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Applebee Wood Community Specialist School

Respect, Belonging, Trust, Resilience, Aspiration


Welcome to Bowie Class!

Form Tutors - Mr S. Dobrijevic & Mrs F. Nickeas

Teaching Assistants - Mr Almond & Mrs Derbyshire


In the Autumn Term, we welcomed Jess and Sofia to Bowie. The class is now made up of 12 students - 8 boys and 4 girls. Each of us hold unique personality traits that when brought together make for a vibrant, enthusiastic and exuberant form group.  


We attend college on Wednesday mornings which provides us with an opportunity to experience and obtain skills that will help us with further education. Some of us go to Creativity Works, Preston and some go to Preston Vocational Centre.


We enjoy what school life has to offer and regularly challenge ourselves to aspire to be the best that we can be. 

We look forward to sharing with you the progress we make throughout the academic year. 


Team Bowie.


Autumn Term 1

In September, some of Bowie Class applied for the House Captain, Prefect, Head Boy and Head Girl roles. The pupils completed application forms and if they wanted to apply for head girl/head boy, they had to write a letter of application. They were then interviewed by Mrs Wooldridge (Chair of Governors), Mrs Padgeon (Headteacher) and Mrs Nickeas (Key Stage 4 Phase Leader).

Congratulations to the following pupils in Bowie class who were appointed:


Prefect with responsibility for the PE store and equipment – Michael

Prefects with responsibility for primary – Lucas 

Prefect with responsibility for lunchtime supervision – Jenny 

Prefect with responsibility for lunchtime sports club – Anthony

Prefect with responsibility for the house captains – Ethan 

House Captain of Europe – Alex Piaseki


We have been busy visiting colleges over the last few weeks. This is to help us choose the right college for us. So far, we have visited West Lancs Community High, Runshaw College, Blackburn College, Preston College and Myerscough College. Michael has also visited Southport College and Lucas has visited Arden College. Mrs Nickeas will be helping us to apply for the colleges over the next few weeks.


Autumn Term 2

What a busy half term! We have done some of our exams and have all tried our best with these. Some of us have had college interviews! For the Christmas Fair, we set up Santa's Grotto in our classroom. We did this for one of our ASDAN units. Michael decided to do a "Guess how many push-ups I can do" competition at the Christmas Fair, and raised lots of money! We also made some wooden decorations to sell. We loved having a Christmas party with all of Key Stage 4 and enjoyed a cup of luxury hot chocolate!


Spring Term 1

We all had a lovely break over Christmas and are back at school, ready for another busy term! Most of our work experience placements have now been arranged and we are really looking forward to this, although we are also a little bit anxious. 

Most of us are going to the Isle of Man in March, which we are really excited about.

We have been working hard with all our coursework and with preparation for exams.

Spring Term 2

All of the year 11 pupils had a fabulous work experience! The staff are really proud of us! We did our work experience from Monday 25th February to Friday 1st March. This is where we did our placements:


Jack - DFH Auto Ltd, Blackpool.

Anthony - Hoghton Lane Garage, Hoghton

Sofia - Clipper and Brush, Lostock Hall

Jessica and Jenny - My Life Legacy, Wigan

Alex - One Vision Media Productions, Wigan

Lucas and Michael - Barnardo's Project, Lostock Hall

Layton - Lostock Hall Community Primary School kitchen




Work Experience 26th February to 1st March

Most of us went to the Isle of Man for 3 nights! We stayed at The Venture Centre and did lots of outdoor activities. We travelled on a ferry and it was great fun.

Isle of Man 25th - 28th March

We have also cooked a 2-course meal for a member of staff for our final cooking coursework and we have all taken the level 2 food safety award.

It's been a busy half term!

Summer Term 1

This half term, a lot of us have taster days at our chosen colleges. It is an exciting but scary time. 

We have also sat our exam for the Level 2 food safety award. Anyone working in catering is required to have this qualification. Some of the staff have also sat the same exam!

Some of us have done the bronze Duke of Edinburgh expedition and some have done the silver Duke of Edinburgh practice expedition!


Summer Term 2

This is the final half term at Applebee Wood for most of us! All but one of us leaves on the 29th June. We will be sad to leave, but it is the start of new adventures and we will keep in touch with each other. This term, we are looking forward to the summer fun day, year 11 activity week, the prom and our graduation. Jess will be moving into Peake class when the rest of us leave.
