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Applebee Wood Community Specialist School

Respect, Belonging, Trust, Resilience, Aspiration

Rosen Class

Welcome to Rosen Class

Class Teacher

Miss Nicola Booth 

Teaching Assistants

Miss Becca Sherrington

Miss Clare Champion 

Miss Natasha Cook 


Rosen Class is made up of 8 energetic and amazing children. We are a pre-formal class, however you will see some semi-formal learning across some areas of the curriculum. We follow Branch Maps supported by the Equals curriculum to develop very personalised learning for all our children.

Our day is split into whole group teaching and supported independent learning through continuous provision,  helping us to practice and consolidate our learning and skills. We have regular sensory breaks to help us stay focussed where needed, and we work on our IEP targets daily so that we can be the very best that we can be.

Each child in Rosen Class has a Keyperson with whom they develop a bond that helps them feel safe and secure in the school environment. The class teacher has overall responsibility for all the children in class and the key people support the teacher to ensure the children achieve their very best.





Rosen Class Timetable 2024-25

Below are our Half termly Topic webs. They give a brief outline as to the types of things your child will learn during each half term. Each half term has a different theme supported by a core book.

Autumn 1 - Who Am I?

Autumn 2 - Once upon a time...

Week 16 - 13th January 2025

In phonics this week we have been looking at the letter, 'd' and recapping all the other letters we been learning. We are very good at recognising, saying and writing those letters now.

In maths we have been making AB patterns with shapes and sorting objects into colours.

For messy play we had some chocolatey smelling playdough to play with and for motor skills we were very good at threading cheerios onto uncooked spaghetti and using the peg boards.

We really enjoy going in the hall for our MATP sessions and are becoming very confident at using the large equipment to travel in different ways.

In topic we made our own footprints and and we made a bear using a pancake and fruit to decorate.

In PSHE we were thinking about who is special to us in our family by making family portraits and playing family bingo.

Forest school was cancelled this week so we got out the parachute and had fun playing games with that.

We finished our week with our first community visit. We walked safely with our adults to the park and had lots of fun playing on the equipment. Well done everyone for doing so well.

Pupil of the week - Zayyan for expressing his wants  and needs so beautifully.

Week 15 - 6th January 2025

Welcome back to all our families. We have had a wonderful first week back, the children have settled back well and we have got straight back into our learning. We have read our new Core book, 'Funny footprints' and have looked at some prints that different animals make. We made prints in our cookies too!

In phonics we have been looking at the letter 'm' and in maths we have been looking at 1 and lots, and working out if groups of up to 3 are the same or different.

We have explored how to use pipettes in messy play and watched the white powder (bicarb of soda) fizz when the liquid (vinegar) was added.

Forest School was a cold but exciting one, we looked at the footprints we made in the snow and ice with our own prints. 

Week 15 - 16th December 2024

A very festive end to the term. The children were absolutely fantastic in their nativity with the rest of the the children. Well done to everyone!

We enjoyed our class Christmas party and also celebrated Miss Sherrington and Miss Booths birthday's on the last day of term... The cake was delicious!

We wish all our families a safe and restful Christmas break and look forward to seeing you all on the 6th January when we start our new topic.....Who made those footprints?

Pupil of the week - All of Rosen Class for being stars in the Christmas performance

Week 14 - 9th December 2024

Christmas has well and truly arrived in Rosen class this week with lots of glitter and sparkle everywhere!

We had our Christmas jumper day on Wednesday when we also joined the rest of the primary classes in the hall to enjoy our Festive Christmas Lunch.

We made gingerbread men for cooking and all enjoyed eating them after they had been decorated. We have done lots of maths and phonics with a Christmas theme and been busy rehearsing for our Nativity.

In PE we got to use the hall and had a go on the large equipment, we were all so brave climbing really high.

We have one week left before our Christmas break with lots more fun to be had next week.

Pupil of the week - Khadejah for using the many different communication techniques with growing independence

Week 13 - 2nd December 2024

We have had some problems this week with our iPad and so I don't currently have any photos to share. It doesn't mean we haven't been working hard.

We have been looking at shapes in maths, sorting, organising and thinking about them. In phonics we have have learnt about the letter sound, 'n' and have done lots of activities to help us remember this sound in our reading and writing.

We made cornflake cakes in cooking and in music we have thinking about loud and quiet sounds. We have been busy practicing our songs for the nativity.

We will be doing lots of Christmas Activities for the final two weeks of our term, it is going to be a fun time ahead.

Week 12 - 25th November 2024

This week started with a fun session at a play centre. What fun we had!

We have had our final week reading our Core story and doing activities around The three Little Pigs. We made pig buns, ordered pigs by size and listened to our story.

