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Applebee Wood Community Specialist School

Respect, Belonging, Trust, Resilience, Aspiration

Carroll Class

Welcome to Carroll Class!


Miss Henderson


Teaching Assistants

Miss Doherty

Mrs Alcock

Mrs Yardley

Mrs Duddle



Carroll class is made up of 12 amazing children. 


Useful information

Our PE lessons are on a Monday afternoon. Please can all children come to school in their PE kit. Our class goes swimming on Wednesday. All children will need a swimming costume and a towel. If appropriate, they will also need a swim nappy. 


If you have any questions, please do email or contact us on SeeSaw.


Thanks for all the support, 

Carroll Team. 

Summer 2: Week 3 ( Week Commencing 17/06/24)


We have worked very hard this week:



This week we have looked at the story The Light House Keepers Lunch. We discussed what we have learnt so far during this unit of work and then we sequenced the story and retold the story to each other. 



This week we have been looking at building block diagrams, we collected data as a class and used our data to create our own block diagrams using bricks. 


Other News:

This week in school has been extremely busy. On Tuesday we had our Exhibition Day and focused on the ocean. We created our own salt dough star fish, made our own jelly fish and explored different sea animals. On Wednesday, we had a WOW day focusing on Eid. We looked at what a mosque is like, how Eid is celebrated and we tried some Indian food during our own Eid party.


On Friday was our summer fun day and wow we had lots of fun! The children loved using the inflatables and water and so did the staff.



Have a lovely weekend, 

Miss Henderson, Miss Doherty, Mrs Alcock, Mrs Yardley & Mrs Duddle


Summer 2: Week 2 ( Week Commencing 10/06/24)


We have worked very hard this week:



This week we wrote our own set of instructions to make a sandwich for Mr Grinling. We followed our instructions and made our own sandwiches. We then evaluated our sandwich and thought about how we could have made them even better. 



This week we continued with looking at data but this week we focused on pictograms. We created our own class pictogram about our birthday months. We then made our own pictograms and created pictograms from given information. 




In topic this week we have looked at the features of the seaside and decided if things at the seaside are natural or man made. We looked at the meaning of natural and man made. 



Other News:

This week we had a walk to the Co-op to buy ingredients to make a sandwich for Mr Grinling. In their groups children looked for the ingredients they needed and paid for them. The children were all amazing and made us extremely proud!



Our Pupil Awards this week went to

Pupil of the Week – Caidi

Writing Award - Thomas

Independence Award - Johan

Well done ☺


Have a lovely weekend, 

Miss Henderson, Miss Doherty, Mrs Alcock, Mrs Yardley & Mrs Duddle


Summer 2: Week 1 ( Week Commencing 03/06/24)


Welcome back Carroll Class: 



We have started our new class story The Light House Keepers Lunch. We started the week predicting what might happen in the story by looking at the cover. We then described the character Mr Grinling we looked at words such as 'industrious' and found out the meaning. We then looked at planning a sandwich for Mr Grinling and following instructions.



This week we started to look at data, we focused on tally charts and planned what data we wanted to gather. We then gathered data from staff and children all around school based on our planning. We then used the data to create our own tally charts. 



This week, we have worked in groups to look at different land types such as mountains, rivers and beaches. We then came together and shared our ideas and compared the differences. 



Have a lovely weekend, 

Miss Henderson, Miss Doherty, Mrs Alcock, Mrs Yardley & Mrs Duddle


Summer 1: Week 6 ( Week Commencing 20/05/24)


We have had a fantastic final week before half term: 



This week, we have continued looking at persuasion. We used persuasive language to encourage people to visit India. We then designed our own posters to promote India. 



This week, we recapped everything we have learnt in our time unit of work. Some of us looked at telling the time to 5 minute intervals.



This week, we re looked at Indian food but used our five senses to describe them. Children described the food as tasting spicy and smelling delicious. 


Other News:

In Science, we predicted what would happen when things melt. We looked at ice cream melting and described the change of temperature, we even got to have our own little taste!



Our Pupil Awards this week went to

Pupil of the Week – Freddie

Well done ☺


Have a lovely weekend, 

Miss Henderson, Miss Doherty, Mrs Alcock, Mrs Yardley & Mrs Duddle



Summer 1: Week 5 ( Week Commencing 13/05/24)


Another busy week in Carroll Class, here is what we have been up to: 



This week we have looked at persuasion. We had a class debate to convince each other about what the BEST TOY IN THE WORLD is. We then tried to persuade Miss Henderson to choose us to be pupil of the week. We wrote persuasive texts explaining why it should be us!



This week, we looked at recording time in minutes and seconds. We had lots of activities such as throwing and catching a ball. We used stop watches to see how many times we could do each activity in a minute and we recorded that in a table.



We looked at some street art from Mumbai and looked at how colorful and vibrant the art is. We then went out to the playground and created our own using chalk. We made some fantastic art!


