesday we worked on our own independence skills using lace cards and nuts and bolts to practice our fine motor skills. On Thursday we enjoyed lego therapy with shaving foam, going to forest school and working on our road safety skills looking at important signs we might see on the road. On Friday, we practiced dressing the doll, following key instructions such items of clothing and where they go on the body, for example socks on feet, t shirt over our heads. 


smileyOur homework award goes to Aiza and Levi for completing the homework activities on Seesaw and our star of the week goes to Joseph smiley


Next week we will be exploring our new topic 'Are eggs alive?' and we've got lots of exciting activities linking to the topic. 


Have a fantastic weekend Morpurgo Class 


Miss Mason & the team. 


Autumn 1 week 3: 
We've been very busy again this week in Morpurgo Class. We have been learning about our new topic called the "Memory box". Below you will find the homework map that will be given out every two weeks.


This week in literacy we have read a story called "The world made a rainbow" which is about a girl who has memories about her school and friends but has to stay inside until the thunderstorm is over, but she finds out about a beautiful rainbow. We have done lots of activities linking to the story including decorating our own rainbows with stickers - this helped our fine motor skills. We have done colourful semantics continuing to look at 'who, what and where'. In phonics most of us have focused on mark making, forming our focus letters ' s a t ' and working on sh and ch sounds linking to our IEP targets. In communication we listened to 'I can sing a rainbow' signed by Mr Tumble and have practiced ordering our names and writing them too. 


In maths this week we have continued with our numicon work, we have done numicon printing to 10, spot the colours and some of us have done addition work with numicon too. We have also worked on our IEP targets alongside these. 


In topics this week, we have had lots of fun and have been creative. On Monday we decorated our own picture frames for our memory box and on Tuesday we did MATP skills as part of our PE and in class cafe we made chocolate rainbow lollypops, we did very well at mixing, pouring and sprinkling to make our lollypops; our favourite part was to eat them! On Wednesday it was our British Values morning, and we watched a video about how we are all different, but we can all be kind. We did an activity about sharing fruit and making a choice about what we liked. In topic we looked at our memory box and talked about what we might use a memory box for, we could all choose different items to go into the box. On Thursday, we went to forest school and in the afternoon we learnt about road safety and did an activity about traffic lights using the scooter as the vehicle, we enjoyed this! 

On Friday we enjoyed our autumn hunt with Mrs Birtwell and then rewards in the afternoon. 


smileyThe star of the week is Samismiley 


Have a lovely weekend Morpurgo class.


Miss Mason & the team.

Our homework map

CBeebies Songs | Something Special | I Can Sing a Rainbow

Autumn 1 week 2: 
We’ve had another fantastic week in Morpurgo Class. We are fully settled into our routines throughout the day and are engaging in lots of different parts of the curriculum. 


In literacy this week our story is “From my head to my toe - Eric Carle.” We read the story and some of us joined in with the actions. We have completed activities around the story including our colourful semantics activities, matching animal symbols using the story book to remember the order that the animals came in. We’ve ordered parts of the story including “who, what and where.” We’ve done lots of phonics work including interactive games, mark making, practicing our letter formation of the letters “s, a, t, p” and working on our individual targets. In communication, we focused on songs such as if you’re happy and you know it and head shoulders knees and toes linking to following actions and our listening skills. 


In maths this week we have started our Numicon unit and have explored Numicon up to 10. We have used the numicon to match each one to the written numeral, drawn round numicon and we’ve also worked on our individual maths targets alongside this. Lots of us have enjoyed interactive whiteboard games including the speckled frogs game.


In topics this week, we have finished our last week on our topic “Marvellous me”. On Monday we made nature collage faces with pasta, leaves and shapes for eyes. On Tuesday we enjoyed PE linking to our MATP skills. On Wednesday we did our cooking/ class cafe and made animal biscuits linking to our story, we enjoyed eating our finished product. On Thursday we enjoyed our sensory Lego therapy with wobbly strawberry jelly and also going to forest schools looking for bugs. In the afternoon we started looking at our community and road safety, we made traffic lights using cupcake cases and coloured paints for each colour of the lights. On Friday we enjoyed our topic lesson finding different named parts of our face including eyes, nose, mouth and ears. 


smileyOur star of the week is Ibrahim.smiley


Have a lovely weekend Morpurgo Class. 


Miss Mason & the team. 

W/C 05.09.2023


This week we have come back to school raring to go since the summer holidays. We have all done extremely well to come into our new classroom environment and begin to learn and follow our classroom routines.


In literacy this week we have been reading "People who help us at school". This story focused on routines that happen during the school day, including painting, music and listening to a story. We enjoyed the sensory part of the story when Miss Mason got the instruments out and we sang 'if you're happy and you know it', we loved following the actions. Later in the week we completed a colourful semantics activity which enabled us to be able to make a sentence about the story looking at 'who, what and where'. We have also done lots of fine motor activities to get our fingers moving such as dough gym and mark making following pattern cards and some of us were forming letters. We have also done communication through using our 'now and next' boards, symbols and visuals around the room and our own PEC's books, we have worked super hard!


In maths this week, we have been enjoying our counting songs and taking it in turns to choose our favourite ones. We have looked at ordering number to 5, 10, 20 and have enjoyed playing interactive maths games on the screen which involved counting.


In topic this week we have started looking at 'Marvellous me' learning about ourselves and others around us. On Tuesday in cooking and class cafe we made marvellous me pizza wraps and we cut them into people shapes to represent us. On Wednesday we did a whole class painting session and we painted people, we really enjoyed the sensory exploration of the paint. on Thursday we enjoyed forest school and exploring the outdoors. We also did lego therapy exploring sensory textures whilst playing with duplo, we had sensory dough, shaving foam and large duplo bricks. On Friday, we made our own mirrors to see what we look like, we worked very hard on our cutting skills. Lastly for rewards we had ice lollys which was a treat and helped us to cool down. 


smiley Our stars of the week are Levi & Maddison smiley


Have a lovely weekend Morpurgo Class. 


Miss Mason & the team. 

Pupils of the week