In Phonics we looked at the letter sound 'i' and did lots of activities to help us learn this sound.

We continue to work hard with our gross motor skills and are getting very good at balancing, climbing and jumping.


Week 11 - 18th November 2024

It has been a whirlwind of a week in Rosen class. We continue to work hard in phonics and have been thinking about the letter sound, 'p', some of us have been pppotato printing. In maths we have been thinking about BIG and small and putting the pug in size order from BIG to small. We have listened to our story The three little pigs again and have been able to order the story. In cooking we made, 'pigs in blankets' they were delicious!

We had a special visitor, Willow our therapy dog came to play. We loved chasing her round, she was very cheeky and kept pinching our toys!

Pupil of the week - Khadejah for finding her voice so much more

Week 10 11th November 2024

This week we have taken part in Odd sock day on Tuesday as part of Anti Bullying Week and Children in Need on Friday.

We continue with our Phonics and are whizzing through our Phase 2 sounds, carrying out many activities that help us consolidate our learning of the sounds. In maths we are ordering numbers and beginning to match numeral to quantity using various different ways.

We cooked 'Straw stacks', which were delicious and in Forest School we toasted marshmallows and drank hot chocolate.

We continue to read our core story, The Three Little Pigs and made houses out of, straw, sticks and bricks.

Pupil of the Week - Anthony, for his positive attitude towards his learning this week.

Week 9 - 4th November 2024

This week we welcomed many of our parents to our Exhibition afternoon. We took part some Bonfire night themed activities. Thank you to everyone who could make it.

In Phonics we are learning our phase 2 sounds and doing activities to help us remember those sounds.

In Maths we have been looking at pattern, copying patterns and making our own wonderful patterns. We have started reading our new core story, The three little pigs and enjoyed a lovely sensory story this week.

We are working hard towards achieving our IEP targets and are enjoying our time together in class building positive relationships with each other.

Week 8 - 28th October 2024

Our first week back after half term and we have been thinking about changes in the weather. We looked at some different things that Miss Booth found on her walk. There were lots of different shape, size and coloured leaves. We looked at conkers and berries and of course pumpkins!

We are busy practicing our gross motor skills and are getting really good at all aspects of them. We have been buried head to toe in mud down in forest school, which is always great fun.

We have made some Hedgehog bread which was delicious and enjoyed by everyone. and towards the end of the week we enjoyed lots of sensory experiences  playing in different textured Halloween themed gloop, rice and pumpkin insides, what a wonderful mess we made.

Week 7 - 14th October 2024

Our final week of our first half term has been as busy as ever. The children never cease to amaze us with their talents and skills. We continue to think about initial sounds in phonics. In maths we are really developing a great understanding of Numicon, we are able to order Numicon to 10 and use the pegs to represent the numerals.

In cooking we made stuffed jacket potatoes, cheesy ones were our favourites. our fine motor skills work is developing as we practice mark making and writing our names.

We all want to thankyou for a wonderful first half term and hope you have a restful break ready to come back full of enthusiasm for a new half term.


Week 6 - 7th October 2024

Another busy week this week in Rosen class. We have been thinking about prepositions in maths, using, in, on and under. Buzz (our class bee helped us with this) and we also decorated a biscuit putting icing 'on' the biscuit.

In Phonics we have been looking at hearing initial sounds in words and we are trying really hard at hearing that initial sound in words.

For topic we have made more spotty pictures and in cooking we made chocolate apples. We are really enjoying our time in Forest school each week. and continue to work hard on our IEP targets each week.

Pupil of the week - Ezra - for improved engagement in group activities

Week 5 - 30th September 2024

What a busy week we have had in Rosen class this week. We had our first WOW Wednesday were we looked at all things French, we sang rhymes in French, tasted French foods - some of us were brave enough to touch and smell snails!

On Thursday we celebrated National Poetry day, we sang some nursery rhymes and we made our own Humpty Dumpty using a hard boiled egg, we built a wall and watched as our Humpty's fell off the wall!

We have done our usual lessons too, in Maths we continued looking at Numicon, ordering it, and matching it to numerals and in Phonics we have been thinking about rhyming and alliteration, we were very good at playing bingo!

For topic we have made more spotty patterns and made a house out of biscuits. We will be looking at who lives in our house next week.

Pupil of the week - Thomas - for being a master at his name.

Week 4 - 23rd September 2024

In phonics this week we have been thinking about the sounds our bodies can make. We made some wonderful sounds with our mouths and our feet. In Maths we have been looking at pattern and this links to our new core text, My mum and dad make me laugh, Mum loves spots and dad loves stripes.....this will be our focus for the next few weeks.