Other News:

In PSD this week, we looked at hygiene routines. We learnt a hand washing song to help us know we were washing our hands correctly. We then practised washing our hands using soap and water along to the song.                                          


Our Pupil Awards this week went to

Pupil of the Week – Harvey

Well done ☺


Have a lovely weekend, 

Miss Henderson, Miss Doherty, Mrs Alcock, Mrs Yardley & Mrs Duddle


Summer 1: Week 4 ( Week Commencing 06/05/24)


This week in Carroll Class we have been working extremely hard:  


We had a focus on SPAG this week and did lots of work on our spellings and handwriting. We also focused on our phonics to ensure we cold decode words correctly.



This week we recapped telling the time to half past the hour and some of us looked at quarter past and quarter to the hour. We worked really hard to remember the position of the minute and hour hand and we were able to recognise quarter past confidently and we could show this on our own clocks. 



In Topic this week we looked an Indian food and discussed how it differs to food we eat everyday. We had a food tasting session trying onion bahjis, pakoras, samosas and naan bread.


Other News:

We made a delicious mango lassi in our cooking lesson, a very popular drink in Mumbai! We also had a D Day garden party and discussed why D Day in important and why it is celebrated.



Our Pupil Awards this week went to

Pupil of the Week – Leo

Well done ☺


Have a lovely weekend, 

Miss Henderson, Miss Doherty, Mrs Alcock, Mrs Yardley & Mrs Duddle


Summer 1: Week 3 ( Week Commencing 29/04/24)


We have been as busy as ever in Carroll Class, here is what we have been up to:  



We continued with our Indian Folktale 'The Guest of the Blue Realm'. We summarised the story identifying the characters and setting. Then we plotted the story using time conjunctions. 


This week, we moved on to telling the time. We started the week by creating our own clocks as a resource to use during our unit of work. We looked at times of day and AM and PM. Children looked at different activities and decided if it was something we do in the AM or PM. We then looked back at o'clock and the minute and hour hand. 


In Topic this week we looked an Indian food and discussed how it differs to food we eat everyday. We had a food tasting session trying onion bahjis, pakoras, samosas and naan bread.


Other News:

We had our exhibition day this week looking at mini beasts, we created different mini beasts using a range of materials and we had a mini bug hunt in our outdoor area. 



Our Pupil Awards this week went to

Pupil of the Week – Alice

Well done ☺


Have a lovely weekend, 

Miss Henderson, Miss Doherty, Mrs Alcock, Mrs Yardley & Mrs Duddle


Summer 1: Week 2 ( Week Commencing 22/04/24)


We have had a very busy week at school this week, here is what we have been up to:  



This week we read have continued looking at folk tales and understanding features of a folk tale. We have identified features including the moral, characters and problem. We explored different Indian folktales and acted out the folktale 'The Guest of the Blue Realm', the children loved acting out the role of the peacock. 



This week, we have been looking at quarters. We have explored quarters using play dough, we made our own play dough shapes and cut them into quarters. We then looked at objects and found quarters of different objects. Some of us ended the week finding quarters of numbers up to 20!  



This week, we have looked at the India flag and the colors in the flag. We used green and orange tissue paper to recreate our own flags. 


Other News:

This week in PSD, we have been looking at exercising and keeping healthy. We all loved feeling our heart beats after exercise, we talked about how our hearts beat faster when we have exercised. We also created a 'healthy sleep list' and talked about ways we can stay get a good nights sleep!


Our Pupil Awards this week went to

Pupil of the Week – Jaiden

Well done ☺


Have a lovely weekend, 

Miss Henderson, Miss Doherty, Mrs Alcock, Mrs Yardley & Mrs Duddle



Summer 1: Week 1 ( Week Commencing 15/04/24)


We have had a lovely first week back at school, we have been as busy as ever:  



This week we read have been looking at folk tales and understanding features of a folk tale. The two stories we have focused on are Little Red Riding Hood and The boy who cried wolf. We analysed the texts to identify features such as a good character and a bad character and discussed what lesson we learn from each story.



This week, we have started our unit of fractions. We have looked at half and whole and how we know what a half is. We have used vocabulary such as equal parts. This week, we made pizzas with a friend. We all made  half and pizza and cut them into two equal parts to share. Some of us cut our pizza's into quarters. We have also been halving shapes and quantities. 



We have started our new topic with Mr Banks of Manchester meets Mumbai. We made our own skylines of Manchester using different 2D shapes. We then looked at Manchester and what living in Manchester would be like. We looked at rivers, landmarks and buildings. 


Other News:

We really enjoyed an exciting science experiment this week, we combined liquids and solids to create gas to inflate a balloon. This was amazing and all of the children were shocked! This week, we continued our swimming lessons at Penwortham and we are so glad to be back doing one of our favorite activities. Well done for a brilliant first week back Carroll Class, we are very excited for the summer term!


