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Applebee Wood Community Specialist School

Respect, Belonging, Trust, Resilience, Aspiration


Year 9 Spring Update 2024


Rashford class have had an exciting time recently, we have experienced lots of new things ans are getting ready for our journey into KS4. 


In maths we have completed lots of work around money and fractions. 

We celebrated World Book Day with a focus on Vikings. 



We have been cooking lots of different desserts from around Europe.



We visited Brockholes Visitor Centre as part of our ASDAN work. 



We made some WWI trenches when we were completing an AQA unit award about life during WWI.

Welcome to Year 9

Rashford class have just started their last year in Key Stage 3 and are looking forward to all the new things that are planned. We have welcomed a new pupil to our class this year which sees us rise to 11 pupils. 

Four pupils are to attend lessons outside of school with two pupils attending Preston North End Education Trust and two pupils attending Myerscough College. 

Many of the pupils will also attend swimming lessons on Friday afternoons. 


Our topics for this half term include

The Slave Trade

War Horse - By Michael Morpurgo

Number and Place Value

Talk Boost 

Report Writing 


Plans are also well underway for the KS3 residential in January when we will be returning to Hothersall Lodge. 


We would like to welcome Miss Keane to our class smiley

Summer 2023

Rashford class have started the summer term as we finished the last one, producing some very pleasing work. Miss Bell and Miss Patel have been particularly impressed by the improvements some of us have made with our writing. 

Our humanities topics this term are populations and The French Revolution. We have started a new book called 'Holes' about a wrongly accused boy being sent to a juvenile detention centre. We are looking forward to celebrating the King's Coronation and to taking part in sports day later in the term. 

Spring Term 2023

After the Christmas holidays we were soon back to work, this time focusing on a whole range of new topics including India, The Suffragettes, data handling, playscripts and our new class book- The Secret Key. 

All pupils worked hard during this term and many made super progress in their learning. Some of the work that was produced was OUTSTANDING! 

During this term we also celebrated World Book Day and learnt about The Windrush Generation. 




Hothersall Lodge Residential

Some of KS3 went on a residential visit to Hothersall Lodge near Longridge where they took part in activities such as: canoeing, team-building challenges, gorge scrambling, den building, climbing, zip-wire and lighting camp fires.

We all had an amazing time, plus the food was fantastic. We all managed to challenge ourselves and do things which both scared us and made us feel brave. We managed to make new friends and got to know old friends a little better.

Autumn Term Year 8

We have made a super start to Year 8 and have been working on some new and exciting topics from natural disasters to CSI. In literacy we have been reading Private Peaceful by Michael Morpurgo and have been learning about what life was like in a WWI trench. There have been two focus days this half term, one was around British Values and the other was Africa Day. 

Here are some photos of the things we have been up to. 