We have played with our parachute this week and also continued our gross and fine motor skills development. Our word of the week has been introduced and this will be a new word each week that will help us communicate well. Our word this week was....'I want'

Pupil of the week - Paul - for settling in so well to  his new class and trying his best with everything he does.

Week 3 - 16th September 2024

This week we have been looking at Numicon in maths and making various shapes using them. We have done lots of gross motor activities and many fine motor activities too. In phonics we have been thinking about body percussion and all the sounds we can make with our mouth, hands, feet and any other body part.

Pupil of the week - Zayyan

Week 2 - 9th September 2024

Another fabulous week in Rosen Class. The children are settling so well and continuing to become familiar and happy in their new surroundings.

In maths all the children have wowed us with their colour sorting abilities. In phonics we have been recognising sounds and for Literacy we have continued to read our core story The Colour monster, we have made some lovely colour monsters too in our topic.

We have done music this week and will continue to do this weekly. We have been practising our cutting skills with knives and scissors. Attention Autism (Bucket time) is definitely going to be one of our favourite lessons each week, and PE and swimming have gone down really well too.

Pupil of the Week - Ziyad for using excellent communication skills

Week 1 - 2nd September 2024

What a wonderful start to our new year. Welcome to our friends old and new. The children have been busy exploring their new environment and finding the things they like to do. We have done lots of fine motor activities this week. In maths we have been completing puzzles and looking at recognising and ordering numerals. We have read The colour monster and will be doing more work on this next week. We have painted our portraits to begin our topic, 'Who am I?' 

We have sat together for lunch and snack and started to build some positive interactions with our teachers already.

Have a look at our photos to see what we have been up to.

Pupil of the Week - All of Rosen class for settling in so well.

Class of 2024-25

Below are our Topic webs for each half term - have a look and see what exciting things we will be doing in Rosen class over the year.

Autumn 1 - All About Me

Autumn 2 - Winter Wonderland

Spring 1 - Traditional Tales - The Gingerbread Man

Spring 2 - Down on the Farm

Summer 1 - Down at the bottom of the Garden

Summer 2 - Journey's

Week 39 - 15th July 2024

Our last week together has been non-stop fun!

We have done lots of our favourite things together. We have made pizzas, we have been to a play centre for our end of year rewards trip with Donaldson Class. We walked to the park for one last time, we even got to go into the shop and buy ourselves a little treat, which we ate at the park. On Friday we entered our room to a balloon party. We loved them, and to end the day we had a picnic in class with more treats!

It has been an absolute pleasure to teach all of your children this year, They are all truly wonderful, amazing children and getting to know them and their little personalities has been an honour. We hope you and they have a safe and restful Summer ready to go again in September.

Week 38 - 8th July 2024

This week we have continued to amaze our teachers. We took part in our end of year awards assembly and my how well we did! We sat, listened and joined in when we needed too. We all won a certificate but our star prizes went to some children who have gone above and beyond this year.

Our All Rounder Award went to Riley 

Our Most Improved Award went to Ezra

Our Bee You Award went to Bobby

And Mandy won the Lower Primary Achievement Award went to Mandy

Well done to everyone!

We went to the park again this week as a little treat and are even starting to have interactions with some other children there!

Pupil of the Week - All of Rosen for joining in so amazingly during awards assembly.

Week 37 - 1st July 2024

Our week started with a STEM day (Science, Technology, Engineering and Science) and what a wonderful day of exploring we had. We made cup towers, made rainbow bricks, castles in the clouds, and had a little bit too much fun with the clouds (shaving foam!), we experimented with bubbles and made bridges using spaghetti and playdough!

The middle of the week saw us do our transition visits to our new classes, The Rosen class teachers were all super proud of how well all the children did visiting their new teachers and classes. We did and will miss everyone though! It was also lovely to meet our new children that will join us in September, we cant wait to get to know you all better.

On Friday was our final visit to the Space centre, another wonderful time was had by all.

Week 36 - 24th June 2024

This week we have been ordering numbers in maths, we are all becoming so confident in ordering numerals and matching Numicon tiles to the numeral it represents. We have been doing lots of puzzles and shape sorting activities and many more fine motor type activities, we love Squiggle Wiggle on a Friday morning - dancing with our scarves and then mark making, this week we used chalk on black paper.

We have a new swing in our outdoor area and all the children have really benefited from using it this week.

We have also made a scarecrow for the Lostock Hall carnival, we had fun trying on costumes before we made the scarecrow too! Have a look out for our 'Umpa Lumpa' if you are there!

