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Applebee Wood Community Specialist School

Respect, Belonging, Trust, Resilience, Aspiration


Summer Fun Day (1).mp4

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Cheer 2024.mp4

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Christmas 2023!

My Movie 106.mp4

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Well done to the Cheerleaders!

Applebee Wood Christmas 2022!

Cheer HQ 3.mp4

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jubilee v3.mp4

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Winners of the Christmas Raffle

Lancashire Special Schools Sports Achievements 

This term the Lancashire Sports Events had to go virtual. 

Different schools across Lancashire compete in the events and the scores are then collected and winners from the different schools announced. 

A huge well done to all the pupils who took part in the different events from the safety of their bubbles. 


The Boccia Blast 


We had two pupils who came joint 3rd 

We done to Michael (Year 8) and Jack (Year 9)


New Age Kurling Roll Away



We had a  number of pupils who scored the highest score (30)

Finishing in joint 1st place 

Well done to Layton (Year 8), Ethan, Shane and Jack (Year 9)


The daily mile, cross country and movement miles



Well done to all the pupils who ran around the field, walked laps of the playground and moved up and down the corridor to record your miles. 


Especially well done to Rio who can 2nd over all and Isaac who came in 3rd place. 


Moor Hey came 1st in the team competition with the most miles records. 


Christmas Card Competition 

A huge well done to all pupils who took part in the Christmas Card competition for Katherine Fletcher MP

She was impressed by the quality of the entries she received, it was a tough job deciding the winner. 

Special congratulations to Elias (Year 7) who was the runner up in this year's competition. Elias painting of Santa and his reindeer wishing everyone Merry Christmas from our bubble to yours is so creative and colourful and really sets the Christmas tone. 

Katherine will be sharing Elias's design along with the winner and the other runner up on her website and Facebook page and on the inside of this year's Christmas Card so that everyone can see how brilliant Elias's painting is. 


Huge well done Elias from all at Moor Hey 


Congratulations to our new house captains


Hodder    Captain - Charlie H

              Vice-Captain - Eric B


Ribble     Captain - Alex S

              Vice-Captain - Isaac B


Lune       Captain - Shawn J

              Vice-Captain - Jacob W


Wyre      Captain - Zac T

              Vice-Captain - Jake P