Our Pupil Awards this week went to

Pupil of the Week – Thomas

Maths Award – Johan

Science Award - Olivia 

Swimming Award - Caidi

Well done ☺


Have a lovely weekend, 

Miss Henderson, Miss Doherty, Mrs Alcock, Mrs Yardley & Mrs Duddle


Spring 2: Week 6 ( Week Commencing 25/03/24)


We have had a very exciting week this week, lots of fun activities going on:  



This week we read the story ‘The Princess and the Pea’. We began by sequencing the story and adding captions to pictures. We then designed the perfect bed for the princess using adjectives to describe them and finally we created our own persuasive posted to encourage people to buy peas!




This week, we have started looking at capacity and volume. We have used different containers to understand capacity and filled them using different cups and jugs. We then compared capacity using cubes and identified containers than hold the most and least.



Other News:

We had so much fun doing lots of Easter crafts and games this week, we have designed our own eggs, made our own cards and made some chocolate nests!



Have a lovely Easter break, 

Miss Henderson, Miss Doherty, Mrs Alcock, Mrs Yardley & Mrs Duddle

Spring 2: Week 5 ( Week Commencing 18/03/24)


We have been as busy as ever in Carroll class this week:  



This week, we have completed our own stories and WOW they were fantastic! Video’s will be added to the blog soon!



This week we have been looking at mass. We have been identifying heavy and light items. We have been weighing using non-standard units (shells were out favorite) We then used scales to identify grams and kilograms and deciding what unit of measure we would use for different items.




We had a very exciting topic lesson this week; we had our own medieval banquet. Our teachers served our meals course by course. We designed our own place mats to eat our food from. It was so much fun!



Our Pupil Awards this week went to

Pupil of the Week – Leo

Writing Award – All of Carroll Class


Well done ☺


Have a lovely weekend, 

Miss Henderson, Miss Doherty, Mrs Alcock, Mrs Yardley & Mrs Duddle

Spring 2: Week 4 ( Week Commencing 11/02/24)


We have been as busy as ever in Carroll class this week:  



This week, we started to write our own versions of the story The Queen’s handbag. We have really taken our time and wrote some fantastic stories. We have illustrated our own stories and moved on to designing our cover and blurb.



This week we have been solving addition and subtraction problems involving weight and height. We used number lines and tens frames to support us. We have now started our new unit on Mass. Children have started to compare weight by looking for heavier or lighter objects using the balance scales.




This week, we have made our own crowns from paper plates. We have looked at medieval banquets and what foods were popular in medieval times. We then planned our own banquet of our favourite foods ready to enjoy next week!


Other News:

In Science this week, we made our own paper cup telephones and we learnt that the line has to be super straight to hear each other through them. We have celebrated red nose day and had a school competition to get as many red spots on our t-shirts as possible!



Our Pupil Awards this week went to

Pupil of the Week – Thomas

Writing Award – Zuhair

Maths Award – Kayden


Well done ☺


Have a lovely weekened, 

Miss Henderson, Miss Doherty, Mrs Alcock, Mrs Yardley & Mrs Duddle



Spring 2: Week 3 ( Week Commencing 04/03/24)


We have had a very exciting week this week, lots of fun activities going on:  



This week, we began changing elements of the story The Queens handbag to write our own stories. We changed the sneaky swan into our own fantastic characters. We had some very interesting characters; the big brown bear, the porky pig and the diving dolphin to name a few!



This week we ordered our class by height and used the words shortest and tallest. The children then did the same to the staff in class. We then ordered length and height in animals. We had to measure them first before we could order.



This week we looked at the Royal Family Tree and answered question based on the information the tree gave us. We used the tree to find out things such as how many children does Prince William have?


Other News:

We had so much fun this week celebrating world book day and careers day. On Wednesday, we became chefs for careers day and made our own pizzas. We designed our own pizza boxes and chose our own toppings! On Thursday, we celebrated world book day. Our class story was The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Clarke. We made our own caterpillar and butterfly headbands, we made delicious fruit kebabs and made our own hand print caterpillars.



Our Pupil Awards this week went to

Pupil of the Week – Kayden

Kindness Award – Freddie

Well done ☺


Have a lovely weekened, 

Miss Henderson, Miss Doherty, Mrs Alcock, Mrs Yardley & Mrs Duddle


Spring 2: Week 2 ( Week Commencing 26/02/24)


We have had a very busy week, here is what we have been up to: 



This week, we created wanted posters for the sneaky swan who stole the Queen’s handbag. We then sequenced the story the Queens Hand Bag and created our own storyboards. We then rehearsed the story in groups and acted them out. We even introduced our new class robots KITT. To perform.



This week we started to look at measure, we have been drawing lines to a given centimetre and introduced metres. We compared wether items would be measuring in metres or centimetres and used metre sticks to measure ourselves!



This week we turned our classroom into a courtroom and decided whether Henry VIII should be punished for his actions towards his wives. We then created an art collage using London icons.



