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Applebee Wood Community Specialist School

Respect, Belonging, Trust, Resilience, Aspiration


Welcome to Brunel Class!

Mrs Towers (Class Teacher)

Mrs Townsend (Class Teacher)

Mrs Murray (Teaching Assistant)

Miss Walton ( Teaching Assistant)

Mrs Hooper (Teaching Assistant)




Welcome to our class page. Here you can see all the fun learning that we do in Brunel class. We are a class of 10 happy children and we have lots of teachers that help us to have fun and learn. 


We are very ready for the new school year and are very excited to show you how hard we are working and all of the learning we are doing this school year.


Please continue to follow this page for photos and information about what we are doing in Brunel class. 


Autumn term 2 so far...

Autumn term 2


In Brunel class this term, we have many new topics that we are learning. In English this term we are learning about Percy the Park keeper, we have also done so many activities already such as a storyboard and making puppets out of the characters of the story. In numeracy we are still working hard on our multiplication and now division, however some of the children find this to be very easy! In science we are looking all about the human body especially the different parts of the skeleton that we have. The children also got to go in the science lab and see some of the skeletons that we have. In topic we have been learning all about baby animals and how to care for pets which some of the children already know how to do because they have their own pets. Art this term we are looking at different artists and how to create their work using our own skills, we have some future picasso's in here! In P.E. we have been learning about the different types of jumps and even some of the rolls that are used in gymnastics which some of the children have never done before but enjoyed trying something new.

Autumn term: 1 recap


The children of Brunel class had a fantastic first half term filled with lots of fun and lots of practical activities! They even got to ask a real police officer about their jobs in the community!


Autumn term 1


Lessons this term:


  • Literacy- In literacy this term with Mrs. Townsend we have been looking at the story cops and robbers the children have found this very entertaining and have thoroughly enjoyed acting out the parts to the story and doing the activities related to it. 
  • Numeracy- In Numeracy this term with Mrs Towers we have been focusing on our 2 and 10 times tables. This has been going exceptionally well with the children as some of the children are ready for the challenge of going all the way up to 100! The children have also enjoyed the numeracy related games that they have been allowed to play to support their learning.
  • Cooking- In cooking this term with Mrs Nickeas we have looked at how to stay safe when in the kitchen and what we should and should not be doing, such as: tying our hair up and ensuring equipment is not left out.
  • Science- In science this term with Miss Hodgson we have been looking at describing different materials, we have done this through many activities such as seeing which objects sink and float in water. We have also looked through transparent materials and also used different magnets. Some of the children in Brunel were also allowed to hold the stick insects in the science lab!
  • ICT- In ICT this term with Mr Mahmood we have been looking at using purple mash and doing the activities on purple mash as we have been given new laptops to be used within our class ICT lessons!
  • PSD- In PSD this week with Mrs Gallagher we have been looking at alcohol and identifying which objects have alcohol in and if alcohol is good for a healthy lifestyle or if alcohol is not necessary to have a happy and healthy lifestyle.
  • RE-In RE this term, Mr Dunbavin has been teaching us about Christianity and how many days it took for God to create the world and what he created step by step. The children have enjoyed watching all of the videos and learning about Christianity.
  • Phonics- In phonics this term with Mrs Townsend and Miss Hall, we have learnt lots of different words and how to sound them out to help with our spelling and our vocabulary. We have also played many phonics games to help make their learning more interactive.
  • Communication- In communication this term with Mrs Townsend, we have all been learning how to use makaton and how to communicate to each other with it as there are many children in the school who use this form of communication and it helps to break communication barriers.
  • P.E.- In P.E. this term with Mr Dunbavin, we were doing many different dances and trying to learn the Macarena and the Cha Cha slide. Many of the children enjoyed this and were able to accurately copy majority of the dance moves whilst adding their own dance moves too!
  • Topic- In topic this term with Mrs Towers, we have been looking at many different explorers that are quite famous such as; Neil Armstrong and Matthew Henson. The children have also acted out parts that they did such as trying to be an explorer like the famous explorers that they have been learning about. Many of the children could also accurately remember facts about the different explorers. 
  • Art- In art this term with Mrs Gallagher, the children were given clay and all tried to make a sculpture of a cut up pepper. However, some of the other children made their own designs such as a coffee mug and even a cat!
  • Music- In music with Miss Bell this term we have been making our own music and following the song Music man and each group had a turn to play their instruments to the song.
  • Careers- In careers this term with Mrs Towers, we have been looking at different jobs and what the job entails them to be able to do.