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Applebee Wood Community Specialist School

Respect, Belonging, Trust, Resilience, Aspiration



We aim to make History an enjoyable learning experience. At Applebee Wood we teach British History, European and World History. The following concepts underpin our study of History:

  • Chronological understanding – using dates that describe historical periods and analysing the characteristic features of periods and societies.
  • Cultural, ethnic and religious diversity – understanding the experiences and ideas in past societies.
  • Change and continuity – within and across periods of history.
  • Cause and consequence – analysing and explaining historical events.
  • Significance – considering the significance of historical events in the past and present day.
  • Interpretation – understanding how people form interpretations of historical events.



The following skills and processes are needed to enable our pupils to learn and make progress in History:

  • Historical inquiry – identify and investigate historical issues and reflect critically on historical questions or issues; devising their own questions to structure an investigation.
  • Using evidence – identify, select and use a range of historical sources, and evaluate the reliability and value of those sources, to reach reasoned conclusions.
  • Communicating about the past – present historical accounts using chronological conventions and historical vocabulary. Communicate their knowledge and understanding of historical events – developing writing, speaking and listening skills as they recall, select, classify and organise historical information.
  • In EYFS, Key Stages 1 and 2, History is taught alongside Geography in a Topic based format. Pupils will complete a History topic in one half term and then Geography a topic the next half term.
  • In Key Stage 3, year 7 and Year 8  pupils have one  alternate 50 minute History/ Geography  lesson each week on an alternate basis between the two subjects. In Year 9 the pupils are studying for the History AQA units and have 2 50 minutes lessons a week. 



For pupils to have a varied and stimulating curriculum, and to develop an understanding of the world around them based on previous events.


Humanities and Links to Other Subjects


  • Using a wide range of different kinds of texts from various religious, historical and geographical sources.
  • Focus on both speaking and listening and reading and writing to develop pupils’ literacy skills.
  • Having written methods to record knowledge.



  • Temperature
  • Collecting data and recording data
  • Tally charts and graphs
  • Using measures



  • Use of the internet to investigate, analyse and evaluate different aspects and issues.
  • Use digital cameras and video to bring authentic images into the classroom to support discussion.
  • Use presentation software to communicate a personal response to a discussion.
  • Record and write reports and power-points to show knowledge and understanding.
  • Produce graphs and charts.
  • Google maps



  • Pupils will explore geological phenomenon and consider the impact of our choices with regards to energy resources.
  • Pupils will investigate how our scientific understanding has developed over time and learn about key individuals who have moved our understanding forwards.



  • Developing pupils’ knowledge and understanding about the diversity of identities in the UK and the need for mutual respect.
  • Encourage understanding of the origins of ethnic and cultural diversity.
  • Enabling pupils to think about topical issues including the importance of resolving conflict fairly.
  • Exploring the rights, responsibilities and duties of citizens locally, nationally and globally.
  • Enabling pupils to justify and defend orally, and in writing, personal opinions about issues, problems and events.


Personal, Social and Health Education

  • Developing confidence and responsibility.
  • Learning about right and wrong, and what is fair and unfair.
  • Developing a healthy, safer lifestyle by learning about religious teachings on drug use and misuse, relationships and human sexuality.
  • Learning about sensitivities in relation to sex education – consider and express their own views.
  • Developing good relationships and respecting the differences between people – challenging racism, discrimination and offending behaviour.
  • Considering issues of marriage and family life and encountering people whose beliefs are different from their own.


Key Skills   

  • Investigation
  • Expression
  • Interpretation
  • Reflection
  • Empathy
  • Application
  • Analysis
  • Evaluation