Our Pupil Awards this week went to

Pupil of the Week - Johan

Well done ☺


Have a lovely weekened, 

Miss Henderson, Miss Doherty, Mrs Alcock, Mrs Yardley & Mrs Duddle



Spring 2: Week 1 ( Week Commencing 19/02/24)


We have had a lovely first week back and we have been as busy as ever! Here is what we have been up to: 



We started our new story 'The Queen's Handbag' by Steve Antony. We have really enjoyed looking at this story and focusing on word types we can find in the text. We have looked at SPAG all week this week and worked really hard to recognise verbs, adjectives, nouns and proper nouns in text. We have all been AMAZING at this!



This week we started to look at measure, we all got our own rulers to explore and then we back to recognise the centimetres on a ruler. We measure some things in our classroom and used our rulers to draw our own lines. 



This week we have started our topic of Kings and Queens with Mr Banks. We have looked at what a king or queen is and talked about King Charles lll. We then looked at rules and decided what rules we would bring in if we were in charge. The children all decided on "SCHOOL IS ONLY FOR ADULTS". 


We then designed our own crowns.


Other News:


We have been really enjoying learning about the easter story and creating our own story spinners. We have also been learning lots of life skills and this week we have been washing up! Mrs Padgeon gave all of school a kindness challenge so next week we will be carrying our random acts of kindness across school!


Our Pupil Awards this week went to

Pupil of the Week - Alice

Communication Award - Matthew

Music Award - Thomas

Well done 


Have a lovely weekened, 

Miss Henderson, Miss Doherty, Mrs Alcock, Mrs Yardley & Mrs Duddle



Spring 1: Week 5 ( Week Commencing 29/01/24)


We have had a lovely last week before half term, here is what we have been up to: 



We have wrote our own newspaper reports based on the story 'Journey' by Aaron Becker. We looked at the 5 W's of newspaper articles. 



This week we have been practising our times tables focussing on our 2s, 3s, 5s, 10s and looking at solving multiplication and division problems by recalling facts. Some of us have been recognising doubles and halves.



In Topic with Mr Banks, we have been looking at the difference in climate in England and Ecuador. We packed our own suitcases and explored the equator line. 


Other News:

This week we have been taking part in lots of valentines crafts and made some lovely things to take home with us to give to our special people at home. 



Our Pupil Awards this week went to

Pupil of the Week - Kayden

Independence Award - Thomas

Kindness Award - Harvey

Well done 


Have a lovely half term and we will see you all in a week, 

Miss Henderson, Miss Doherty, Mrs Alcock, Mrs Yardley & Mrs Duddle



Spring 1: Week 4 ( Week Commencing 29/01/24)


We have had a very busy and exciting week this week:



We have been looking at newspaper reports and identifying features in newspapers. We planned our own newspaper reports about the girl arriving in the city on her little red boat. Next week, we will be writing our own newspaper reports.



Some of us this week have been recalling and using our multiplication facts to help us with times tables. Some of us have been using numicon to find and recognise doubles.



In Topic with Mr Banks, we have been learning our numbers and colours in Spanish.


Other News:

This week has been very exciting. On Wednesday, we had a WOW Wednesday focusing on Chinese New Year, some parents came in to join us. We made Chinese Lanterns, Chinese cookies and made paper chain dragons!


On Friday, we went on a trip to Space Centre and we all had so much fun! We can’t wait to visit again.


Our Pupil Awards this week went to

Pupil of the Week – Jaiden

Well done ☺


Have a lovely weekend, 

Miss Henderson, Miss Doherty, Mrs Alcock, Mrs Yardley & Mrs Duddle



Spring 1: Week 3 ( Week Commencing 22/01/24)


We have been working really hard this week in school, here is what we have been up to.



We have continued our story ‘Journey’ by Aaron Becker. We started designing our own magical gardens. We used some very exciting adjectives to describe them. We then wrote a setting description based on our gardens. The book Journey has no words, so we captions some pictures from the story ourselves.



We have started our multiplication and division topic this week starting by looking at equal and unequal groups. We used jelly beans to create our own equal groups, which was very fun! Some of us began to recognise multiplication expressions and show them by using groups and now we are looking at our 2’s, 5’s and 10 times tables.



In Science, we have been looking at living things and their habitats. We have created our own classification keys to sort animals of our choosing. We understand where we might find invertebrates and vertebrates and have been matching them to their habitats.



In Topic with Mr Banks, we looked at Ecuador and the United Kingdom and compared differences such as oceans, languages and capital cities.

Other News:

This week we have been continuing life skills and this week we used peelers to peel apples. Well done Carroll Class!


Our Pupil Awards this week went to

Pupil of the Week – Harvey

Writing Award – Leo

Well done ☺


Have a lovely weekend, 

Miss Henderson, Miss Doherty, Mrs Alcock, Mrs Yardley & Mrs Duddle



Spring 1: Week 2 ( Week Commencing 15/01/24)


We have settled back into school routine very quickly and have done some fantastic work this week.