Pupil of the week - Mandy for ordering her Numicon to 5! Well done Mandy

Week 35 - 17th June 2024

This week we have continued our learning on our core book, We all go travelling by. We have made LONG blue trains in maths and for our Exhibition day out of playdough and junk modelling. We are consolidating our learning in phonics and are getting really good at recognising our letter sounds.

For Wow Wednesday we learnt so much about Eid. We dressed in traditional Eid clothes, thanks to Mrs Zahra for providing us with clothing. We tasted yummy foods and did some Mendhi patterns on hand prints.

We welcomed our newest class member to Rosen, we think she has settled really well and will be just as happy as the rest of our class.

On Friday we had soooooo much fun at our Summer fun day that we didn't get round to taking any photos but keep an eye on the school website for photos of that!

Week 34 - 10th June 2024

In Rosen class this week we have been consolidating our phonic knowledge and are trying super hard to recognise and form these letters. In maths we have been making patterns with Numicon that link to our topic of Journeys.

We have made traffic light pictures and been thinking about what those traffic lights mean to us!

We had a wonderful day on Tuesday after our swimming lesson we went to the park, had a picnic and played on the park for the afternoon. The children were superbly well behaved and we had lots of fun.

On Friday we invited family members in to help us celebrate Fathers day. We had a lovely picnic of icecream and made sandcastles on the sand pit...Thank you for joining us in school!

Pupil of the week - Bobby - for his positive interactions and turn taking skills.

Week 32 - 3rd June 2024

A wonderful first week back after the holidays. This week have settled back in really well, getting straight down to work. We have started reading our new story, 'We all go travelling by' the children have really enjoyed this book so far and this will be the focus for our final topic, Journey's. In maths we have been making repeating patterns and doing lots of sorting. In Phonics we are now recapping and recalling our sounds learnt over the year. We have made jam tarts in cooking and paint printing with vehicles.

On Friday we took part in our NSPCC, every child matters 1 mile walk, between Rosen class and Donaldson class we walked round the track LOTS of times to walk a mile. If you have any sponsor money left please send it to school as soon as you can.

Pupil of the Week - Mandy for her developing independence skills.

Week 32 - 20th May 2024

A lovely end to this half term with lots of consolidating of work that we have covered over the half term. Our mark making packs are a big hit and we are seeing wonderful results from our children. Our Numicon is improving as we become more familiar with how they look and what they represent.

We are all working hard towards achieving our personal targets and never fail to amaze all our teachers.

We hope you all have a well deserved break and we look forward to welcoming you back on the 3rd June for our final half term this year.

Week 31 - 13th May 2024

This week we have been working really hard, in phonics we have been remembering all the letter sounds we have learnt all year. In maths we have been making symmetrical butterfly pictures and shape pictures. We made banana butterflies for cooking. These were yummy! Our plants are are really growing well, we even went over to our school garden to plant our sunflowers outside, fingers crossed they grow big, bigger than us all! Forest school saw us use some tools to make pegs. We have been able to play out lots due to the lovely weather. 

Pupil of the week - Ezra - for wonderful mark making

Week 30 - 6th May 2024

A short week this week, but busy non the less. It has been lovely to see some nicer weather and so we have enjoyed building dens and getting things ready to make our bug hotel in forest school.

We had our class and individual photos on Friday morning and then went off for a wonderful morning at the Space Centre. What fun we had, the slide and ball pool were a big hit with us all.

Week 29 - 29th April 2024

Another wonderfully busy week in Rosen Class!

This week saw us invite our parents into school to show them some of the amazing things we do in our class. Thankyou to you all for coming to school. We continue to work hard with our fine motor skills, threading, using tweezers, dough gym plus lots of other fun activities to help us improve our fine motor skills. We also complete our daily mark making packs, which we are working really hard to do.

We have planted cress seeds and we continue to look after our sunflowers and beans by watering them regularly.

In maths we have been counting body parts of caterpillars and in phonics we have been practising our work on the letter 'n'. For colourful semantics we are doing super well at making short sentences about our core story.

We have made cakes in cooking and been practising our spreading skills to make sandwiches in class cafe!

Week 28 - 22nd April 2024

What a wonderful week we have had in Rosen class this week.

We continue with our core story Jaspers beanstalk and have been excited to watch our sunflowers and our beans start to grow. In Maths we have looking at size ordering beanstalks and looking at how tall we all are. In phonics we are learning our new sound, 'n'  and also remembering we the sounds we have learnt so far!

In colourful semantics we continue making sentences and this week we made the sentence, 'Jasper planted the bean'.

In cooking we looked at food that grows in the garden, and practised our cutting skills then we got to eat our vegetables and dips.

And, a big surprise which was a little later than planned, we had some special visitors in class, some little chicks came to say hello. All the children were so gentle and interested in the chicks and enjoyed stroking them and watching them move.

