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Applebee Wood Community Specialist School

Respect, Belonging, Trust, Resilience, Aspiration


Welcome to Simmonds Class!

Welcome to Simmonds Class! We are a year 8/9 small, semi-formal class made up of 5 boys.

The team:

Miss Chadwick - Class Teacher

Mrs Murray - Teaching Assistant

Mrs Danson - Teaching Assistant 

Our Timetable:

Autumn 1:


This term we will be continuing to develop our mathematical knowledge through numeracy lessons, number songs, computing, online platforms such as Purple Mash and much more. In literacy we will explore a variety of texts using colourful semantics to help us to do this. We will be building our phonics skills, practicing our spellings and reading our individual reading books every day. Our understanding of oursleves and the world around us will be woven in to all our lessons in Simmonds class. 