We have continued our story ‘Journey’ by Aaron Becker. We have been using adjectives to describe the character and created our own character profiles. We then focused on the red pencil and decided it was a magic pencil. We then made our own red doors and drew what we thought was behind the door. 



We have been looking at money, we have continued with money and been adding and subtraction coins and working out change in the our own 'toy shop'. 



In Science, we have started our topic of Living Things and their habitats. We have been on an invertebrate hunt around school and had a visit to the science lab to see the stick insects. We then looked at classification keys and sorting animals by questions. 



In Topic with Mr Banks, we have had learnt some Spanish and made our own Ecuadorian cheesecake!


Other News:

This week we were very lucky to come to school in the snow! We enjoyed spending time outside building our own snowman and playing in the snow. 


Our Pupil Awards this week went to

Pupil of the Week – Johan

Maths Award – Leo

Well done ☺


Have a lovely weekend, 

Miss Henderson, Miss Doherty, Mrs Alcock, Mrs Yardley & Mrs Duddle


Spring 1: Week 1 ( Week Commencing 8/01/24)


We have had a fantastic first week back after Christmas and we have all settled back in quickly:



We have started the story ‘Journey’ by Aaron Becker. We have been exploring the front cover and making predictions on what we think will happen in the story. We have also looked at inference and drawing inference from a picture. We came up with some fantastic ideas about the character we were focusing on.



We have been looking at money, we started the week recognising coins some of us up to £50! We have been making amounts of money using coins and then moved on to making amounts using different coins.



In Science, we have started our topic of Living Things and their habitats. We have looked at vertebrates and invertebrates using animal x-rays to decide what animals are.



In Topic with Mr Banks, we have started our ‘On the continent’ topic, we have made our own passports ready to visit the country of Ecuador in the coming weeks.


Our Pupil Awards this week went to

Pupil of the Week – Caidi

Swimming Award – Matthew

Writing Award – Thomas

Well done ☺


Have a lovely weekend, 

Miss Henderson, Miss Doherty, Mrs Alcock, Mrs Yardley & Mrs Duddle


Autumn 2: Week 8 (Week Commencing 18/12/23)


We have had the best last week in school, it has been such a magical festive week!



This week, we have performed our nativity in front of KS3 and KS4 as well as to parents and carers! We have loved performing and practising this term and we are all so proud of how our performance went. Well done all of Primary for a fantastic performance!




This week, we have continued looking at shapes and made our own Christmas shape patterns. Some of us were recognising 2D shape faces on 3D shapes. We also made our own shapes using shape nets.


Other news:


We had a delicious Christmas dinner this week as well as a Christmas party! We visited Santa’s grotto and enjoyed lots of Christmas crafts.


Our Pupil Awards this week went to: 


All of Carroll Class for a brilliant term!


Have a lovely Christmas break and we will see you all in the New Year  

Miss Henderson, Miss Doherty, Mrs Alcock, Mrs Yardley & Mrs Duddle



Autumn 2: Week 7 (Week Commencing 11/12/23)


We have had a super busy week and we are very excited for Christmas now. Here is what we have been up to:




This week, we have planned letters to Father Christmas, what we want him to know and what we are excited for this Christmas. Then we wrote our letters to send to Father Christmas.


Some of us this week have been exploring lines of symmetry and began to investigate 3D shapes and recognising their properties. Some of us have been looking at 3D shapes and making our own using playdough. 




As we have come to the end of our London’s burning topic, we completed a quiz to show what we have learnt. All the children did amazing and have loved the topic. Well done Carroll Class.


 Other news:


We came into school to find our new friend Ernie the Elf has come to join us for December, we can’t wait to see what Ernie gets up to!


Our Pupil Awards this week went to: 


Pupil of the Week - Johan


Well done ☺


Have a lovely weekend  

Miss Henderson, Miss Doherty, Mrs Alcock, Mrs Yardley & Mrs Duddle


Autumn 2: Week 6 (Week Commencing 4/12/23)


We have had a lovely week in school this week



This week, we received a letter from a magic elf in the North Pole explaining how magic works. We wrote our own responses to the letter asking the elf to come and stay with us and he will stay magic.


We have also worked really hard practising for our Nativity performance.




This week, some of us have made shapes with straight sides using marshmallows as vertices. We have explored different 2D shapes and using the correct vocabulary to describe shapes.


 Other news:


This week we have focused a lot on nativity practise and enterprise items, we are really excited for the Christmas Fair.


Our Pupil Awards this week went to: 


Pupil of the Week - Leo


Well done ☺


Have a lovely weekend  


Miss Henderson, Miss Doherty, Mrs Alcock, Mrs Yardley & Mrs Duddle



Autumn 2: Week 5 (Week Commencing 27/11/23)


We have had a lovely week in school this week



This week, we have looked at Samuel Pepys and why he is significant. We looked at Samuel Pepys diary entry to retrieve information about the Great Fire of London. We then imagined we were there that day in 1666 and wrote a diary entry included what we did and how we were feeling.