Pupil of the week - Bobby, for joining is so well and making us laugh 

Week 27 - 15th April 2024

What a whirl wind of a first week back after the Easter break! The children have returned ready to learn. We have read our new core story, Jasper's Beanstalk. Our topic has been learning all about planting and flowers that grow in the garden. We have planted sunflowers and also some beans in clear bags so we can hopefully see the roots grow too.

In Phonics we have recapped our letters so far and next week we will look at our new letter sound 'n'.

In Maths we have been counting beans and looking at the numeral too.

We have new mark making packs that we are working through every day and we continue with fine motor activities.

in cooking we made and ate beans on toast and for class cafe we tried mixed beans - these both link to our topic and story, Jasper's beanstalk!

Week 26 - 25th March 2024

And that brings us to the end of a very busy Spring term!

We have had a week filled with lots of exciting Easter crafts, we have painted using various types of tools including forks, marbles and mashers. We have made our own sock bunnies. We have read 'Five Little Easter Bunnies' and made fried eggs in Attention Autism.

We have decorated an Easter themed gingerbread bunny or chick using icing and sprinkles.

On Thursday the Easter bunny visited us and left us some eggs which we had to go and find! That was fun and exciting.

We hope you all have a wonderful Easter break and come back ready for our final term. Don't eat too many chocolates!

Week 25 - 18th March 2024

What a wonderful way to end our topic, 'Down on the Farm' as we visited Smithill's Farm in Bolton. The children  were in awe at all the animals we saw. We had a tractor ride and fed the donkeys. We saw cows, sheep, llamas, and lots of baby animals, chicks, lambs, owls, bunny rabbits and lots more. We got chance to play on the playground and enjoyed a yummy ice cream before setting off back to school. The children were amazing and fun was had by all.

During the week we read a new Easter story, 'Five little bunnies' and lots of our maths and phonics work has been based on an Easter theme, matching patterned eggs, feeding the bunny the letter sounds we have been learning in Phonics.

We have made Easter nests topped with chocolate eggs - finishing our egg themed cooking sessions. We have continued to work hard on our fine motor and independence skills.

The week was finished off with a visit to the local park. The children all do amazingly well walking safely there and back and are learning to play with the equipment safely whilst we are there.

Swimming award - Bobby for swimming with no arm bands

Pupil of the week - Aishah - for joining group times and sitting independently

Week 24 - 11th March 2024

This week we have gone back to to learning more about Farmer Duck, our core story.

We have been thinking about the animals from the book and what their babies look like. We have played in some gloopy mud with the animals from the farm.

In phonics we are getting really good at sorting the letters we now know.

In maths we have been looking at Numicon pegs and boards and using our fine motor skills to put the pegs on the boards.

We continue to work on our independence skills and our communication skills. We are all doing so well every day.

Next week we have an exciting trip somewhere this space for some fantastic photos!

Week 23 - 4th March 2024

What a wonderfully different week we have had this week!

On Wednesday we had a careers morning where we looked people who help us. We thought about the work doctors and nurses do, then we looked at people who help us cross the road and how to stop when we see the green man but we can go when when we see the green man.

On Thursday we all dressed up for World Book Day - our book was 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'. We did lots of different activities linked to the story including making fruit kebabs, growing caterpillars in our Attention Autism session and we enjoyed some sensory play with wiggly caterpillars (spaghetti!)

On Friday we had some very special visitors to our class. We invited our mummy's and / or grandmas to join us for afternoon tea. It was such a wonderful time for us all and the children managed very well with having all our special guests in the classroom. The cakes went down very well and then the children all gave their adult a special card and some flowers to say thankyou for all the wonderful things they do every single day!

As well as all that we continued our every day work, working on our fine motor skills, counting, reading, interacting and we tasted omelettes this week as part of our cooking with eggs.

Pupil of the Week - Aishah - for joining in with group activities independently more and more.

Week 22 - 26th February 2024

We have continued our Down on the Farm topic this week and have been painting animals, junk modelling animals and trying to find which animal makes which noise....

In Phonics we are thinking about things that start with 'i' and in Maths we have been exploring the Numicon boards and pegs.

We have made and tasted eggy bread as part of our ongoing egg themed cooking lessons.

Ongoing fine motor activities and IEP work keeps us busy all week. We have just about had time for some horsey rides too!

Pupil of the week

Week 21 - 19th February 2024

Our first week back after half term has been wonderful. The children have settled back to school life so well. We have started our new topic, Down on the farm and been reading our new story, 'Farmer Duck'. In phonics we have been remembering the sounds we know already and started to learn our new sound, 'i'. We have been using our cutting skills and finding the letter i. 

In maths we needed to help the animals so that they didn't escape from the farmers field. We have built fences around the animals in their field, building enclosures is the next step in building after building tall towers!

During our cooking lessons we are having an egg theme, linked to our topic and this week we made scrambled egg. Most of us were brave enough to try it, some of us really enjoyed it, some not so much!

We continue to work on our communication skills and our fine motor skills and have enjoyed using our new easel to do paintings and drawings.

Pupil of the week - Bobby - for joining in beautifully with his phonics work this week. Well done!

Week 20 - 5th February 2024

This week has brought another half term to a close. Another exciting week in Rosen class has seen us as busy as ever.

We had a pancake themed week and in phonics we were matching sounds to their letters, we revisit s a t and have focussed on p again as this sounds is at the start of 'p'ancake.

In maths we have been singing '5 crispy pancakes' to the tune of '5 currant buns'. We have been counting pancakes, matching numeral to quantity and finding the Numicon shape to match.

We made some crispy cakes in cooking and for class cafe we chose toppings for our pancakes. They were delicious!

We have continued to work hard on our independence skills and we can all unzip our coats, take them and hang them on our pegs all on our own. We have also been working hard on our fine motor skills too... We are all truly wonderful and working so hard.

Have a lovely half term and see you back at school on the 19th February.

Pupil of the week - All the children in Rosen class - for trying hard with our fine motor skills.

Week 19 - 29th January 2024

We have had a busy week in class this week. We have enjoyed our WOW Wednesday where we celebrated Chinese New Year. We did some Chinese writing, tasted some new Chinese foods, dancing like dragons and we enjoyed an Attention Autism session where we made a splat dragon and played some dragon music.

In Maths we have been matching objects, and sorting into colours and items. In phonics we continue our learning for the letter p, while revisiting s a t sounds too.

We finished our learning of The Gingerbread Man and sang a huge Happy birthday to Mandy, all the children enjoyed their cake, Thank you Mandy!

Pupil of the Week - Thomas - for joining in group times really well. Well done Thomas

Week 18 - 22nd January 2024

This week has seen the children in Rosen class really start to develop their independence skills. We are now able to find our own coats and attempt to put them on. We can also take them off and hang them up. We are getting better at trying to put our shoes on too!

In phonics we are working hard to recognise our letter sounds and we practised our cutting skills to sort and stick 'p' objects onto our paper.

In Maths we  have been counting and recognising numbers, putting them in order and some of us are even adding numbers together.

We continue to work on our new IEP targets and communication skills and enjoyed making and eating banana chocolate lollies.

Pupil of the Week - Ahmad - counting to 5 using his voice, loud and proud!

Week 17 - 15th January 2024

We had such an exciting start to the week when the snow and ice arrived. We all enjoyed playing in the snow and exploring the ice in Forest School. What fun!

In class we have continued to learn our phonics and we are getting so good at recognising the letter sounds we have learnt so far. We are doing well at learning our new sound, 'p', we did some pppp potato printing too.

We have been thinking about size and pattern in maths and looking to find the BIG Gingerbread man and the sorting his socks into matching pairs. It was far more fun putting the socks on our own feet!

In colourful semantics we made a sentence about The gingerbread man, some of us were able to say the sentence back, 'The Gingerbread Man ran from the house'

We made some ginger cake that was delicious and we continue to work hard with our communication and physical skills. 

Pupil of the Week - Riley for excellent work with his Colourful Semantics

Week 16 - 8th January 2024

We welcome you all back to school after our Christmas break. The children have clearly been raring to get going again and this week has been a wonderfully busy one.

We have read our new core text - The Gingerbread Man. We have been thinking about the characters in the story.

We have recapped our phonics learning and introduced our new sound, 'p' which we be looking at over the next week or so. In maths we have been counting, remembering the Numicon shapes and what they represent and counting buttons on The Gingerbread Man.

We have made practiced our cutting skills and by chopping bananas have made banana smoothies, and done lots of fine motor activities to help our hand strength.

We are looking forward to a busy half term filled with fun, laughs and learning!

Thomas turned 7 too so we made cupcakes to celebrate....Happy Birthday Thomas!

Pupil of the Week - Ezra - for shining bright like the star that you are.

Week 15 - 18th December 2023

What a wonderful end to a very busy week! We have had lots of Christmas celebrations and been amazing when things have been a little bit different.

On Monday we wore our Christmas jumpers and ate our Christmas lunch in the main hall. On Tuesday we took our final visit of the year to the local park. We really enjoy exploring the equipment there. We also made some gingerbread ready for our class party. 

Wednesday saw us have our class party, we played musical bumps, did some dancing and karaoke and played pass the parcel. Our party food was delicious!