This week, we have moved on to shape. We have been looking at regular and irregular polygons and describing properties of shapes including vertices and sides.


Some of us went on a shape hunt around school finding shapes in real life objects.




This week with Mr Banks, we have looked at how the Great Fire of London would be prevented in the present day, such as we now have brick houses instead of wooden houses. In Art, we created house silhouettes with cards to add to our fiery backgrounds.


 Other news:


We came into school to find our new friend Ernie the Elf has come to join us for December, we can’t wait to see what Ernie gets up to!


Our Pupil Awards this week went to: 


Pupil of the Week - Matthew


Well done ☺


Have a lovely weekend  

Miss Henderson, Miss Doherty, Mrs Alcock, Mrs Yardley & Mrs Duddle



Autumn 2: Week 4 (Week Commencing 20/11/23)


We have had a super fun week in school this week.



This week, we have looked at diary entries; we identified features of diary entries including pronouns, verbs and the date. We then wrote our own diary entries about a memorable day.




We have been looking at subtracting across ten and using different strategies including part whole methods to support our subtractions. Some of us have been looking at doubling numbers within 20.




With Mr Banks in Topic, we continued looking at The Great Fire of London and created a ‘fiery’ background ready for Art next week.  


Our Pupil Awards this week went to: 


Pupil of the Week - Jaiden


Well done ☺


Have a lovely weekend  

Miss Henderson, Miss Doherty, Mrs Alcock, Mrs Yardley & Mrs Duddle


Autumn 2: Week 3 (Week Commencing 13/11/23)


We have had a lovely week in school this week




This week, we have been working hard learning about pronouns. We have looked at personal pronouns and how we write in first person. We looked at describing a scene and using pronouns he, she and they within our work. 



We have been solving word problems this week, including two-step problems involving addition and subtraction. Some of us have been adding and subtracting up to 50 and some of us up to 20. We then moved onto adding to multiples of 10 and noticing patterns.




With Mr Banks in Topic, we have looked at the timeline from the great fire of London and used tissue paper to add flames to our skylines.


Other news: 

This week we have celebrated children in need. We made some Pudsey cupcakes in our cosy PJ’s and enjoyed lots of Pudsey crafts!


Our Pupil Awards this week went to: 


Pupil of the Week – Harvey


Well done ☺


Have a lovely weekend  

Miss Henderson, Miss Doherty, Mrs Alcock, Mrs Yardley & Mrs Duddle


Autumn 2: Week 2 ( Week Commencing 6/11/23)


We have had a lovely week in school this week



This week we have written our own poems based on our bonfire night experiences. We continued working on verbs and then looked at past and present tense adding ‘ed’ to a word to change the tense.


In Phonics, some of us have been looking at the /I,n,m,d/ sounds. Some of us have been focusing on ‘qu’ and some of us on blending and segmenting CVVC words.



This week we have continued looking at addition and subtraction. We have been adding by counting on and subtracting by counting back. We have used inverse to check our calculations and ended the week with solving one-step word problems involving addition and subtraction.


In Topic with Mr Banks, we have been continuing with The Great Fire of London. We have looked at the differences in fire engines and firefighting equipment in the modern day and fire engines in 1666.  We have talked about how our lives may differ from children in 1666.


Other news: 

We had a fantastic cinema trip to watch The Rise of Gru. All of the children were sensible and really lived up to our Applebee Wood values, we are very proud of all of them! Please remember Friday 17th is Children in Need and children are welcome to come to school in their favourite PJs or Onesies!

Our Pupil Awards this week went to: 


Pupil of the Week - Johan


Well done ☺️


Have a lovely weekend  

Miss Henderson, Miss Doherty, Mrs Alcock, Mrs Yardley & Mrs Duddle



Autumn 2: Week 1 ( Week Commencing 30/10/23)


We have had a very busy and exciting first week back.



This week we started the week sharing our holiday news with each other and then we have been working on verbs and using verbs in sentences. We have identified verbs in sentences and written verbs of our own. We have also enjoyed playing charades acting out different action words. 



This week we have started to look at addition and subtraction. We have revisited number bonds some of us to 10 and some of us to 20. We have then moved on to adding by counting on and beginning to look at inverse. 



In Topic with Mr Banks, we have started our 'London's Burning' topic. We have order dates on a timeline to understand how long ago the great fire of London was and we have started to look at present day London ready to compare with 1666 London. 


Other news: 

We all really enjoyed Halloween in school, we carved pumpkins, bobbed for apples and lots more fun Halloween crafts! Please remember we are going to the cinema on Tuesday next week. 