On Thursday we were super brave, we stood up in front of all our families and performed our part in the Christmas play. We were absolutely amazing!

Two of our teachers also celebrated their birthday, Happy birthday to Miss Sherrington and Miss Booth, the birthday cake was yummy and enjoyed by us all.

All the staff in Rosen Class would like to wish all our families a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year.

We cant wait to get going again on Monday 8th January 2023.

Week 14 - 11th December 2023

This week has seen us all become so much more confident using our PECS to request things. We continue to work on our play skills, our daily reading and making our names.

We take part in daily group times and enjoyed our end of phonics tea party to remember our 't' sound, the cake and juice was a lovely experience for us all.

We ended the week with a TAC PAC session, the children were super relaxed and engaged really well with the session.

We look forward to full, fun packed week of Christmas activities next week. Our final swimming session too. Christmas jumper day on Monday and party day on Wednesday then we end the term with our nativity on Thursday. 

Pupil of the week - Riley, who has really found his voice and using it for everything. Well done Riley!

Week 13 - 4th December 2023

Christmas has arrived in Rosen class as we decorated our classroom. We have been making lots of Christmas crafts too.

We got to play on our new outdoor play equipment, some of us were brave enough to climb right to the top and go over it too!

In maths we have looked at 'big' and 'not big' things all linked to Christmas and in phonics we have been working hard to remember what our first sounds look and sound like.

What we have most impressed with this week is how resilient the children have been with the changes that happen as Christmas approaches, we continue to work hard towards our IEP targets and keep grounded with time in the sensory room and doing the things that helps us stay happy too.

Week 12 - 27th November 2023

This week has seen us to continue practising our fine motor skills. We continue to work on developing our skills using our PECS books and are all getting so good at requesting things now.

In phonics we are improving our recognition of our first letter sounds and in maths we have been recalling our knowledge of our Numicon facts.

Making pizzas in Class cafe was a big hit, who doesn't love cheese!

In topic we have enjoyed drawing and cutting acorns, leaves and other Autumn  things.

We have also started to think about Christmas and all the children have enjoyed our Christmas sensory tray.

Pupil of the Week - Mandy, for trying hard with her mark making this week

Week 11 - 20th November 2023

This week has been a wonderful week as we got to go off site and experience a new environment where we could engage with our friends in Donaldson class. A big thank you to Leaping Lizards in Clitheroe for welcoming us to our play centre.

In maths we have looking at sorting colours and making pattern using natural materials. 

In phonics we have continued to practice making our names using magnetic letters, remembering our letter sounds, s, a, and t, and some of us are continuing to build VC words.

In literacy we continue to read our core text, The leaf thief and have done lots of activities based on the book.

In class cafe we have tasted something different and some of us who find foods a challenge were super happy to eat LOTS of noodles!

We continue with our music lessons and are getting very good at keeping a beat and playing and stopping to a signal.

Pupil of the week - Thomas for really engaging in and independently reading books and making up his own stories

Week 10 - 13th November 2023

Another whirlwind of a week in Rosen class. This week has seen us to continue our phonic skills, we are learning new sounds and beginning to recognise those sounds. Some of us are continuing to develop our skills linked to singing nursery rhymes and playing instruments alongside singing.

In maths we are developing our recognition of our Numicon and starting to order the Numicon shapes.

We have started our new topic, Winter Wonderland and began reading our core text, 'The Leaf Thief', we have been out to collect leaves that are falling from the trees now the seasons are changing.

Finally, on Friday we dressed in our pyjamas to celebrate Children in need day, with lots of fun activities and ending the week with a Pudsey party with Donaldson class. What a wonderful week!

Week 9 - 6th November 2023

This week Rosen class have celebrated Nursery Rhyme week.

All week we have been singing nursery rhymes and doing lots of activities linked to the rhymes we have sung.

We have been singing - Hickory Dickory Dock, Row, Row, Row your boat, Jack and Jill, Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes and finally The wheels on the bus.

The children have had lots of fun joining in with the different activities and loved washing the school minibus on Friday afternoon to end our week.

Pupil of the week - Bobby Howitt for trying really hard to use his words more and more every day

Week 8 - 30th October 2023

Welcome back to school, we hope you a safe and restful half term. The children have certainly come back ready and raring to do lots more learning.

We have had a fun week learning about Halloween and Bonfire night. We have done many activities linked to these seasonal events, from carving pumpkins, plying with spooky slime, making shape rockets, watching fire as part of our Attention Autism session.

We have continued our phonics sessions and are getting really good at recognising the letter sounds, 's' and 'a', we have started looking at our new letter sound too, which is the letter 't'.