Our Pupil Awards this week went to: 


Pupil of the Week - Leo


Well done ☺️


Have a lovely weekend and stay safe this bonfire night 

Miss Henderson, Miss Doherty, Mrs Alcock, Mrs Yardley & Mrs Duddle


Autumn 1: Week 7 ( Week Commencing 16/10/23)


This week we have had a lovely week in Carroll class. We have been working as hard as ever. 



This week we have been working on poetry, we looked at rhyming words with a focus on autumn. We have wrote some fantastic rhyming poems and acrostic poems. We have been very lucky and developed our listening skills as Dahl class came to read us stories they have written.



This week we have been estimating numbers in different representations, we have estimated sweets in jars and looked at estimating on number lines. Some of us have been representing numbers using concrete resources. 



In Topic with Mr Banks, we have looked at google maps to find places within our local area. We looked at the distance from school to some of our favorite places.  


Other news: 


We really enjoyed Disney day, we loved seeing our teachers all dressed up and taking part in lots of disney activities including Disney Just Dance and made models of Forky from Toy Story. 

Our Pupil Awards this week went to: 


Pupil of the Week - Olivia

Phonics Award - Caidi


Well done ☺️


Have a lovely half term and we look forward to welcoming you all back after the holidays, 

Miss Henderson, Miss Doherty, Mrs Alcock, Mrs Yardley & Mrs Duddle

Autumn 1: Week 6 ( Week Commencing 09/10/23)


This week we have had a lovely week in Carroll class. We have been working as hard as ever. 



This week we have looked at the Author Lewis Carroll and found out lots of information about him. We then wrote our own biography based on Lewis Carroll. We found out that not only was Lewis Carroll a fantastic author, he was also a super mathematition.



This week we have been practising our times tables, focusing on our 2s, 5s and 10s. Some of us have moved on to our 3 times tables. We have been counting in 2s, 5s and 10s from any given number. 



In Science, we have looked at the 5 senses and explored how we use each sense. We did a sense test and a walk around school using our senses. Our favorite was taste, tasting lots of delicious treats!



In Topic with Mr Banks, we created our own skylines and continued to look at using a compass. 


Other news: 


We have enjoyed exploring purple mash in computing and creating algorithms to control games. 

Our Pupil Awards this week went to: 


Pupil of the Week - Harvey


Well done ☺️


Have a lovely weekend, 

Miss Henderson, Miss Doherty, Mrs Alcock, Mrs Yardley & Mrs Duddle

Autumn 1: Week 5 ( Week Commencing 02/10/23)


Another busy week in Carroll Class, we have had an amazing week and worked super hard!



This week we have been planning our own fantasy stories and creating our own fantasy characters. We have worked really hard on our handwriting and making sure our writing is readable. We have included some amazing adjectives in our writing to really set the scene for our settling. Next week, we will be reading our stories to Dahl Class. 



This week we some of us have using numicon to recognise and manipulate numbers within 10. We have been recognising one more and one. Some of us have been comparing numbers using greater than, less than and equal to symbols. We have also been representing numbers in different ways and ordering these up to 100. 



In Science, we have looked at the human body and the purpose of different parts of our bodies. We labelled the body and talked how about why we have certain body parts and the importance of them. 



In Topic with Mr Banks, we have been continuing with our work on directions. We have learnt the 4 points of a compass, North,East,South&West. We looked at the things around us in our classroom, our whiteboard is to the North and our tent is to the South. 


Other news: 


We have really enjoyed our music lesson, we used instruments to find the pulse and play to the beat. We have learnt a new song and enjoying singing and dancing as a class. 

Our Pupil Awards this week went to: 


Pupil of the Week - Jaiden 


Swimming Awards -

5m: Thomas

10m: Olivia

25m: Freddie


Well done ☺️


Have a lovely weekend, 

Miss Henderson, Miss Doherty, Mrs Alcock, Mrs Yardley & Mrs Duddle

Autumn 1: Week 4 ( Week Commencing 25/09/23)


What a super busy week we have had: 



This week we have continued looking at the story Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.  We have planned our own mad hatter's tea party including games, food and drinks. We wrote invites to some of our lucky friends and told them why they should attend. We have finished the story now and have written a book review, we all rate Alice in Wonderland very highly and would recommend! 



This week we have been partitioning numbers into tens and ones some of us up to 50 and some of us up to 100. Some of us have been recognising that numbers can be composed of two different parts. We have been able to represent all of our work using visuals and written work.



In Science, we have been researching different animals and finding out interesting facts ready to create our own animal fact file next week. 



In Topic with Mr Banks, we have been beginning to understand positional direction. We are looking at compass points and how to follow compass rules. We have followed compass direction to find the treasure at the end of the treasure map. 


Other news: 


We have really enjoyed our cooking lessons this term. This week we have made Alice in Wonderland themed 'eat me' cupcakes. We have focusing on algorithms in computing and we have made fantastic progress setting codes to move characters. 

Our Pupil Awards this week went to: 


Pupil of the Week - Zuhair

Maths Superstar - Kayden 

Well done ☺️


Have a lovely weekend, 

Miss Henderson, Miss Doherty, Mrs Alcock, Mrs Yardley & Mrs Duddle




Autumn 1: Week 3 ( Week Commencing 18/09/23)


What a busy week we have had. Here is what we have been up to: 



This week we have continued looking at the story Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. We have put ourselves in Alice’s shoes and imagined what the rabbit hole must have been like. What did she see? What did she smell? We then wrote some fantastic setting descriptions and used some amazing adjectives. We have had or first spelling test of the year and the children were brilliant and spelling their words so a huge thank you for helping them practise  at home.



This week we have been practising counting in our 2s and 5s. We have had a times table treasure hunt and beginning to count in 2s and 5s on number lines. 



In Science, we have been looking at animal diets and whether animals are herbivores, carnivores or omnivores. We have done some fantastic animal sorting activities and sharing facts with each other about our favourite animals. 



In Topic with Mr Banks, we have been creating our own maps of the school and what different rooms are in our school. We have used our left and right positional language to accurately plot on our maps. 


Other news: 


We had a WOW Wednesday this week focusing on British Values. We first looked at democracy and spoke about how grown ups vote in an election. We then had our own voting in class and discussed how school council is the pupils voice within school. We also looked at respect and tolerance and how we all respect each other in school and within the community. We made a friendship wreath and spoke about how we are all different and that is what makes us unique! 

Our Pupil Awards this week went to: 


Pupil of the Week - Thomas 

School Council Kindness Award - Olivia 

Well done ☺️


Have a lovely weekend, 

Miss Henderson, Miss Doherty, Mrs Alcock, Mrs Yardley & Mrs Duddle


Autumn 1: Week 2 ( Week Commencing 11/09/23)


We have had a lovely week this week in Carroll class and we have all been super learners. Here’s what we have been learning:



This week we started reading Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. We have been focusing on ‘down the rabbit hole’. We started by drawing inference from the text. Why does Alice find books without pictures boring? We decided that books without pictures were dull and needed colour. We then moved onto predicting what will be waiting at the bottom of the rabbit hole. We had some great ideas such as a pool of water, sticky mud and lots of rabbits. We have wrote our own character descriptions on the White Rabbit after watching a snippet of Disney’s Alice in Wonderland ready for next week when we find out what is wonderland. 



This week we have been learning about representing numbers in different ways. We have use Base 10 to help us and we have been fantastic using our timetable knowledge to help us count representations. We are beginning to understand the place value of tens and ones and have begun to model numbers in many different ways. 



In Science, we have been identifying features of animals in different groups and what is similar and differences in animals such as birds all have feathers but not all birds can fly. 



In Topic with Mr Banks, we have enjoyed looking at Google maps to find street names on maps. We looked for the street name our school is on, our favourite places to eat and our favourite shop. We also create our own classroom maps and labelled them. 


Other news: 


The children had their first swimming lesson of the year and wow they were amazing! We are extremely proud of how sensible the children were and how the listened well to their swimming instructor at Penwortham leisure centre. We made the most delicious rainbow cake in cooking and it went down a treat! 

Our Pupil Awards this week went to: 


Pupil of the Week - Jaiden

Maths Superstar - Harvey 

Well done smiley


Have a lovely weekend, 

Miss Henderson, Miss Doherty, Mrs Alcock, Mrs Yardley & Mrs Duddle

Autumn 1: Week 1 ( Week Commencing 4/09/23)


Welcome back!


We hope you enjoyed your summer break. All of our children and staff have came back to school rearing to go straight into the new school year. We have settled into our brand new classroom and beginning to follow our new routines. We have had a very busy week making new friends, setting our new class rules and enjoying ourselves. Here’s what we have been learning: 



We started the week sharing our holiday news and it was lovely to hear all the amazing things the children have been up to over the summer. 


This half term we are focusing on fantasy stories and we will be reading Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. We introduced fantasy stories and what is a fantasy. We made our own fantasy worlds and came up with some fantastic places. Cotton candy clouds were a favourite in class!



This week staff have been busy completing assessments. We have started our maths topic of place value this week. Some of us have been reading and writing numbers to 20, some of us to 50 and some of us to 100! 



In Science we have started to learn about animals including humans. We have looked at different animal groups and where we see different types of animals, we also grouped animals into their animal groups. The children were shocked that humans are in fact mammals!




Our topic this half term is 'My Town and Me’. We have looked at maps of our local area and pinpointed different places on a map such as; our school, places people live, places to shop. 


Other news: 


The children have made a fantastic start to the school year and we are all so proud of how well they have settled. We will not be using communication diaries this year and instead Miss Henderson will be using SeeSaw as a means of communicating. Children should all now have a reading book coming home with them and we would love to see the children all reading at home. 


Have a lovely weekend, 

Miss Henderson, Miss Doherty, Mrs Alcock, Mrs Yardley & Mrs Duddle