We ended the week with a walk to the local park, the children were a credit to their families and the school, being super sensible when walking next to the busy road and then playing beautifully at the park, showing off their climbing and walking skills. Well done everyone!

Friday was also a little bit sad as we said goodbye to Mrs Grafton as she moves on to start a new job. We thank her for all her hard work and commitment she has shown working with the children in Rosen class.

Pupil of the week - Riley Purchase - for using his PECs book so well when asking for things.

                                 Mrs Grafton - for being amazing at all she has done for us

Week 7 - 16th October

As our final week of the first half term comes to an end we need to look back and be proud of all that we have achieved this half term.

The week started with us celebrating Disney day, we dressed up and did some fabulous activities linked to all things Disney!

We have continued working hard on our phonics, revisiting our letter sounds, 's' and 'a'. we are starting to recognise these letters really well.

In maths we have have been ordering numbers and singing number rhymes.

PE has seen us continue our work on balancing and climbing also throwing and catching.

In Topic we have looked at where we live and this week has seen us look at photos of our family and who lives in our house. We loved looking at our family photos - Thankyou to everyone who sent a family photo in.

In Class cafe we have finished tasting food of different colours, we finished the week trying pink foods, linked to The Colour Monster - love!

We hope you all have a wonderful half term and we will see you on Monday 30th October for another fun packed half term.

Pupil of the Week - Ezra - for attempting to play with puzzles independently

Week 6 - 9th October 2023

Week 6 has seen us continue our learning, All about me, and this week we have been looking at photos of our houses, we were all so happy when we saw our own houses. We made a house and wrote our house number on it.

In Maths we have looked at numbers and are trying to have a better understanding of the numeral and counting.

In Phonics we are remembering the letter 's' and continuing our learning on our new letter 'a'

We have had more fun in Forest school and continue to enjoy exploring the different environment and getting very muddy!

We are working hard with various fine motor activities each week and continue to try hard with our various communication techniques.

Class Cafe saw us trying various green foods, linked to the Green, Calm Colour Monster. We are getting very good at touching, smelling, putting to our mouths and in many cases eating new foods.

Pupil of the Week - Riley - for wowing us with his maths skills and understanding

Week 5 - 2nd October 2023

This week has seen us continue our work on the letter 'S' in phonics.

We have been getting better at using our Numicon shapes, and some of us have made minibeasts out of Numicon shapes.

We have been doing lots of fine motor activities and been painting the walls outside using big paintbrushes and water.

We visited Forest School and got VERY muddy but has so much fun!

We tasted Black foods in class cafe....the Black olives were not a success... but we enjoyed the blackberries.

For topic we have continued our book Owl Babies and learnt about where Owls week we will be looking at where we all live and the differences between each home.

Pupil of the week - Thomas for trying super hard with his colourful semantics story and understanding of Numicon 

Week 4 - 25th September

The children in Rosen class continue to amaze us every day. We have had a big push on our PECS this week and will continue to do so as we have seen the fantastic result we have had in helping the children to be able to communicate better.

In Phonics we have been looking at the letter 'S' and thinking about things that start with that sound.

In Maths we are continuing to explore Numicon and are mastering matching shapes and filling the baseboard with the shapes.

We have started our new story Owl Babies and will continue our topic work 'All about me' based on this story.

We have tasted some red food this week, raspberries, strawberries, tomato, red pepper and strawberry laces!

We visited Forest this week for the first time, this was a huge hit and the children loved exploring the mud and puddles.

Have a look at our photos from the week....

Pupil of the Week - Aishah for learning to use her PECs really well - Well done Aishah!

Week 3 - 18th September

This week in Rosen class we have done some wonderful learning. 

In phonics we have continued our work on body percussion and have tried hard to make sounds loud and quiet. In Maths we have been exploring Numicon, looking at matching the shapes to the pictures and filling the Numicon Baseboard with different Numicon shapes.

We have taken part in British Values morning where we looked at Democracy - we got to choose our snack from a choice of 2 things. We looked at Mutual Respect  and Tolerance - by showing kindness to our friends. And finally we looked at Rule of Law where we continued our work on our class expectations - we talked more about Be Safe Bruce, showing safe friendships and safe behaviours.

We have also done DEAR - Drop Everything And Read. The children have sat with their Key workers and shared stories together.

In Class Cafe we have tried some Blue foods as we continue our work on The Colour Monster and the sad Blue Colour Monster! The Blueberries were a big hit, The Blue fizzy pop not so much!!

In cooking we baked rainbow cookies to look like the confused colour monster.

Another fantastic week in Rosen Class.

Pupil of the Week - Mandy - for settling so well into her new class and giving everything a go!